The parallel economy #DefundsTyranny Every American should join the parallel economy. We did. #DefundTyranny #InsistOnMadeInTheUSA #FreedomIsNotFree #ThereAre388TraitorsInCongress #ResumeAmericanManufacturingIndependenceAndDominanceOrExpectToDieCommunist #EndAPECnow #EndUSMCAnow Since Nixon, Every president has committed TREASON with the exception of Trump. #MakeTreasonIllegalAgain #MakeExecutionOfTraitorsGreatAgain

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No, Obamacare never seemed like a good idea to anybody that actually understood 3 things:

1) human nature

2) economics (which is basically #1 with makeup)

3) government.

The results were easily predictable.

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I haven't read a single one of your articles that wasn't brilliant, Toby. Hats off to you (i have 2 hats :)

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The institution of allopathic medicine is rotten to the core, poisoned with Big Pharma’s agenda from the medical school textbooks all the way to the prescribed bedside manner with patients. - Meredith Miller in discussion with Margaret Anna Alice- dissident-dialogues-meredith-miller-.

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Another excellent article Toby.

Yup all these ‘heroes’ like Nassim Taleb, Naomi Klein, Noam Chomsky turned out to be part of the narrative.

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I took the J&J precisely because it was an old-fashioned viral vector vaccine. I figure they yanked J&J, and AZ because the relative number of adverse events might not look good for the bad guys.

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I have several thoughts. My brother was one who died during the Bactrim ban. My sister died from being prescribed improper medication for her Epilepsy. My beautiful daughter, my best and brightest creation, was killed by vaccine injury in 2022.

Did you know one of the evils of this vaccine is that not only does it create the turbo cancer but blocks the chemo that could potentially destroy the cancer cells … I sincerely hope no one tries to defend the system who genocided my family.

I am speechless at the horror around me daily as I care for patients who are now suffering, cancer, heart issues etc. and were in excellent health before they received the vaccine. People of all ages.

I cannot fathom, but there are still people who defend this!

Sincere appreciation for stepping out and speaking out

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May God bless your family. Sorry for your losses.

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In the words of Dave Mustaine of Megadeth, The Systems Has Failed, The System Is For Sale, from the song "Kick The Chair" from the album, The System Has Failed.

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Shanti, I am so sorry to hear about your brother and sister. And daughter? That is tragic and blood boiling beyond words. There WILL be justice, although you may never see it. Hopefully, the Dr. Rogers and others like him keep you in mind when they question if this is worth it. I am so sorry.

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Thank you Jeff. Articles like Dr. Rogers are my only solace. People will hear and know this truth. The genocide/ Democide of our loved ones deserve to be heard and never forgotten. Thank you for your kind words, it means more than words can express. S.

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I can only imagine. Again, I am so sorry.

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I honestly believe wiping out their own base is part of the plan. Eradicating the 'weak minded gene' is a first step to their ubermensch utopia, leaving the ones with a sturdy physical and mental constitution to be brought in line, to breed, through more direct means of coercion. Keep up the good work. Blessings to you.

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But, do you really think the elections are legit now? what with every vote going through homeland security...

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Hello, I am Lee Yong-jun, representative of the Citizens' Association for Judicial Administration.

Our organization was subjected to radio-wave weapon terrorism, gang stalking, and indiscriminate surveillance of civilians by the Republic of Korea's National Intelligence Service, Ministry of National Defense, and others.

You'll probably know after translating it.

We are also aware of the issues with nanorobots and toxic substances in the coronavirus vaccine.

I also run Twitter, and I am working hard to solve the problem of radio weapons and organized stalking, which are state-led crimes.

I hope we can help each other.

