Toby, medically supervised opioids are not the cause of the unprecedented opioid death #s. Addiction from medical pain Rx is very small, and most of that very small percentage are caught now quickly, thanks to most but not all of the states having registries for tracking controlled medications. NSAIDS are far more dangerous than medically supervised opioid Rx. The figure I last saw for opioid deaths was 100,000+ from the CDC. Much of that was driven by the lockdowns and job losses; people who work have much lower substance abuse and criminal conduct. I'm not denying the rust belt/Appalachian deaths (and associated crime increases and murders, too) - those were from oxycontin. Opioid deaths have soared from the Fentanyl from China cut into nearly everything on the DEA Schedule 1 substance list. The Fentanyl importation and contamination in illegal substances is deliberate. China knows exactly how to destroy the foundation of societies; they know the devastation and demoralizing effects on families, friends, churches, emergency services, comunities.

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My daughter's school sent out a notice about a paid summer internship sponsored by NASA, I think, specifically aimed toward "neurodiverse (ND) learners", with a focus on those on the autism spectrum". As someone who does not equate technological progress with human progress, I find it interesting that such a program is specifically looking for kids who, being on the spectrum, are probably less acute socially (and ethically?) to be primed as our next big scientists...

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Good one Toby, but about bourgeois, remember this, it is no ones fault to be born in luxury.

Most of those who you call bourgeois, are actually the black sheep of their family.

They are also at large, the ones who have, thanks to their wealth, managed to actually say no to this ongoing corporate coup and its madness.

Ho and they are also most likely constituting the majority of substack’s paying subscribers.

For the rest, spot on.

Thanks for the article.

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Military hierarchy and cult-like work practices do make hospitals dangerous places. I’m glad you made that point. We’ve glorified those traits on television shows like House, but who actually thinks that’s an optimal environment in which to heal?

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Thank you for a great summary. When we consider the facts you refer to in the context of what the WEF/Davos gang is planning and implementing, we have a formidable task in educating and awakening our fellow global citizens. In the interest of that goal, please view and disseminate this exceptional video by JP Sears. Drawing from World Economic Forum Davos presentations, he exposes the “Plan” for transforming humanity to digitized trans-humans in graphic and unambiguous detail, and in less than 15 minutes.


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The CDCopioid overdose deaths lump prescription opioids with deaths from illicit opioids. The problem, is that their battle on opioids has restricted long term, intractable pain patients to medication levels which no longer allow function, when they were not abusing drugs at all, but using them as prescribed.

The great number of overdoses BEYOND the portion attributable the prescriptions is recreational drug users, running into illicit fentanyl.

The “Dopesick” mantra of doctors pushing pills for profit is a false narrative pushed by the lawyers and PROP doctors BECAUSE THEY GOT PAID as prosecutorial expert witnesses using doctored numbers from the CDC, who they were all on the board for and yet none of whom have any pain management experience. Then they opened addiction treatment centers and mad MORE money. The pushing of drugs in Apalachia is still recreational use, not prescription.

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I attribute my dad's long and healthy life--he is in great condition save for a few aches and pains and hearing loss at age 97--to his abject refusal of pharma meds. He was always an excerciser (and went to the gym long before it was a thing) and a supplement taker. But more importantly, he has always refused meds--statins (which he said will kill you faster than anything high cholesterol would cause), BP meds, blood thinners, etc. He has driven his doctors crazy. Growing up, my siblings and I thought he was nuts and worried about this, but I finally understand it. Tonight, I will make his dinner, he'll pour his glass of wine, and he will tell my kids more stories about the days when Germany invaded his Warsaw home and how he and his family fled to Milan, then Portugal, then Marseilles, then London where he served in the RAF before coming to the US. So glad he is still here with us :)

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My grandma lived to 98, never took meds either. Walked a lot, ate a lot of produce. She was funny and spunky till the end. God bless your Dad❤️

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My mother will be 88 in May. Bright and energetic , just has an arthritic knee but she still walks a good couple of miles. Has always cooked from scratch. Takes only supplements and vitamin D. She ignored the lock downs here in the UK. She said life is for living.

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We were at a family member’s house and my daughter was watching some tv show. I happened to look at the screen and saw that there was a close up of a character who was breathing into an inhaler. The character was outside on a picnic but the parental figure was covering the kids mouth with the inhaler and saying “breathe deep” as she sprayed the pharmaceutical spray and rescued the child from his attack. I couldn’t believe what I was watching. I don’t have a tv and it amazes me what is being normalized in mainstream culture. Sure, asthma is a real issue for kids. But the subliminal messaging from this was unbelievable to me- pharmaceuticals will save you!

