It hurts to write this, but I am adding it to the list.



The killing of one's son or one's daughter.


9,000,000 kids aged 17 and under in California. As of Nov 10, 2021, 38 COVID deaths, 1 in 236,842.

Vaccination of children by their parents is premeditated, potential filicide.

Fauci, Brandon, Newsom, you are all guilty of murder and shall reap what you sow.

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Yes. Very important point.

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Plus eating our children by using fetal cells to brew these toxic cauldrons of "vaccine". This can have real consequences physically to vax recipients https://ijvtpr.com/index.php/IJVTPR/article/view/23/51

That article is probably the worst news for Pfizer and Moderna.

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This is perspective, it hurts to read but it's dead-on accurate.

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Indeed 😥 I used pedicide in my last article (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-tyrant).

I came across this unfortunately-increasingly-relevant list for anyone who wants a list of all the -cides: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_types_of_killing

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Parents genuinely believe they are protecting their children bc they trust this evil gnome.

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Parents who vax their elementary school kids are motivated by convenience to a large extent. They couldn't be inconvenienced by quarantining at home with kids with chicken pox. Now are they going to quarantine with kids with covid? Not if a vax is ready.

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I believe they are also motivated by 24/7 news stories that tell parents that the only way to keep their child from dying it to get the shot. News channels that carry "death counters" on their screen while they fill your heads with tales of people dying from Covid. They let those seeking to enrich themselves through fear think for them rather than actually seek information themselves.

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The sister who vaxxed all 4 daughters lives in a county that's affluent and highly vaxxed. She's surrounded by private school moms who are totally into hovering so that's maybe where she got her fear of letting them go unvaxxed. One of her friends has three school age kids and they spent 18 months confined to house and yard. Because she wouldn't let them out nor back to school unless EVERYONE at the school was 100 percent vaxxed up. To me that's psychopathy and it's contagious.

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He’s doing the work of the regime. They will never fire him, they applaud him.

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My work here is done

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We need to help the regime decide to fire him. Or try him for a number of crimes.

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He still has a job after killing 764,000 Americans (and countless others in far away places due to his lead) because that outcome is a job well done. People get confused when they don't understand the nature of his job and who really employs him.

I think that's a more plausible thesis than the idea that he's just completely incompetent.

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He's a clever snake. Very clever, even a genius, for a snake. But stunted in the ethics part of the brain. That makes him subhuman.

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Well, he's already killed the beagles (after torturing them) and he's undisputedly lied to Congress and where are we with all of that? It's like it never happened. He was quoted today, giving out holiday advice. That right there, is the power of the media. If they are not perpetuating the outrage, if silence is their response, the crime is simply forgotten.

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The Faucis of the world were present in the death camps of Japan and Germany where prisoners were used as subjects for "medical" experiments. They seem to smell helpless victims the way flies smell roadkill. Key word "helpless". Possibly the worst thing you could do to Fauci would be simply to put him in solitary confinement. But he's going to end up there on the Other Side anyway barring a big miracle of conversion.

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I shall assign to my students and report back.

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Yes! Fantastic! 🙌

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Hopefully more teachers will follow suit.

It really is down to the children pushing back against their parents, and adults in general, before some of these adults will snap out of their self-induced sociopathology.

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Plandemocide... A planned murder of innocent civilians by Pharma wholeheartedly embraced and carried out by democratic governments sick of democracy who wanna play dictators now

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Ah, well done here! 🙌

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Fauci killed many people with AZT during AIDS crisis, now Remdesivir and no early treatments and toxic gene therapy shots, that is MILLIONS of people in the US alone, not to mention Africa and other countries. Nuremberg 2 NOW for ALL of the co-conspirators. As Dr. David Martin says: Follow the Patents.

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pandemic: noun “an outbreak of a SERIOUS or deadly disease that occurs over a wide geographic area (such as multiple countries or continents) and typically affects a significant proportion of the population over a length of time.” The definition must include a pop or infection fatality rate,

Discuss: How does Tony Fauci still have a job after killing 764,000 Americans via pandemocide?

