I spent almost 40 years in the Biopharma R&D complex. I see pharma being used as a tool of the organised tyrants. The perpetrators of the global coup d’etat aren’t a handful of big pharma CEOs. They’re willing accomplices and enablers, for sure. But they’re not the leaders of all this.

One major correction I must make. The germ theory of viral diseases is flat wrong. The deception that it was right was pivotal to expansion of “vaccination” & was carefully created by the very same people.

So, no floating viral pathogens, no new illness, no public health emergency.

Gain-of-function creation of worse pathogens is a PsyOp.

Please avoid amplifying the deception, except to mock or expose it for what it is.

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Perhaps there have been other golden ages than the Western one? Ayurveda or medieval Arabic medicinal practice come to mind.

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The US imported Japanese and German GOF scientists to practice their dark arts on the American taxpayers' dime.

This is not the first instance of such an activity: A few decades earlier, the US imported Hitler's rocketeers to design the US space program.

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I'm so thrilled to see you have a substack and how engaging it is! I had missed seeing you on twitter so hunted you down to see what's up. hope you are well Toby

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Thank you Tara. This is where I bring the thunder because I get banned everywhere else!

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haha word. I am still in the process of transferring all of my hempyhope blog posts here. as you know, during 2020 GOOGLE wiped my entire domain out there, lost forever… except i had downloaded every single bit of writing i ever published… bc of course ppl like you and i could see the writing on the wall :) carry on my friend, bring the fire! just added your stack to my recommendations here too.

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Sadly, most of the "alternatives" are pushing toxic Ivermectin, another big pharma drug. Merck is making billions. https://chemtrails.substack.com/p/ivermectin-and-population-control

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Actually, Ivermectin is one of the safest drug having less side effects than Tylenol.

I'm surprised that you never heard that fact. Also, anything can be toxic in excess if taken incorrectly. You can die from drinking too much water, for example, and I don't mean drowning in it. LOL.

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Side effects are serious. Not sure where you get the information that it is a safe drug. As well, it interacts with over 90 other drugs and no one ever talks about those risks. Tptb want people to take it, clearly so they devised a controlled opposition plan to make it appear that it’s hard to find access to it. The whole thing is a global psyop and Ivermectin is part of it. https://www.drugs.com/sfx/ivermectin-side-effects.html

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Aug 12·edited Aug 12

"Actually, Ivermectin is one of the safest drug having less side effects than Tylenol."

Please read this substack on the 'safe, effective and almost zero side effect' Tylenol. This article is very good but is not even close to being NEW news. Also read the first 3-4 Top Comments to this article if possible.


"I'm surprised that you never heard that fact."

But what you stated wasn't fact. Too many people think a strongly held narrative, opinion, desire or wish .. is objective (a fact). No. Rarely to never. And in this case, the same. Subjective.

What are your thoughts on Dr Yoho's article re: Tylenol?

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since it's out of patent, most of the "petmectin" or imports probably profit indian pharmaceutical giants, but why Merck? If the alternative is RunDeathisNear @ 1000 USD a pop vs a course of inv for a few dollars, your claim seems outright bizarre..

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Fantastic words of wisdom. I loved everything you do to give us the truth & facts. If everyone listen to fearless leaders like yourself, the world will be healthier, future generations will become healthier. I loved history & it definitely can teach us & guide us to better health. We need to keep supporting Dr Toby & others like, Dr Gary Null, Dr Joseph Mercola, Dr Peter McCollough, Dr Ryan Cole, Dr Jessica Rose & so many other Doctors who are risking their careers & life to tell the truth. It’s really disgusting & disturbing to see how these wonderful & amazing doctors are treated. But, after all ridiculous nonsense towards these Doctors, WE THE PEOPLE have the ultimate power to support them. WE THE PEOPLE have the ultimate power to refuse & reject all EXPERIMENTAL JABS!

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Also - reconsidering the history of history. Our view of history is that the historians ultimately render the correct verdicts. I have my doubts about that - at least until I start to see some realism with respect to the house of mirrors that is the United States.

