To be fair the right also want to control speech (i.e. they scream free speech but want to ban anything critical of their shibboleths partic. Israel (that's really why they want to ban tiktok according to credible people like TLAV - too much Israel criticism)). (obviously - overgeneralisation)

I agree the definition of autism is insufficient as those are just the symptoms of being a useless vax injured freak, not being that in itself.

I'm not so convinced medicine selects for autistic retards. The sciences and academia, yes, and techy stuff, but medicine requires at least a degree of social competence unlike computer programming, etc. You have to e.g. do eye contact to reassure the patient, etc, which is failed at by retards. You also have to be a very good social manipulator. So I tend to think normal people, primarily, created us.

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"So perhaps the patterns of vaccine injury have changed over time"

IMO it's that the Global Predators go far too far in one direction and people vote against that side of the UniParty (not for the other lot, but a hate-vote against). For a while, the other side of the UniParty reverses the most egregious policies and things seem like they're getting better, until they get towards the opposite extreme. Rinse repeat. It gives the appearance that voting creates change.

In part, I think they have wrecked Liberalism as a passive-aggressive policy to punish the public for wanting more than a few crumbs from their table. Don't like racism? Have some DEI. Don't like sexism? Have LGBTQA++++ Don't like smugly superior teachers? Have Common Core & trophies for all for everything. Feel bad for asylum-seekers whose countries have been destroyed by Deep State wars? We'll let them ALL in and treat them better than you until you hate them (if you can't see the Globalists game behind it).

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Apr 29Liked by Toby Rogers

We have an acquaintance who is trans. Age 73. There were few kiddie vaxxes then. He appears to be autistic.

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Apr 29Liked by Toby Rogers

Diethylstilbestetol. Given as a vitamin shot 1948 to 1973 to over 5 million women in the usa alone. Created by an op paperclip dr. It caused gender confusion in the mice. The pregnant women were told it would prevent miscarriage. EVIL PLANNED LONG AGO

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Go to my Spotify and scroll through the episodes to find something you like. I will make a new episode on the dis-education system shortly. Thanks.

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Apr 28Liked by Toby Rogers

I just had a similar conversation with my partner recently. So I find it fascinating that you are also exploring this line of thought & chose to write about it. This is something I have been pondering for some time now.

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Apr 28Liked by Toby Rogers

Interesting theory. Sorry my response is a little long winded. Autistic brain lol.

Firmly believe that vax are destroying brains. I've wondered with trans about the aborted fetal tissue contained in vax causing this. Male DNA going into females, nice versa... Never would have applied this to politics per se but it makes some sense I suppose.

Re; the autism piece I have first hand experience of this vax injury spectrum. I have 2 daughters..one of each type as you describe. Neither ride the progressive train though. Homeschooling for the win.

My oldest, 21, is vaccine injured, autistic, EXTREMELY ADD. Learning disabilities to the max. She autistic but you have to spend some time with her before you'd know it.

My other, 18, skirts the line between autism and obsessive compulsive personality disorder. She has killer anxiety, likes thing a certain way, and ppl chewing sends her over the edge but no real social deficits, more mentally flexible than her sister. Gets iniendo, reads between the lines etc. Really, she is the most neurotypical among all of us. Shes crazy smart. She's also the least vaccinated. I thank God every day that we woke up!

Neither is on this progressive train though. We homeschooled both from 7th/4th ,grade onward which saved them I think. The timing was nothing short of divine. It kept them from being indoctrinated.

I think though that the part of your equation that's missing is happening before higher education. The primary schools are a HUGE part of this problem and represent when Americans stopped thinking for themselves. Common core has set the stage for this by standardizing everything. thinking and analyzing are bad... We pulled our kids because my oldest who couldn't multiply in 7th grade was going to be forced to take trig to graduate (I was told it would be considered a "success" if she got a D) and my kid who could do 7+4=11 in her head at 3 was being penalized (grades) for not grasping block model math or being able to "show her work". Ridiculous. It was the most asinine, dichotomous thing I've ever dealt with in my life. This is a breeding ground for black and white group think. Vaccine injury is icing on the cake that allows it to flourish.

