The "medical" practice of "gender affirmation" "care" is another prime example of iatrogenic harm, and the Orwellian version of medicine/public health. For more on skyrocketing numbers of children having puberty blocked, wrong sex hormones administered, breasts removed, and enduring other sex change surgeries., based on mystical money-making rationales, see Affirming Trans Identities is Wrong at https://caroldansereau.substack.com/p/affirming-trans-identities-is-harmful

Follow links to read the WPATH Files, the CASS Review, etc. Thank you for your article. The madness encompasses nearly everything...including the nonprofit industrial complex which supposedly advocates for just policies.

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Oct 22Liked by Toby Rogers

Hi Toby, great article. Apart from the vax's, there is a deeper reasoning as to why people are so sick and low dopamine and easily controlled. Too much exposure to blue light (artificial light, LED and screens and not enough sunlight at the right times) Check out Dr Jack Kruse, he is a neurosurgeon and a truth seeker and boy has it just unleashed several great in depth podcast with Danny Jones, better on Patreon. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SiBFtwbyv44

Jack is all over it and a great historian I've been listening to him for over a year now. !! His last podcast with Australian podcaster Adrian was mind blowing https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/adrian-damico7/episodes/EP-98--Dr--Jack-Kruse-e2pja8p

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Dr. Jack’s chili sets my soul ablaze!

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Oct 21Liked by Toby Rogers

Public health and the whole medical system are a caricature of how health systems should present. A lot will depend on what happens in the coming weeks.

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Oct 21Liked by Toby Rogers

No such thing as 'public' health. 'Health' is as individual as individual can be!

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Absolutely correct. Public Health, like the public “good,” is an undefined and undefinable concept—a chimera. It was a collectivistic enterprise from its inception and cannot be reformed. There’s no producing good fruit from a rotten tree. End it, don’t mend it.

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Oct 21Liked by Toby Rogers

Sick people don't think clearly. You're absolutely right -- that's what we're seeing everywhere.

Add all the other crap people have to be contend with (electromagnetic radiation, fluoridated water, non-food, isolation, being far too busy, artificial sweeteners that disrupt normal biochemistry in the body....it's madness!) and it's amazing people can get out of the house every morning.

Thanks for continuing to highlight that none of this is normal.

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Oct 21Liked by Toby Rogers

good for you

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"So rather than hypothesis testing, rigorous data collection, and constant Bayesian readjustments of the plan based on incoming data we’re presented with endless theater — Ventilators! Masks! mRNA vaccines! On my! Then when real world evidence shows that none of these things work and in fact make things worse, the drag performers double down and engage in even more exaggerated and preposterous public health theater — this time with ominous calls to censor, blacklist, and cancel anyone who fails to demonstrate sufficient enthusiasm for the clown show (think of Peter Hotez recently calling for NATO to deal with the antivaxxers)."

Yes! A thousand times, yes! These are not serious people. They are midwits who landed in a job and suddenly had their 15 minutes of fame come around. Then, feeling themselves empowered, they flexed that power just because it felt good.

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Great article! We are witnessing the take over by a new elite of individuals who control large corporations and have captured the institutions of state. Most people realise this at some level and are either complying to signal their acceptance of this new nomos or succumbing to anomie and despair. A few of us are taking a third option: resistance.

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Oct 20Liked by Toby Rogers

Excellent essay! So many great topics covered here. But this is what stands out for me:

"Nearly every federal agency performs the exact opposite of their stated purpose and elected officials ignore their sworn oath and just keep raising money for re-election while getting rich from insider trading (because they never pay a price for their betrayal of their constituents)."

A lot of the same people have been in congress for the last 50 years and our quality of life has gone down every year, but we keep returning them to office. Joe Biden has been one of the most toxic persons in congress and has continually screwed the working class in favor of his donors. And yet every dem voter knew his history, but said they could push him left once he was elected.

Chris Hedges has a great essay that shows the decline of America by the 2 parties. I thought the same thing I did when reading this: And yet people keep voting for their tribe. They know that neither party is going to help them, but vote for them anyway. I’ll stop here because I feel a rant coming on.

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I’ll add one more thing. I’m thankful that once Biden finally made it to the presidency his mind was too far gone for him to realize it. His legacy will be that he helped destroy America and his foreign policies brought us to the brink of nuclear war. Worst president and worst people in any administration.

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How do we rise up when J6 participants are rotting in jail cells?

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Keep speaking up, talking to everyone you know even if they try not to listen.

If your voice were not significant, they would not be so determined to censor it.

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Start locally and ask your county leaders if fluoride is in your water for example. If they say yes,

ask them to stop because of the toxicity of the fluoride. Go to the county meetings if you can. Ask your state governor and AG why they are allowing weather control activities in your state. Educate your family, friends and neighbors about all of these policies and the specific potential impact on people (our investment manager has 2 little kids and storm Debby resulted in 3 feet of water in his house (we had 10 inches of rain in one day!). He had to move his family out of his house and have much of it rebuilt). Tell people to go to www.geoengineeringwatch.org and watch the "Dimming" documentary. Remember to be careful with your words. Say "some" instead of "all". Or include the word "potential". "All" people who drive drunk don't necessarily get arrested or in accidents. "Some" do though, and the more a person drinks, it increases their potential to cause great harm to themselves, others and property. People may argue with you if your worlds are not chosen well. The purpose is to educate them, not be a walking encyclopedia. I have a sister who has the opposite mindset of mine. She would get after me to site my sources. I am very busy, so now I would tell her to do her own research. And when public health intimidates or forces people to do something like get a vax, I am very leery. I should be the one to assess and manage this risk, not some agencies. And of course, we find out later that the risks and potential adverse reactions were underreported to the public. So consumer beware!