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I heard from a few friends that the teenagers who got the vaccine ask each other which jab they got. Not sure if Pfizer is the trendier choice but the thought of this poison injection being "cool" amongst the kids just about made me lose my mind.

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For most, they've been conditioned to believe it's completely normal to be on several "meds" (see, we even have cute names for drugs) as part of aging. People now accept poly-pharmacy as the same as taking a few vitamins. Normalized is exactly right. First, you have to wake people up that every prescription is shortening their lives, not extending them.

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Great article, as usual, however, it relies on the fake numbers of covid deaths, which are greatly exaggerated. On the other hand, those studies of deaths by medical error were done by doctors who found some other plausible cause for deaths wherever they could. 100k or so were the ones they simply could not deny. I'm sure that if people who had lost loved ones to pharmaceutical harm were deciding the borderline cases that the number would be quite a bit higher. I know from first hand experience from a horrible adverse reaction to the antibiotic Levaquin that the system is in complete denial it can be causing harm. Even though I have been vetted to speak as a victim of fluoroquinolone toxicity at FDA and CDC, none of the many many doctors and specialists I have had to see to treat the harm done by these incredibly toxic drugs will acknowledge the drugs could be related to my health issues. I am the poster-boy for FQAD but they still will not believe it, and the levels of denial are even more intense for vaccines and even more intense for these toxic new gene therapy injections being illegally marketed as vaccines. The medical system is literally thousands of times more harmful and only half as helpful as they believe they are. Most doctors would do their patients an enormous favour by never setting foot in their offices again. They could be replaced by community college students holding ipads with improved outcomes for most patients, assuming they have access to all information and are not subject to censorship. At no time in history were those who are censoring ever the ones telling the truth and this is no exception. Censorship is always tyranny. Always. Thanks again for your efforts to fight the growing tyranny.

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Did you see the recent CHDTV interview with Dr Brian Hooker on Levaquin ? A doctor is pursuing the issue after her own injury. I know many people who have had similar injuries. My brother was a victim of Cipro "floxxing". Horrible. Turns out he didn't even need it! He left the prescription with a note for us to act on, so my surviving brother testified at the FDA. He was horrified by the committee's Pharma revolving-door connections.

On the brighter side, a neighbor who had a severe FQ reaction is now doing much netter with an integrative medicine approach, and she was completely disabled. Even skiing with grandkids!

But fear is a powerful force. The FDA "awake" brother convinced my mom to take the jab a couple of weeks ago and now she's in the hospital with clots (never had them before) after a fall. She's 89 and will be in a wheelchair going forward. I'm trying to wrap my mind around this carnage .Doing my best to help wake people up.

Thank you uTobian!! We HAVE to change this entire system Get drug advertising banned from "the box"!!!

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My good friend mysteriously "blacked out" for no reason in her kitchen which caused her to fall and she broke her hip, then died of a lung blood clot 3 weeks later--no bad health history at all. Just two 100 mg Moderna shots (which I think have been the most deadly). I think this is happening a lot.

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Sorry to hear about your brother and your mom. I live with my sister, who is also floxed. We take care of each other as life is an ongoing collection of miseries for each of us. Anyone who has not had this happen to them cannot fathom the overwhelming nature of having your body fail at a molecular level, with membranes failing, nerves failing, connective tissue failing, organs failing, all at once or in rapid succession.

I have seen first hand how the "doctors" from Bayer, J$J, Merck and the other giant transnational pharmaceutical firms will grossly misrepresent cherry picked data to paint a rosy safety profile of a toxic drug that sickens and maims millions, right to our faces or the faces of the survivors of those who died. I will say I was pleasantly surprised at the righteous anger of the doctors who cared and that it isn't all rotten. There is a heck of a battle going on between the actual scientists and the $CIENTI$T$. What was discouraging, though, was how utterly oblivious these top doctors were to the tremendous amount of harm this class of drugs does. They know this battle is going on and they see that those on the other side of the room are "trying to pull the wool over their eyes", as one doctor said, but they are still absurdly and insanely over-confident in the safety of all their wares, and FQs in particular. They occupy a unique niche just below vaccines as the most protected drugs, most likely because they generate the most new business. They flox us on purpose to sell us more stuff. Anyone who doesn't get that it's really this ugly, and worse, is blind and naïve.

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And add on the "food" industry. I wonder how many they kill a year.

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So, so agree. The system is rotten to the core.

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Wow, you really took off the gloves on this one! Bravo!!!

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I never tire of your statements like this:

**When we take power** we must dismantle this system, prosecute those who created it, and build a decentralized alternative based on actual health.

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“Prosecute those who created it”. Good luck.

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We create our own luck.

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