I like the long the short and everything in between that you produce
I want my sleep back..the nightmares to go back to the cupboard under the stairs. I want to stop needing to read copious amounts of coconut plague data and articles and be subject to interminable conversations that simply reiterate what we know..that there is a planned wiping out of health and humanity..that governments have gone to the dark underbelly of Farma and are joyfully suckling the poison udder , at the expense of our lives, freedoms, and businesses...I want to be able to walk down the street and not see stupid signs and masks of stupidity everywhere, triggering a Tourette’s response out of me...
Go Missouri! Go AG Schmitt! --- Our Governor is pissed off at our AG for the same reason. I wasn't keen on our AG until he filed with the other Red States. Now, I think he's a bad ass. 😉
I got a letter from CMS today. Pretty much telling me I need to be vaxxed. How will I live when they take away all the money I paid in my whole working life?
Demand they give you the scientific justification for the mandate. The sad truth right now, is that you & so very many others need a lawyer to stop this. My heart hurts for you…
Thank-you. --- I'm sure their "scientific justification" would be the same as all the other mandates put out so far. "We're the government and we say so." 🙁
Ironic you post this because my 18 year old daughter just asked me last night what we would do if we needed a blood transfusion? Could we get unvaccinated blood?
I am grateful we can call him Brandon. Wonder who is really in charge of Brandon?
Will he declare victory over covid at SOTU like Covid and Coffee has predicted? (Jeff Childers-botched last name)
Are people really going to vaccine 6 month olds with covid jab along with all the other 6 month jabs? SIDS will move from peaking at 4 months to peaking at 6. Sickeninng.
What story(ies) made my stomach turn: Charleston, SC is going full totalitarian; the CCP rejected Pfizer; The Atlantic (Zuckerberg) Magazine kisses Pfizer’s ass; Walensky’s covid deaths reduction sauce; 145 highly injected countries with the injections failing keep injecting; Macron’s wormwood mouth; Trudeau’s Hitler impersonation; your yet another brilliant summation of what the rest of think and want…
The bee’s meme is funny for sure. Everyone who gets the jabs test positive it seems. I would assume because the jabs contain the mRNA that the test looks for.
I wanted to add a crazy story. My eye doctor ( married to a teacher) just said she is happy school is canceled because she is taking her son who’s 11 in for the second jab on purpose a few days late so he’s 12 when they jab him so he will get the adult dose. 😞 obviously this is a very sad story. For several reasons. The single focus on her family “ glad school is closed for them” instead of let parents decide what’s best in their situation and I will just choose to home school. Plus the lack of trust in pfizer / public health to determine a proper dose for her son. ( she feels a need to intervene) so on one hand she completely trusts Pfizer to make this product for her kid but not to dose him high enough. And even weirder she understands the difference In doses but not that the vax is for the original Wuhan strain (or so we are told) but that omicron is the strain going around. I have also heard of people faking birth certificates to get more juice into their kids. But mad someone might fake a vax card. It’s all so crazy. No one trusts Pfizer or the government right now. It might be the issue dividing us is if we believe our bodies can do a better job fighting the virus ( if it even is real) or we need pharmaceutical help. I just thought I would share that take on the situation to hopefully help us to wake them up. My thinking is if the pro vaccine passport crew is not happy they can’t choose the amount of treatment they want. They might understand we want to choose less. That overall choice is key.
Errors of Knowledge vs. Breaches of Morality: “Learn to distinguish the difference between errors of knowledge and breaches of morality. An error of knowledge is not a moral flaw, provided you are willing to correct it; only a mystic would judge human beings by the standard of an impossible, automatic omniscience. But a breach of morality is the conscious choice of an action you know to be evil, or a willful evasion of knowledge, a suspension of sight and of thought. That which you do not know, is not a moral charge against you; but that which you refuse to know, is an account of infamy growing in your soul. Make every allowance for errors of knowledge; do not forgive or accept any breach of morality. Give the benefit of the doubt to those who seek to know; but treat as potential killers those specimens of insolent depravity who make demands upon you, announcing that they have and seek no reasons, proclaiming, as a license, that they “just feel it”—or those who reject an irrefutable argument by saying: “It’s only logic,” which means: “It’s only reality.” The only realm opposed to reality is the realm and premise of death.”
The only difference between drug cartels and the federal government is that the cartels don’t force anyone to take their drugs.
So...what he's saying is since Brandon is letting in all the illegals to live here, we need to go there to be free. 🤔Sounds reasonable.
Toby, do you sleep? I'm in Alaska, so this is quite timely for me...Sadly, you can add Bob Saget to the list...you're doing amazing work brother!
Thank you Nick!
And now Sidney Poitier, class African American Actor & Performer.
I like the long the short and everything in between that you produce
I want my sleep back..the nightmares to go back to the cupboard under the stairs. I want to stop needing to read copious amounts of coconut plague data and articles and be subject to interminable conversations that simply reiterate what we know..that there is a planned wiping out of health and humanity..that governments have gone to the dark underbelly of Farma and are joyfully suckling the poison udder , at the expense of our lives, freedoms, and businesses...I want to be able to walk down the street and not see stupid signs and masks of stupidity everywhere, triggering a Tourette’s response out of me...
The same museums that don’t let the unvaccinated in. I want to laugh but I cry bc we are living through nazi Germany times
Go Missouri! Go AG Schmitt! --- Our Governor is pissed off at our AG for the same reason. I wasn't keen on our AG until he filed with the other Red States. Now, I think he's a bad ass. 😉
Glad you rested, Toby. We need you.