There is hope. More and more parents are homeschooling for academic, social and political (vaccine mandates for one). I'm finding there are more of us out there than I think there are.

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I wonder how the Left's endless attempts to provoke President Putin to justify WW3 fits into this injection injury scenario? Such a situation of injection injury dictating ideology was likely not part of the globalists' plan. Thus, as injuries morph & intensify, much of recent ideological & attitude shifts now cannot be predicted.

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Progressivism is a rebranded form of Communism for an American audience. President Woodrow Wilson was the main figurehead in the movement to collectivize America covertly. Autism is inflammation of the brain causing brain damage. People who are Progessoves have been lied to and have brain damage to not break free of ideological possession. You have to be crazy to want communism.

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Apr 27·edited Apr 27Liked by Toby Rogers

On Rumble someone replied to a comment I wrote about psychopaths. Here's the reply: "I think that there are now more than 2 percent..because of the childhood Vax schedule...all of them will damage you in some way...particularly your brain..turning us into a nation of psychopaths."

That reply caused me to recall this article and realized how psychopathy has similarities with autism. Since psychopaths lack empathy, remorse, and a conscience, it could be a particular form of autism which you (Toby) describe as a neurological problem that either magnifies or shrinks a person's senses. Since empathy and remorse are feelings, they are quite similar to the 5 physical senses that autism is commonly associated with. Does autism also effect our emotional feelings? If it does, then there's a link between autism and psychopathy and therefore vaccines!!!

Here's an article entitled: "In 1917 Rudolf Steiner foresaw a vaccine that would ‘drive all inclination toward spirituality out of people’s souls’". It's creepy how right on Steiner can be.


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To the man holding a hammer, everything looks like a nail. While autism alone cannot explain the full gamut of machiavellian evil in America's ruling class, it may explain why the voters keep asking for more.

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Apr 27Liked by Toby Rogers

Your work goes to 11.

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Apr 27Liked by Toby Rogers

Interesting read Toby, I hope your health is improving along with your knowledge of what ails you. The fact that the vaccine schedule in the US is more than likely causing many of the physical & mental issues in our population makes sense. Not sure of the political brain connections though. It seems obvious to stop & review the whole vaccine practice in this country though. It’s out of control at ~90 given over a child’s lifetime & autism diagnosis increasing along with it. We won’t ever get there under our current system - pharma compromised medical institutions,CDC/FDA need to go. Censorship needs to stop as parents need to be informed. There is usually no informed consent, just blind compliance. Because of the reaction & crazy non nonsensical policies / “science” in the COVID experience many more were awakened to the danger inherent in our current medical establishment. Good. Pay attention to the Geoengineering of our skies with chemtrails. It’s happening much more frequently as they spray chemicals like aluminum in our skies - chemtrails are real just look up on a nice blue sky day. Watch ‘The Dimming ‘ documentary for background at Geoengineering watch.org. State of TN recently banned the practice, more need to be aware of what’s happening in our skies. And who’s funding it (Bill Gates $) in an attempt to control the amount of sunlight we get - literally creating fake chemical clouds in order to reflect the sun back into the atmosphere. What can go wrong?? All because of the hysterical global warming crazies. It can’t be healthy to breathe in that crap. Also EMF issues. I’ve been reading about ‘the positive effects from grounding’ & earthing practices. I listened to an interview between Naomi Wolf & Dr. Ealy on the topic. Am reading up on it & trying it out with some of the products available. Of course it’s debunked in the msm. Time will tell.

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Apr 27Liked by Toby Rogers

Toby, as a practicing OT with autist clients(I am self employed) I learned about detoxing and have been using Holistic Health and Quicksilver Scientific to remove harmful heavy metals from my body for 16 years. I agree with your assessment of the effects of toxic load on society. Christine Diekman

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Apr 27Liked by Toby Rogers

Maybe hints of this involved but groupthink and rarity of actual free thinking and free speech is the biggest issue methinks. Trump in 16 just broke a lot of brains, the media ran with narratives that exploited the divisions further for clicks and profit (and righteous broken brain fury) and people mostly have never recovered. Covid propaganda was over the fucking top and most people can barely put it behind them and ignore the insanity they just went through much reflect and admit they got caught up in a totalitarian frenzy.

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