Because Frauci is their willing tool, or even an actor! The scams require long-term planning and execution.

I was astonished to discover how long he has been at the same top job. One key rule of organisational risk mgt is NOT to have the same person in the top job for too long, unless there is a clear need and there is a clear oversight of that person. That is why most CEOs last less than 10 years in their roles.

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Good take Barry...I think I know how Fauci manages to stay relevant in this position. I believe it stems from the overt strategy of institutions like the CDC, the FDA and the NIH by constantly changing definitions relative to the narrative....just change the definition of vaccine for example to make it more palpable for the masses...he is like the Phoenix rising...but more aptly, to borrow a line from Trailer Park Boys....a shit hawk rising......

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I don't know what their goal is. But I know what it is not. It's not to save lives.

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There are things that are verifiable facts, like man walked on the moon and the Holocaust, yet seemingly intelligent people deny them. Then there are things that are more difficult to verify, such as did Lee Harvey Oswald act alone in killing JFK or was he framed? For over 50 years, I believed the Warren Report that said he acted alone, but I knew it was more belief than fact. Now, I'm not so sure. Read "Dr. Mary's Monkey" which is the only thing I've ever read that cast real doubt on the sanctioned narrative and provided a viable explanation for a cover-up. Spoiler alert: it has to do with polio vaccine cover-ups and protection of the PHS and the US government.

Fauci has pull and power; and he is part of the establishment. CNN just released another report insisting SARS-Cov2 originated in the wet market. Saying something is so doesn't make it so, but it creates enough doubt that people can not only get away with murder, but also with pandemocide.

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Answer to the question "How does Tony Fauci still have a job after killing..." is in RFK Jr. video with Reiner Fuellmich. See


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According to the Peterson-KFF Health System Tracker for the calendar year 2021, there are roughly 41 million children aged 4 to 14 years of age in America, out of that number only 72 died from coronavirus, there was no mention of comorbidities. As unfortunate as these deaths were for these families, this suggests that merely 0.00018 percent of children in that population sector died of the virus. A statistically insignificant number that is impossible to square with the recommendation coming from the likes of the CDC...

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Yes, not only did CDC and Fauci use ineffective, toxic interventions, BUT they also refused to allow any interventions and treatments. Patients were refused treatment when they appealed to the hospital to help them. Lack of treatment caused the virus to proliferate and eventually they died of organizing pneumonia (from viral debris), or blood clots, etc.

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Fauci has established a power base in his spider web of influence in the US health sector. He has influence all around the world by his handing out of money for research. He is a global predator. He is "tight" with Gates and has independant communication channels with China. I don't doubt that he has coordinated with China for his health tyranny.

I wonder why he avoided complying with obama mandate of GOF 'pause' by 'outsourcing' of novel chimeric pandemic viruses? /s

He is a classically evil person who is akin to J. Edgar Hoover, who has established a independent empire in the US, with the same methods and same pursuit of power. He may turn out to be more evil than J. Edgar Hoover, and more like murderers like Pol Pot. His suppression of early treatment options in favor of (only) 'vaccines' cost MILLIONS of lives across the world. He belongs in jail, and should be tried in the Hague for crimes against humanity.

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This article lays out some points that can be used to pester your congressmen


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While I agree wholeheartedly with the main point, we should be careful with the body count. Some, probably significant, number of the toll gleefully reported in the propaganda died not from “Covid” but rather in temporal proximity to a positive outcome of an unreliable test. And it is well known that many, for financial reasons, were “diagnosed” with “Covid” entirely fraudulently.

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Yes, even the corrupt CDC admits that only about 5% are true Covid deaths(if covid even really exists) and the rest were people with on average, 3 other co-morbidities that just tested positive. But Dr. Fraudci's blocking of available early treatments, recommending people stay at home rather than seeking early treatment, recommending ventilators and Remdesivir(the new AZT) and forcing many to take the untested but profitable "vaccines", all led to mountains of unnecessary deaths. Pfizer/Moderna making $35,000/minute on these toxic injections and Tony gets his beak wet.

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