🇳[Victim registration process] We are recruiting victims of organized stalking, radio wave weapon victims, electromagnetic wave victims, and mind manipulation (brain hacking) victims. (Recruitment period 2024. 1. 1. ~ 2024. 6. 30.) https://cafe.naver.com/dragonintlpress/128?tc=shared_link


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🇰🇷국정원(테러리스트, 광신도 정신병자) 등 전파무기, 조직스토킹, 민간인 학살세력

(2023. 11. 1.부터 계속해서 긴급체포 수배중)

◇🇰🇷국정원 등 테러리스트 현행범 긴급체포 수배중◇

■국정원 등의 범죄혐의

- 일루미 하수인 (과거 친일파 세력과 유사)

- 사이버스토킹

- 조직스토킹 : 군용차량이나 경찰차, 119차량 일반차량 등을 이용해 여러대로 상습적 지속적 조직적으로 스토킹

- 전파무기 : 레이더나 위성으로 공격하여 인공환청이나 부정맥을 유발하고 인체열감이나 수면방해 등 발암물질 유발, 특수상해를 가한다.

- 백신주사를 가장한 의인성 학살

- 정치야합과 사기

- 사기성 공작

- 스파이 침투 후 조직와해

- 미인계 공작

- 위장단체 교란범죄

- 해킹도청 후 컴퓨터업무방해

- 직권남용 권리행사방해

- 조직스토킹과 취업금지

- 자금압박과 채무불이행 사주

- 정부전산망 해킹범죄

- 고문범죄

- 살해협박

- 암살기도

- 교통사고 고의조작이나 공작

- 지속적인 소음유발과 소음테러

- 절도

- 주거침입

- 간첩조작

- 수사방해나 수사무마 공작

- 테러범죄

- 국정원(광신도 정신병자 범죄소굴)

- 민간인 대량학살 범죄 (미수 포함)

- 상습적인 국헌위반

- 납치, 불법감금, 인질강도

- 군사반란 모의

등 밝혀지지 않은 범죄혐의

■[피해자등록절차] 조직스토킹, 전파무기 피해자, 전자파 피해자, 정신조종(뇌 해킹) 피해자모집합니다. (모집기간 2024. 1. 1. ~ 2024. 6. 30.) https://cafe.naver.com/dragonintlpress/128?tc=shared_link

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What's going on here? Why post this in Korean when Google translate is available? Explain yourself or I will delete this message.

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Hello, I am Lee Yong-jun, representative of the Citizens' Association for Judicial Administration.

Our organization was subjected to radio-wave weapon terrorism, gang stalking, and indiscriminate surveillance of civilians by the Republic of Korea's National Intelligence Service, Ministry of National Defense, and others.

You'll probably know after translating it.

We are also aware of the issues with nanorobots and toxic substances in the coronavirus vaccine.

I also run Twitter, and I am working hard to solve the problem of radio weapons and organized stalking, which are state-led crimes.

I hope we can help each other.

🇳[Victim registration process] We are recruiting victims of organized stalking, radio wave weapon victims, electromagnetic wave victims, and mind manipulation (brain hacking) victims. (Recruitment period 2024. 1. 1. ~ 2024. 6. 30.) https://cafe.naver.com/dragonintlpress/128?tc=shared_link

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Re: Ideation (or Utobian/Utopian Imagination)

If we dare to dream, maybe it should be in terms not of what America could be but what we could be without America. After all, in line with recent reflections of your own, the cornerstone of this country and its constitution is institutionalized violence. When the premise of 'founding fathers' of 'our' so-called social contract is that those who own the country should govern it (John Jay), such principle of class war necessitates monopoly on violence to enforce its enlightened despotism.

We're at a point of no return in human history, beyond that of modern nation-states, where so-called 'civilization' based on class rule by the few over the many is institutionalizing final solutions to the inherent contradictions and conflicts following from its abusive control of resources for living, a slavish condition of being human that's actually an anomaly of human evolution in more egalitarian 'pre-history'. Recovery of values that makes life worth living, far from being anything possessed by people living under occupation to nation-state protection rackets for rich and powerful elites, is a radical return to the roots of how we envision and enact our common residence upon earth. If we're to take on the full extent of the globalist agenda, should we not become citizens of the world, living to create a new world within the shell of the old, contrary to the direction of transnational totalitarianism our masters are taking us?

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Niko says, " After all, in line with recent reflections of your own, the cornerstone of this country and its constitution is institutionalized violence. When the premise of 'founding fathers' of 'our' so-called social contract is that those who own the country should govern it"

Niko, this is astounding and deeply wrong. The premise is individual liberty, above the rule of Law, God given. That we have fallen so far from our foundational principles is what is tragic. Consider these words, as this great black patriot said in 1863...

