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I believe that Dr Jessica Rose has immunology as one of her three (or four?) degrees and I have heard her acknowledge the fact that immunology has more questions than answers, in its highly complex field of study. of course she is a complete anomaly in the field of biological sciences but the number acknowledging their lack of understanding is not zero. just saying...

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Hi Toby, in case I haven't mentioned it before, everything is epigenetic quantum physics. The Biology of Belief makes clear that everyone is control of creating their own reality. A lot of statements in the Bible express quantum principles such as "All things are possible for him who believes" being similar to "All things are in a state of restful probability". Dr. Bruce Lipton covers the medical implications of it very well in The Biology of Belief.

Here he covers the role of the microbiome and a bit about the the interaction of microbes and human cells. Reminder for anyone who reads: Humans are 43% human DNA, 57% microbe DNA. Cell-wise that works out to 10% human cells, and 90% microbe cells. Destroy the environment then you destroy all life. Before the 10 Commandments, there was the 1 cCommand: take care of the Earth. Microbes are the highest life forms on Earth, responsible for all life, even in the oceans. The tardigrade that lives in the corners of my eyes also thrive in outer space.

Today, declare your independence from corporate thought control. Tomorrow be the revolution of the best version of you.

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Jul 3Liked by Toby Rogers

I agree the fake vaccine card is not a good overall solution, but when mandates come out it saves you from having to get the shots. I want people to know that to save your job or travel you can find a no shot solution. I know many people who didn't want the shot but got it because they felt they had to, and this is a solution for that. Some who went ahead a got the shot were injured.

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Yes, Toby, it's in large part driven by money. NASA alone rakes in about 70 million dollars per day.

Cosmology/cosmogony physicists are embedded in a belief system all of us have been indoctrinated in since about the age of five. Their honesty is confined to that belief system. If anything doesn't add up in their cosmos, they invent unknown dark or black this or that to explain it away.

Never do they step back and challenge their underlying beliefs in a pseudoscience, lacking any experimental proof, of a spinning, rotating, gyrating, and wobbling oblate spheroid water ball from a Big Bang of nothing forming incomprehensibly complex living creatures, and an intricate universe of objects moving with precision, including the Earth traveling at 2.8 million mph through an impossible space vacuum existing next to the Earth’s atmosphere, gaseous planets, and suns in a universe made up of black holes, 96% imaginary dark energy and matter, and government and other self-serving and lying institutions promoting these absurdities, including phantasmagorical space ventures proven to be fraudulent. https://www.asifthinkingmatters.com/blog/category/cosmology-lies-as-big-as-the-universe

It's not science, it's a religious cult just like covid is.

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Jul 3Liked by Toby Rogers

This is a wonderful article, partaking of Os Guinness' idea that "contrast is the mother of clarity." ICE at Dartmouth studies the reverberations between cosmology and physics and spirituality, led by Marcello Gleiser, with an atmosphere beyond the usually policed borders of the paradigm. All the interesting interdisciplinary research in immunology is always shunted aside, like the expressive writing paradigm, which proves better health outcomes for those that write about traumas, not necessarily connected to how they feel. (James Pennebaker) and psychoneuroimmunology, which is probably just studied by the nudge unit behavioral science people in order to tank the immune system since they spend huge influencer dollars to destroy vitamins and exercise. I've even noticed youtube getting more censorious just since Murthy vs Biden got sidelined by SCOTUS. However, the intellectual milieu at ICE is such that Gleiser could just say, without fearing being tarred and feathered or sent to the Group W bench (Alice's Restaurant), that he saw his mother's ghost when she died. Great article.

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3Liked by Toby Rogers

An excellent piece Toby, thanks.

I'm a Physicist, well, I have a Physics degree so "sort of" :-) .... but it was so long ago I think the universe has probably expanded rather a lot since I graduated.

But seriously even back then I remember questions about prevailing quantum physics theories which even as a semi-knowledgeable person trying to get my head around it all seemed at best "hopeful" and often fanciful.

Returning to immunology, I thought you summed it up perfectly in the last sentence "a horrifying, barbaric mix of business and politics masquerading as science". Great stuff

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Yup, blood letting was the cure all of science…cynically, everything is a sell job folks, let’s make sure we maintain the right to buy or not…

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Jul 2Liked by Toby Rogers

😉👍👏👏👏💯💥 best piece yet.

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Thank you for sharing.

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"Dark matter" is a theory, that has yet to be proven, an assumption for missing matter at best.

Neutrino's may be useful in the equation.

Faster than light suggests the ability to create induction origins in the ever present ether fields, forming constructs for elemental cohesion, matter.

Particles will then "materialize" even in a vacuum (neutrino's can pass right through the earth apparently).

Then lack cohesion to form matter and "denature" back to ether fields.

This may indicate our atmosphere (water and salt ) determines the formation of matter.

We are probably just witnessing flux density fold patterns on the dome (without cracks!) the points of light being like the ball of lightning when we place our hands on the toy ball.

Since the stars are uniform, it also suggests tree like branch conduits that are revolving but stable.

Does organic matter grow in a vacuum?

Great post, very interesting.👍


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Jul 2Liked by Toby Rogers

I’ll go on “Trusting God Through Christ Jesus”, in the meantime, & let the Cosmic Dark Matter Conundrum reveal itself, via some as yet undisclosed “Omega Point” whenever clarity is achieved through human consciousness.

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Thank you for sharing.

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They'll do anything but call it the aether ;)

Tesla was right, it's a mechanical dynamic medium or membrane.

It could accurately be called a manifold, and the two conjugate opposing manifolds that govern all forces and all existence are the magneto-dielectric manifolds, -- the same very dynamic mechanical membrane Tesla was talking about ;)

Hey that's why the UAPs should accurately be called "Dielectric Field Craft" :]

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Jul 2Liked by Toby Rogers

People may enjoy the DESI presentation in April this year at the APS meeting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P67J1ZBC__k

I fully support this research but note that big money has been successfully gained in Physics by stimulating excitement about what we might come to know about what we don't know.

I am a dark energy sceptic, and this change over time adds to that. It could be that if we develop a consistent quantized theory of gravity dark energy and dark matter will not be needed. Of course we need the DESI results in order to test future theories.

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When immunologists encounter data that falsifies their existing models rather than change the paradigm they censor the data worldwide, fire and blacklist the author, and then generate a new fake paper to try to cover up the original data. It's absolutely shameful and it's not science.

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Jul 2Liked by Toby Rogers

We are still groping to feel the shape of reality in the dark.

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Jul 2Liked by Toby Rogers

Excellent research and commentary. To understand anything, you have to understand everything. It's all connected.

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