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Bang on but devastating

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Everything is relative. You obviously don’t understand the rationale behind the protections.

Of course there have been bad actors in the Pharmaceutical Industry, but it is wrong to paint the entire field as evil b/c of the acts of a very few.

Vaccines have been a boon to mankind.

Maybe you are a plaintiff lawyer ?


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So you believe that pharmaceutical companies ever place the improved health of the public over corporate profits? They have paid billions in damages that say otherwise, not to mention their admissions that have come to light in court proceedings. As a whole, vaccines have been a mistake. They tamper with complex systems we pretend to understand but don’t and cannot. There were on average about 450 measles deaths a year in the United States before the advent of the vaccine to prevent them. Almost all of the reduction in mortality achieved in the last century was due to non medical advances. Over 95% from studies I have read. It is a tribute to propaganda that people believe it is the other way round. Over half of American children now have one or more chronic conditions, seems a poor trade

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As a retired physician I agree entirely with what you have said. The debacle in the profession since 2020 has simply unmasked the soulless mercenaries who call themselves physicians. Stay away from 95% of them. They are dangerous to your well-being, and they only look out for themselves.

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Bob, thanks for sharing. I totally agreed with everything you saying. We cannot trust most doctors these days, I’ve seen for myself how older folks like my families were treated during Covid & AFTER Covid. All the prescriptions they continue to get from doctors & it’s NOT IMPROVING THEIR HEALTH. Their health, It’s getting worst. I’m not a believer in RX medications, where I came from, we NEVER had all these DRUGS, we used common sense & critical thinking & we used the ULTIMATE CURE, food & natural medicines. Noting is better than going ALL NATURAL/ HOLISTIC! I’m living proof of that it works wonders.

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Yes I left traditional medicine after only 4 years of drug pushing and went to providing holistic general care. A much better way, but not so lucrative for those who make their profits from ill health .

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This is simply not true ! Stop repeating this blatant LIE !

But, recent government regulation has induced a top-down hierarchy under which Physicians are not allowed to put patients’ interests first and remain their Patients’ advocates.

This corruption has little or nothing to do with pharmaceutical manufacturers, and everything to do with the burgeoning federal bureaucracy.

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Jul 27Liked by Toby Rogers

Which statement is a blatant lie? Hard to tell what you're referring to.

As for the corruption having little or nothing to do with pharmaceutical manufacturers, I fail to see how that could possibly be true. But I agree that the burgeoning federal bureaucracy is definitely a problem.

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I’m a retired Physician-Med School Prof. These claims are inflammatory & atrociously untrue.

Yes, there are dangers everywhere. Choose your Physicians very carefully. The best way is to find out where other MD’s send their families.

And, I have been advised, by colleagues who should know, to REFUSE any ‘’vaccine’’ developed after 2010. That includes all mRNA & COVID shots.


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Refuse any vaccine developed after about 1986, when the Reagan administration granted vaccines blanket protection from liability. Talk about a perverse incentive.

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I understand how you came to this conclusion, but you've been mislead.

1986 was a bad year for vaccines, human health and especially kids, no doubt. But go back 200 years from your 1986. They've been protected long, long before 1986. And the 'vaccines' back then sickened, weakened, deformed, slaughtered (all the previous - usually for life) and even killed just as good as C-19 has done. Just as the new & improved vaccines are doing as I type. All of them.

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The 1986 change was like gasoline on a fire. Look how the number of "vaccines" increased starting exactly then.

I didn't mean to make it sound like I think *any* vaccine is a good idea. I'm old enough to have only gotten smallpox and polio vaccines. I think for childhood diseases, getting the real bug is a better idea.

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Understand & agree 100%. Just wanted to -kind of- clarify what you said in my 1st response to you.

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No worries, I didn't express myself completely.

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"And, I have been advised, by colleagues who should know, to REFUSE any ‘’vaccine’’ developed after 2010. "

Got it. But, why after 2010? Before 2010 vaccines were safe and effective? I think you're on to something.