I got a letter from CMS today. Pretty much telling me I need to be vaxxed. How will I live when they take away all the money I paid in my whole working life?
Demand they give you the scientific justification for the mandate. The sad truth right now, is that you & so very many others need a lawyer to stop this. My heart hurts for you…
Thank-you. --- I'm sure their "scientific justification" would be the same as all the other mandates put out so far. "We're the government and we say so." 🙁
If you live in a red state, please contact your AG’s office & ask what they are doing to stop this mandate.
Thank-you! Will do!
Bandit, please keep me posted. And let me know which AG you contact. I might be able to help get you answers.
Are they now requiring the shot for medicaid or medicare?
It wasn't a demand. It was a little shove "in the right direction." I'm sure the mandate is in the works.
"Bougie Sharia"! LOVE this!
Is unhacksxxxinated sperm the new Bitcoin?... But where to advertise?
Can I charge extra for direct deposit?
Sorry this is funny in the worst way
How will we survive?
Ironic you post this because my 18 year old daughter just asked me last night what we would do if we needed a blood transfusion? Could we get unvaccinated blood?
If you save up your own...in advance I am told. Not sure how
I am grateful we can call him Brandon. Wonder who is really in charge of Brandon?
Will he declare victory over covid at SOTU like Covid and Coffee has predicted? (Jeff Childers-botched last name)
Are people really going to vaccine 6 month olds with covid jab along with all the other 6 month jabs? SIDS will move from peaking at 4 months to peaking at 6. Sickeninng.
good one, thanks. fyi, funny new TV ad from Schizer on rumble, (if you know German, the name Schizer is even funnier), anyway, https://rumble.com/vrynaa-schizer-because-we-care-about..
OUCH!!! You just stabbed me in my outraged arse! Except, heh, I AM CLICKBAIT😉
What story(ies) made my stomach turn: Charleston, SC is going full totalitarian; the CCP rejected Pfizer; The Atlantic (Zuckerberg) Magazine kisses Pfizer’s ass; Walensky’s covid deaths reduction sauce; 145 highly injected countries with the injections failing keep injecting; Macron’s wormwood mouth; Trudeau’s Hitler impersonation; your yet another brilliant summation of what the rest of think and want…
The bee’s meme is funny for sure. Everyone who gets the jabs test positive it seems. I would assume because the jabs contain the mRNA that the test looks for.
I wanted to add a crazy story. My eye doctor ( married to a teacher) just said she is happy school is canceled because she is taking her son who’s 11 in for the second jab on purpose a few days late so he’s 12 when they jab him so he will get the adult dose. 😞 obviously this is a very sad story. For several reasons. The single focus on her family “ glad school is closed for them” instead of let parents decide what’s best in their situation and I will just choose to home school. Plus the lack of trust in pfizer / public health to determine a proper dose for her son. ( she feels a need to intervene) so on one hand she completely trusts Pfizer to make this product for her kid but not to dose him high enough. And even weirder she understands the difference In doses but not that the vax is for the original Wuhan strain (or so we are told) but that omicron is the strain going around. I have also heard of people faking birth certificates to get more juice into their kids. But mad someone might fake a vax card. It’s all so crazy. No one trusts Pfizer or the government right now. It might be the issue dividing us is if we believe our bodies can do a better job fighting the virus ( if it even is real) or we need pharmaceutical help. I just thought I would share that take on the situation to hopefully help us to wake them up. My thinking is if the pro vaccine passport crew is not happy they can’t choose the amount of treatment they want. They might understand we want to choose less. That overall choice is key.
Toby, I'm so grateful for you and your community. You make us think, you make us laugh, you help us stay sane. God bless you and help you.
Thank you Ruth! 🙌
The Green Fields Of Death - Compiled
Video Of Athlete Heart Attacks
(discretion advised)
When do we halt this killer vax program?
Now for the laughing while I am crying news of the day. Teacher in Texas is arrested because she put her 13 year old in the trunk after he tested positive for c19. Good thing teacher is educated and has a sheep skin. https://www.oregonlive.com/coronavirus/2022/01/teacher-charged-after-putting-covid-positive-son-in-car-trunk-to-isolate-him-on-way-to-testing-site.html
And, right next to that article was AP article saying Malone is crazy and there is no such thing as Mass Formation Spell.
"the crazed psychopaths who want to kill everyone"
Eventually we all will come around to see that they are just capitalists doing what capitalists are famous for doing. See my short review
and an excerpt, first link at
Errors of Knowledge vs. Breaches of Morality: “Learn to distinguish the difference between errors of knowledge and breaches of morality. An error of knowledge is not a moral flaw, provided you are willing to correct it; only a mystic would judge human beings by the standard of an impossible, automatic omniscience. But a breach of morality is the conscious choice of an action you know to be evil, or a willful evasion of knowledge, a suspension of sight and of thought. That which you do not know, is not a moral charge against you; but that which you refuse to know, is an account of infamy growing in your soul. Make every allowance for errors of knowledge; do not forgive or accept any breach of morality. Give the benefit of the doubt to those who seek to know; but treat as potential killers those specimens of insolent depravity who make demands upon you, announcing that they have and seek no reasons, proclaiming, as a license, that they “just feel it”—or those who reject an irrefutable argument by saying: “It’s only logic,” which means: “It’s only reality.” The only realm opposed to reality is the realm and premise of death.”