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Wow! This synthesizes so many aspects of the public health system and is so right on. It helps highlight how off the rails the system has become. One might link almost all of our systems in the same manner. I remember Joe Biden on tv telling everyone to get their shot so they won't get COVID and can't infect others (his nice public service announcement). Hmmm, not quite right Joe. ............. Now he goes on tv and scolds anyone who says that weather is being engineered and that geoengineered weather is a big conspiracy. Meanwhile, there is MUCH information, patents, people, whistleblowers, etc to contradict him, and when I walk in my neighborhood I have to breathe aluminum, strontium, barium, graphene, etc that is sprayed by airplanes to facilitate the weather control done by our agencies. I live in a hurricane state, and I will tell you that the emotional and financial damage done by the hurricanes, storms and floods is horrendous. (15 minute cities anyone?) .................... Our military needs strong, healthy, young men to serve, but what does our public health and military system do to them? Vaccinate them beginning at birth, put toxins in their food & water, woke them, and require them to take the C shot. A 5th grader could figure out that it doesn't make sense to try and get a good output from a system when you start out with damaged inputs and you damage them more when you are operational................. So what do the people who set the goals of all these systems want? You to be physically and mentally weak so they can control you and siphon your wealth, and then per their goals, say good bye to 2/3 of the American population. Meanwhile, our already bloated federal government just hired a bunch more people. For what?

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Oct 20Liked by Toby Rogers

Excellent summary Toby

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Thank you for refusing to normalize any of this madness!!! 🙏🏻

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Some of this is a result of what RFKjr was talking about. Agency capture by corporations. Gov't agency employees don't serve the people, rather, they serve their future employers. There is no public health. Just a market to sell drugs, vaccines, and more drugs after the first ones injure. These tin-pot dictators like Hotez, Ferguson, Fauci, Bright... get a taste of power and can't get enough. They love the attention and the ability to push others around.

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Oct 20·edited Oct 20Liked by Toby Rogers

"Hippocampus"....I am noticing former friends (now vaccinated acquaintances) and other vaccinated acquaintances now saying things that alarm me: aggressive, derisive AND non-sensical comments that literally fall out of their mouths without any self control, self awareness of what they are saying. Is this evidence of vaccine damage to hippocampus? I think more to the frontal lobe.

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Bang on, Toby. Good analogy. Like the petty bureaucrats proliferating like weeds in a prize lawn, all backslapping each other on LinkedIn about what a "culture of excellence" they work in. Meanwhile, taxes spiral upward for less and less services, the ranks of government get larger every year along with their salaries and benefits, and the actual governance of the country slips another notch in a steady race to the bottom.

But your section about reaction of people to all the medical horrors of the past four years is what's truly chilling. I know many people in my own community who say, "Hmm. My wife (mother, father, uncle, fill in the blank) got three shots, her health declined after each one, and finally she died of multiple strokes. Shucks, that's just life, I guess!" Or, "Boy, that Covid is really deadly!" People who lack the basic logical ability that defines intelligence: the capacity to look at the disparate elements of a situation, compare, analyze and come to a logical conclusion. Or to compare their health with an unvaccinated person's, most of whom are doing quite well, thank you.

I think Dr. Michael Nehls is onto something with his thesis in The Indoctrinated Brain. Somehow the mRNA shots damage the hippocampus, the decline of which has been linked to dementia and Alzheimer's. To be fair to the feckless victims, this may have left them with brain damage that prevents them from seeing their own killers. Unprecedented in history.

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The horrors never end. A 44 yo relative of my half-brother was found dead in his recliner. He had gone to the doctor a week or so prior, and they couldn't find anything wrong and sent him home. My 25 yo niece had her third seizure (all after you know what) at work and nearly bit her tongue off. An elderly relative of a friend has leukemia. Every week or so brings new carnage. Let me propose a middle ground between those who deny it all and those who know and discuss it all: some people are simply too traumatized to hold this reality in their conscious minds, though if you pry and dig you can get a grudging acknowledgment from them. Most of my family is this way. Over the past couple years or so I've had to walk among them, vaccine or virus injured, carrying something in my vasculature, watching people all around the world die, not sure if I'll see the sunrise the next day, determined to win or die trying, and they would ask me about my life as if nothing was happening. Reminds me of a story my friend told me about getting rear-ended by an 18-wheeler at an intersection, his car demolished, head bleeding, half-conscious, and a homeless bystander walked up to him in that moment and asked, "Hey man, you got a cigarette?" If I insisted on discussing my condition, they would half-listen and acknowledge, visibly uncomfortable, and quickly change the topic. I don't think it's that they're afraid of the threat to their own lives; I think it's that they're afraid of what this means for the structure of reality as they've always "known" it. Not only is it a fiction; it's a gore-filled slasher flick. I think it takes a certain kind of mind to realize that and somehow keep going. The only way most people can cope is to file it away and not think about it. I don't know how Toby maintains his commitment, though I admire it. As for me, this experience has proven to me that I am on my own in facing all of this. Just me and God. Lorn.

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So sorry to hear of the terrible impacts to your family's health. You might want to check out the Covid Critical Care Alliance protocols for spike protein detoxing. Worth a try if it can help.

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