You're a Doctor. Pre 2010, specifically, what vaccines have been:

* Safe

* Effective

* Safe & Effective

We are undecided. Can you please list the above for us? Guide the people who have read your post. Be specific, please.

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Measles, poliomyelitis, tetanus, rubella, some of the ‘’flu shots’’, viral hepatitis, bacterial pneumonia, etc.

And, in animals, rabies vaccine.

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The rabies vaccine is far from safe. My dog had 2 serious adverse reactions to the ALUMINUM adjuvants in that thing! Aluminum is a neurotoxin but the manufacturers use it anyway because it’s cheap. Read Dr. Christopher Exley’s brilliant and brave warnings about aluminum’s toxic effects on the human body. Now she gets zero vaccines. The AL industry has tried to destroy him for his honesty.

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Retired Doctor/Professor, this was great. Exactly what I was looking for.

If you have time in the next couple of days, could you please post some science/research links for any/all of the safe and effective vaccines you listed that I can use to help back up my very pro vax stance?

Since 2020 the wheels kind of fell off (a tiny bit) the ol’ Vaccine Train. But previous to 2020, a big thumbs up to 95% of the 724 vaccines out there. Most are truly safe and effective. Miracle Meds, is what I call them. Where would we be without them?

One last thing. Would you mind if I copy/paste your response(s) to me in email to a couple of rigid people I know who are uber anti-all vaccines? And maybe post your response(s) to me on some substacks? Key: I’ll leave your name off + no links to this post. I'll just tell everyone it came from a very knowledgeable source within Medicine. Would this be ok? Let me know.

It’s really important we all stay objective with our evidence of being pro/con vaccines, meds, chemo. Right? If you have time, help me prove the crazed "anti-vaxxers" wrong.


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I changed specialty many years back and am no longer n this field. Please consult the American Academy of Pediatrics or a State Department of Health.

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"Please consult the American Academy of Pediatrics or a State Department of Health"

No thank you. Those are 2 of the last places I would want to consult. Neither should you, your loved ones or your patients. And, Pediatrics / (all) Pediatricians are 4 letter potty words.

But, back to your main points above, ok? You'd be helping the Departments you mentioned above if you'd drop the proof of those vaccines being safe & effective. I would think they'd want you to do this. Where am I going wrong? They are great lifesaving (and safe) products, right?

Seems you/they would want to prove this. I'll pass it along to others. So please, post some links that will objectively (key word) prove the vaccines you mentioned are safe &/or effective. And when you said 'some' flu vaccines are safe & effective, which ones were those? Can you be specific?


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Jul 25Liked by Toby Rogers

Have you written about chronic fatigue syndrome?

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Jul 26Liked by Toby Rogers

Thank you! I passed on to a friend that has it. I had no idea you also did also. You put up a strong front!

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Jul 25Liked by Toby Rogers

I have a friend who suffered from that. He is convinced that CFS is a vaccine injury.

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Jul 25Liked by Toby Rogers

It was one of those things that came out of nowhere in the 80s I think and I read it was probably a result of a bioweapon like Lyme's but I don't really know or remember details.

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Jul 25Liked by Toby Rogers

My friend started having CFS symptoms after going to India, just prior to which he was required to take a battery of vaccines to get his passport.

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Jul 25Liked by Toby Rogers

Then I would believe it's the vaccines too.

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Jul 25Liked by Toby Rogers

Can include Anthrax and Lymes to that list?

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As a practicing physician, I consider contemporary Western medicine a soulless technocracy. Many factors have contributed: the development of "Rockefeller medicine" that promotes synthetic pharmaceuticals to attack the "diseased" parts of a person instead of strengthening the whole person; the corporatization of medical practice; the incestuous relationships between medicine and Pharma and regulatory bodies, etc. But there is an even more central factor, usually overlooked. It is a 3-letter word, beginning with G and ending in d. The original Hippocratic Oath appealed to "gods."But in recent iterations of that oath, all mention of God or transcendant spiritual values has vanished. Modern medicine has a God-sized hole in its heart.

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