Toby. Amazing review. just one thing that I've shared with JB and Jenny - so they know already. Soma started this method -- original is called Rapid Prompting Method. S2C is the copy. At current count, there are 4 copies of RPM. It's all good stuff - but just wanted to give credit where credit is due. https://www.halo-soma.org/

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Excellent point. Yes. Thank you for raising it. I'll figure out some way to update the article accordingly.

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Sorry, sir, but phone conversations are not feasible for me. Thanks for asking, though.

If I have anything useful to contribute, , I'll gladly do so here! And thanks again for your wonderful essay.

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A further comment: rather ironic that us on the vaccine-sceptic lockdown-sceptic group will say that computer communication isn't real life, but this is?

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Toby - I don't know about where you are, but here in NE Texas, I see Action Behavior Centers springing up. There are 12 centers within 10 miles of me. (I noticed their logo looks like a masonic symbol.) https://www.actionbehavior.com/ They promote the use of different 'behavior centers' to treat autism. No where on their website does it say who the people are that started ABC. No where does it say anything about S2C as part of their offered services.

Autism is big business.



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This thread is doing my head in now. Ugh. Let me just say it, this is not inspiring, hopeful, or any of that shit. These people are just hopelessly damaged and non functional in the real world (you can't work if you are reliant on this technology so there is no potential for independence). This is just pathetic sad people who have been destroyed by the people who are meant to care about them but who poisoned them because they 'trusted the science' and are now dependent on those who harmed them. Tired of people whitewashing reality. Autism is lifelong, hellish suffering and that is being ignored so that people can call this shit inspiring.

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The entire autism story is a human tragedy. I too have dove deep into this and was blown away at what I found. The video made me cry

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Thank you so much Toby. Having worked briefly as a nutritionist with a young boy with ASD, and after some initial encouraging progress, having had to give up very sadly, I so welcome this amazing discovery and can’t wait to read JB’s book and watch the film. I so admire and envy your work - don’t give up ever! Francoise

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Beautiful, Toby. I'd love to hear more about your mom's reaction and opinions.

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Far too many people refuse to believe even _obviously_ clear scientific evidence of the harms of even the fraudcine (which should be visible to a _blind_ man, much less one that thinks they can see). Even fewer will believe the clear evidence of the others.

UNTIL, that is, they can hear it from someone who is literal living and walking proof.

If this catches on as fully as we all should hope, it will have a HUGE beneficial effect.

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JB is a gem too and thank you for your diligence and your words. Parent of an adult with Autism here and not trusting our gov spared us mRNA live clinical trials but did not spare our daughter from the initial assault. Maybe S2C could help? Thanks again!

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Bless everyone working on developing and promoting S2C.

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It is wonderful to learn about the advances in communication for people on the spectrum. Ever since the Andrew Wakefield article concerning the potential link of MMR vaccines to autism, I have diligently followed the research and the stories and reports from parents about vaccine injury as the initiating cause of autism in their children. Also the revelation by CDC Whistleblower William Thompson showed us that the data with the statistical proof of autism linked to MMR vaccination for black boys under age 3 was deliberately hidden by the CDC.

Today, there is an overwhelming amount of information about fraudulent vaccine ‘science’ available to the public in books, films, and from public interest organizations like CHD, direct Substack articles and podcasts from Doctors and scientists. It is utterly stunning that most doctors continue to push these POISONS on very young children and ignore the impact of their CDC vaccine schedules on perfectly healthy and mentally normal children who suddenly become autistic after a vaccine.

It is known that Pediatricians get bigger bonuses from Pharma for higher vaccination rates in their practices and that this revenue stream is a high percentage of total revenues. Dr Paul Thomas, MD revealed this in his book, The Vaccine Friendly plan, and the appendix showed the autism outcomes for three categories of patients: CDC Schedule, Vaccine friendly Schedule and Unvaccinated. Based on my recollection, The CDC Schedule had the normal amount of autism (15 or 16 patients?), The vaccine Friendly had autism of less than half of the expected incidence, and the unvaccinated group had ZERO autism, well below expected levels.

So I am an absolute vaccine skeptic and will never take another vaccination period. Pharma, CDC, NIH, FDA all use a marketing tag line or mantra as ‘safe and effective’ with absolutely no proper true ‘inert placebo RCT studies’ to show this is a scientifically true statement.

The CV19 vaccines are the most dangerous and deadly vaccines ever unleashed on the global and USA population. In the USA none of the states have BANNED the jabs for all age groups, although Florida advises no CV19 jabs are recommended for children or young men in specific age ranges due to risks of myocarditis/heart damage. If these jabs are unsafe for our youngest healthiest adults, what are they doing to our seniors? To pregnant women? To babies and fetuses? To people with serious ailments?

We know from many written sources that all cause mortality broke out to a higher level AFTER the rollout of the CV19 vaccines, in many highly vaccinated countries including the USA.

End Autism, end vaccine injuries and deaths, turn to natural healing modalities hidden from us for almost 100 years.

Pray to God to continue to reveal the truth and to open the eyes of the people so that our children can be saved. As Jordon Person so eloquently stated in a recent video, some hills are worth dying on. May God Bless you and your families.

Meantime, Palm Beach County, Florida, is building an entire high school for kids on the spectrum, as there are so many affected.

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I am glad to hear about this movie. I've encountered S2C elsewhere and I think it is a great idea. My interest in this topic is that I also am on the spectrum. I'm just not severely disabled. Not everybody is.

I started to post a comment here this morning, but it kept growing and I decided to put it on my blog instead. It can be read at https://clearmiddle.substack.com/p/another-worldview

It's not terribly long to read; it just took a long time to write.

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What a thoughtful comment. Thank you for writing it. I've subscribed to your Substack and look forward to reading more from you. 🙌

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Astounding! Thanks for sharing this story.

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Press on. Autistic children are counting on us to never give up hope. What a break-thru! Every bit of education, every piece of equipment, every independent living facility should be funded by big pharma. God bless these parents and caregivers.

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Wonderful. Wonderful. Wonderful.

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