“Let me tell you something. Do you know that you have been deceived and cheated? You have been told that this government was intended from the beginning for white men, and for white men exclusively; that the men who formed the Union and framed the Constitution designed the permanent exclusion of the colored people from the benefits of those institutions. Davis, Taney and Yancey, traitors at the south, have propagated this statement, while their copperhead echoes at the north have repeated the same. There never was a bolder or more wicked perversion of the truth of history. So far from this purpose was the mind and heart of your fathers, that they desired and expected the abolition of slavery. They framed the Constitution plainly with a view to the speedy downfall of slavery. They carefully excluded from the Constitution any and every word which could lead to the belief that they meant it for persons of only one complexion. The Constitution, in its language and in its spirit, welcomes the black man to all the rights which it was intended to guarantee to any class of the American people. Its preamble tells us for whom and for what it was made.” Frederick Douglass (June 1863)

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For me, the art of political economy is being able to endure paradox and contradiction. Adam Smith covered up the sins of slavery and was also a great champion of freedom. The U.S. was founded in violence and also a great source of liberty. People, companies, nations, are not one thing or another. They are a tangled mix of paradoxes and contradictions.

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I would add, I do not easily accept your presentation of Adam Smith covering up the sins of slavery.


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"People, companies, nations, are not one thing or another. They are a tangled mix of paradoxes and contradictions."

Bingo, and thus discrimination is required, to bring out those qualities and attributes that enlighten humanity, and repress the greed and darkness of ignorance. Which is precisely why one does not throw out the baby with the bath water. The foundational principles of the US were unique, and enlightened in doing just that, so Niko's statement regarding the premise of the US, is very wrong. Nothing in the foundational principles of individual liberty, which the US is based on, has a premise that those who own the country should govern it, and the "cornerstone is certainly not "instutitional violence.

A wise man said, the vanished past of every man is dark with many shames. It follows that the vanished past of every nation is likewise, dark with many shames. Neither instutitional violence or owner tyranny, are a part of the US foundational principles.

The failure to follow those sound and moral and spiritual principles, is why we are in the current mess.

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Spot on TR ...

I put the King Ratbastard under the microscope about a year ago and may have mentioned something about some AZT murders ...


How this weasel hasn't felt the short drop yet is beyond me. Thanks for putting the blunt truth in front of the masses ... again. Keep firing brother ... it's hard to miss when you're directly over the target.

~~ j ~~

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The democrats are going to lose and deservedly so. They will probably not have a popular majority either. Party needs cleaned out from the top down. They have been geniuses at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory for decades. They are bought off cowards that worship the status

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As always, brilliant.

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Your plea to imagine a better America is exactly right. I'm reminded of the levels of Hinduism, full of deities and mythologies for the lower castes, but when you get to the top you discover it was all a riddle wrapped inside an enigma, concealing the great secret, the highest truth that ever was and ever will be: it's just you, and you are God. Atman is Brahman. Which is not to say that you are better than anyone else. Indeed it's your duty to help others as they struggle toward that same realization. Where we went wrong was in searching outside of ourselves, when God would not have put us here without everything we needed to discover his will. He would never make it dependent on this fallen world, or on dogmatic religions. We seek truth and validation in the culture, when the culture was captured by demonic forces long ago. We seek wealth in material possessions, as the greatest gift we ever received, our body, is destroyed by this evil game of "chase the green ticket." We keep plumbing the depths of quantum physics, only to find that the objectivity we seek cannot be separated from our subjectivity. You simply cannot outsource it. You discover the reality you desire, both for your own life and for society, inside yourself, and then you can at least begin to bring it into existence. As David Mitchell wrote: "Belief is both prize and battlefield, within the mind, and in the mind's mirror, the world." We are all magicians, and this is our stage. This dark force that has captured the empirical world can be destroyed if we all realize our own power. If what you think didn't matter, they wouldn't spend so much energy presenting you this flat, materialistic philosophy and controlling the information you're exposed to. Your mind is a spiritual battlefield and a projector of whatever it contains.

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