yes there is definitely a war going on and its good that we realize it as such. i would agree by saying it has continued since time began whenever the population and resources are out of balance, or in the case of psychopaths, whenever someone else has something they want and they are able to organize sufficiently to get it. there is no limit to some people's greed and they will consume till it kills them or makes them sick, even though other people are starving. there is also no limit to what they will do to achieve their destructive goals.

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I really believe you’re onto something here, Toby. This resonated with me deeply. Just how many ingredients are in TheJab? It’s more than 30 if I’m not mistaken. That Then begs the question: why would they need so many ingredients unless they’re trying to kill us completely in mind, body, and spirit in the short,medium and/or long term. By hook, or by crook or by both. There are no rules for these psychopaths, and that makes them even more of a challenge to deal with.

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Across the various vaccines there are hundreds of different ingredients.

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Exactly. The question is why? I think we know the answer, but I’d be curious to hear their bullshit excuse.

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I believe that the so called vaccine is what they used to attempt to catapult their evil agenda. We now know that the jab is a MRNA/DNA modifier. Gods most prized possession is the human and its soul. When you modify the DNA you are messing with Gods Fingerprint. They are taunting God and his work.

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I agree that pharma is a problem, but they are agents of the wealthy who own them. planetray wealth is concentrated in the hands of a microscopic minority who pass wealth from generation to generation. By itself pharma would not have a motive for depopulation, since they benefit by serving a vast customer base. I recommend this documentary page, the videos "How Big Oil Conguered the World" and "Why Big Oil Conquered the World" show how the logical progression of billionaires to all controlling trillionaires occurred. Improbable as it may seem,the UN and the World Economic Forum all serve them in the aforementioned "subject-object" sense in the well known authoritarian pyramid configuration.


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Loved reading your thoughts on this. I went to a lecture years ago on evo bio by E.O. Wilson who discussed his view on cooperation trumping competition in society in terms of energy efficiency for the whole group. But it can only work if most are willing to participate. I believe most people are completely ego identified, and the ego cannot bear to be outshone, so it sets up competitive dynamics, so there will be losers in terms of resources. I think fear of death drives the ego to accumulate as much as possible to buffer against uncertainty, which means those less driven and those less manipulative will pay the price, and they will have a higher chance of going to an early grave. Parents want their children to compete and succeed because it increases their chances of survival, it is essential to do so in a capitalistic society. So, those values at the top shape the classroom. I believe pure capitalism destroys all the higher elements of intersubjectivity, but many feel a statement like that means I am suggesting that communism is better, or that it is the only other option which it is not.

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I'll keep this short and sweet....you are 💯❌💯❌💯❌💯❌💯❌💯❌💯❌💯❌💯❌💯‼️

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This is perceptive about what we're dealing with, thanks. I would say the driving force behind cancelling out intersubjectivity is fear. Fear as generated by those separating us during the Covid scheme (and still ongoing) via scapegoating the unvaccinated, wearing masks, insisting on lockdowns, etc. In addition the toxic effects of the shots which given how the psyops was set up, made those who got jabbed more suspicious (read "afraid") of each other than ever before. However, though the intensity now is extreme, it is not unprecedented. The very nature of capitalism and the commodification of all of life means relentless competition, beating up on one another in order to "get ahead." This predates any pandemic or plans for one. It goes back to the first Empires, the separation of people into the oppressed and the oppressors. That's capitalism pure and simple, whether or not one calls it "crony capitalism" as RFK Jr does or "free market capitalism" as he seems to be defending. I think any defense of capitalism misses the point. Until we find our way back to how people lived during sane times (see how the Australian aborigines lived for 100,000 years) we're suffering from the same structure played at a creepier, more destructive level due to technocracy. Same old, same old...

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May 21, 2023
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Right...I am not calling for communism or socialism. I'm looking clearly at where we are now, how we treat the planet and one another. I'm saying the only way out is to abandon consumerist self-hypnosis and the commercialization of everything and learn from the ancient way of hunter/gatherers, forest gardeners, nomadic tribes...Some of whom remain among the millions who have already been murdered to make way for our suicidal trip

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What the h is light sensitivity cataracts? I know about the after-surgery stuff. My 52 yr old eldest has been a Diabetic for a long time. Fast Food he managed. He's single, had only age-related reading issues, and had no Diabetic damage in Jan 2023. Oct. 2022 he had a TIA. After supposedly having Covid, he is unjabbed. Triggered by Low BS his manager's fault. Things look bad, they put him on Obamacare crap-ins called Marketplace, BC/BS, $120 per Specialist copay, and coupons for the new expensive heart meds. After the Cardio pulled out of the Heart Cath as he found four 85% left-side blockages and was sent to a Bypass surgeon the next day, 2 weeks later after a prolonged wait on promised ins that was still not in effect. There was an excessive wait fasting and no food/water when he was to be the 1st patient, at 7 AM, which turned into 12:30 pm. Ins. issue.

Sent him to ICU he had a Trach Tube in, Strangling on his own phlegm, wrists tied down We had to get his nurse and make her untie him. This went on for 30 mins as they kept clearing the Trach Tube. Lots of promises from hospital social workers of help. Not much help for a Single Male with No Job, No savings, and having to live with his 20 yr old son in a run-down trailer.

NO caseworker for DSSI has been assigned in 7 months. Needs SNAP for food.

Never heard of Light Sensitivity Cataracts. no symptoms before the Bypass, nor the day of the Bypass, Vision issues started AFTER BYPASS. He is totally broke. He has worked since he was 16. Surgery that day was delayed 5 hrs, and his fasting time exceeded Hydration, and his BS needs. His eyes are clear, with no clouding. Extra sensitive to light. The nearest Cataract surgeon who will take the crap ins. is 45 miles 1 way, and both eyes.

This is the State of healthcare for Single Males, in the USA. IT SUCKS. They don't care how much damage they do, nor if they kill you. Unless you are one of those thousands of Single Male Illeagals waiting for May 11 to cross the Mex border who will get everything 100%.

I've already lost two sons. this will destroy me.

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COVID Vaccines Linked to Untreatable Eyeball Clots, Reveals Massive Study.


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I think I may have figured out my friend who dropped out of the program! I thought it was intersubjectivity. But it actually might have been autistic mimicry. Some people on the spectrum (probably those with empathy turned way up) get really good at mimicking others in order to mask their symptoms and fit in. This video clip explains the concept: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cr5zBJAgJpz/

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Still on Abu Dhabi…..I submit it to you that your colleague who was able to read the room and every individual in it better than the best poker player is not among “those best-equipped to experience the joys of intersubjectivity”. That is acquired through a balance of self-understanding (self-love) and empathy (love for the other). The mimickry (if that is what it is) is a form of self-effacement, of insecurity, the complete opposite of responsible, self-possessed and confident agency and self-love.

One question to ask is: how is the gift of exceptional perception used? It can be used for good, which here is defined as mutuality/intersubjectivity, or it can be used for bad, which is here defined as domination/control (subject/object relations). The fact of possessing the gift does not guarantee that it will be used for the ‘good’ purpose.

If the imbalance goes the other way (i.e. towards lack of empathy), there is room for the development of a different kind of self-blame or withdrawal, namely self-absorption – especially if in early life the person is harmed by blows to the psyche or to the organism (mental and/or physical abuse or neglect, and pharmacological abuse). But that would be veering off into another topic....the whole 'culture of narcissism'.

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I loved all that so much I just spilled my wine.

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Very interesting article. I wish I had your way of using words that get past the text and touches that place in us that place where humanity still exist. Those who have not lost their empathy, their love and caring for others know what I mean. I remember growing up and seeing these qualities in everyone around me. The world has changed a lot since then. Caring now only comes if you have something I want or need and when that is fulfilled it's time to move onto the next one. Myself I believe there are more good people standing in the shadows afraid to come out because when they have people tend to take advantage of their kindness.

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What a terrific post. ^_^

Interestingly, I have FELT all these things you say, and you have just validated them with your excellent academic prowess and more "scientific" (that seems an appropriate word!) explanation... Cheers!

I so agree with what you're saying, hugely.

In a way we are going through a kind of Hell, but someone, Zach Bush, maybe? gave this a good metaphor, and that is of the Birth of an entirely new paradigm in Human Experience, and we are in the part of birthing where we must squeeze through that very narrow passage, so it's hard, hard to progress, hard to breathe, hard to see anything, and hard to imagine what we'll find when we emerge...

I agree and I hereby substantiate with my vehemence, that LOVE IS THE ANSWER, as Lennon said, and WE KNOW THAT, for sure.

Anecdotal evidence can sure give us pause and make us re-think things, as in your friend who went into a kind of bondage for "love," but maybe that was only love in her own wishful thinking...

Anyway, an excellent, well-written post that really feels GOOD to me! Thanks! ^_^ xo xo

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Awesome! ♥

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it might be the fear that one's love (or friendship, or empathy) might get rejected that inhibits many to freely share it. it requires a certain level of emotional security, perhaps comparable to the courage to be honest.

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I am in deep tears...oh my heart! I am Autistic as is my bright and beautiful son. I love how you have described Autism, I wish this was the accepted understanding by all. Over the past years of learning and healing our bodies I have felt a heart opening so deep it is often painful...in the best of ways. I can feel what you hope for like a burning ember in my heart just waiting to ignite. My son feels it too. Even as I write this I can feel this energy growing and moving within me. I want nothing more than a world fueled by love. We are united in this cause no matter how long it takes, it will come. I am sure of this.

Thank you for your beautiful, meaningful words and work. I am willing and waiting to know how I can help further this cause. I am ready. In gratitude.

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TQ so much for sharing this.

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