Every time I see the Gumby "Stay Safe" Close I need to gorge on industrial strength antiemetics. When I was a kid, we had Godzilla. Now it's a ball with suction cup pricks. What a bore.
Thanks, Toby, for saying out loud what most of us think!
There are also a lot of fake job posting there to keep the HR folks busy at companies during down times, but other reasons.
I have my own company, but decided to apply for a role via LI as an experiment. I got a reply back a few days later saying I didn't fit their qualifcations, and they already found a person for it. Well, a few days later I see that role posted again and every few weeks it keeps popping up.
I learned later they do this for visibility. I use LI just for a way to keep my CV in one place as clients sometimes want to see it. #FULI
I saw through LinkedIn many years ago and erased myself of that platform. It was a platform for the predator class and intellectual elite seeking glory. The credentialed class as another substacker wisely stated "The credentialed are optimized to slither up the greasy pole of the institutions by appealing to authority"
The Unwritten Discursive Norms of LinkedIn are similar in many ways to Judith Butler's (1990) definition of gender. It's theater, a performance, there's not necessarily any underlying reality that is being expressed — but in everyone acting as if the performance is real we make it real. In this case, the Unwritten Discursive Norms of LinkedIn are the performance of class. If you are on the employee side of the equation, the Unwritten Discursive Norms of LinkedIn are the performance of submission to the state and capital, acting as if this whole system is normal, good, and desirable. On the employer side of the equation, the Unwritten Discursive Norms of LinkedIn are the performance of bougie dominance, establishing your role as the servant of the state and capital who still has power over others. In being forced to affirm the unreal I find the entire process contemptible and totalitarian.
I love the goal!! I had used Linkedin for decades. I signed off the very first time I saw its alphabet flag show years ago. None of that crap belongs on a business platform. It's why I also don't shop at or do business with any DEI related companies. Sadly the caveat to that would be auto insurance companies as I have no choice thus far.
Toby, some of your readers might like to see a posting I put up here yesterday. 'You can make anyone (I mean anyone!) "vaccine hesitant" inside of 1/2 an hour. Maybe less! Provided they know how to read.' It's here: https://janetmcneill.substack.com/p/you-can-make-anyone-i-mean-anyone
Interesting article! I don't "do" LinkedIn. Or Facebook. My daughters are on LinkedIn because that's where the jobs appear, apparently. They both think it's rubbish - fake people spouting fake nonsense about how wonderful their careers are. It's not just LinkedIn is it though? All those young people who think they are "Influencers" and pose on Instagram or TikTok with their pouty faces and pointless praising of themselves whilst holding a branded product. One daughter is a chef and has occasionally been called in to cook food for a supposed celebrity who is launching some healthy/keto/baby/vegan line of food but can't actually cook. Glossy photos follow and thousands of "likes" all over the internet. All fake. Everyone's a star in their own movie these days. Which is why there are so many mental health issues in young people.
Many of them will be celebrating early retirement soon, we should be happy for them, no? They are getting good deals to get out and be happy, I hope they are ready for so much happiness!
I completely agree with the parallel society. Free systems, outside the nightmare. A free commons, seeded by a billionaire or two who wants to save their soul.
I kept my LinkedIn account over the years mainly to gather information. Your Stack is 💯 on target. The laptop class bourgeois servicing the corporate fascists stroke each other in mutual pleasuring on its pages. I feel like I need a shower after each login. Sharing immediately to my LinkedIn account. That should cut down the searches and unsolicited come-on’s pretty quick. Bravo!
LinkedIn is nothing but a Disney-movie for the deplorable ones still firmly in the grip of the corporate entities. Should be re-branded as Chained-Up ...
{...for everyone building the parallel society...} PSSST or Cccchhhh !!!
Everyone working on this: It's imperative to keep it for yourself and the closest possible circle !!!
Every time I see the Gumby "Stay Safe" Close I need to gorge on industrial strength antiemetics. When I was a kid, we had Godzilla. Now it's a ball with suction cup pricks. What a bore.
Has everyone seen Jeffery Sacks speech at the Munich Security Conference?
US foreign policy for the last thirty years. The truth.
Short version with transcript.
Long version with transcript.
I should probably get the hell off of linkedin.
Yep, me too.
Thanks, Toby, for saying out loud what most of us think!
There are also a lot of fake job posting there to keep the HR folks busy at companies during down times, but other reasons.
I have my own company, but decided to apply for a role via LI as an experiment. I got a reply back a few days later saying I didn't fit their qualifcations, and they already found a person for it. Well, a few days later I see that role posted again and every few weeks it keeps popping up.
I learned later they do this for visibility. I use LI just for a way to keep my CV in one place as clients sometimes want to see it. #FULI
I saw through LinkedIn many years ago and erased myself of that platform. It was a platform for the predator class and intellectual elite seeking glory. The credentialed class as another substacker wisely stated "The credentialed are optimized to slither up the greasy pole of the institutions by appealing to authority"
I was never sorry that I left it.
Thank you Toby for this very eye opening article!! I sincerely hope you are feeling better.
The Unwritten Discursive Norms of LinkedIn are similar in many ways to Judith Butler's (1990) definition of gender. It's theater, a performance, there's not necessarily any underlying reality that is being expressed — but in everyone acting as if the performance is real we make it real. In this case, the Unwritten Discursive Norms of LinkedIn are the performance of class. If you are on the employee side of the equation, the Unwritten Discursive Norms of LinkedIn are the performance of submission to the state and capital, acting as if this whole system is normal, good, and desirable. On the employer side of the equation, the Unwritten Discursive Norms of LinkedIn are the performance of bougie dominance, establishing your role as the servant of the state and capital who still has power over others. In being forced to affirm the unreal I find the entire process contemptible and totalitarian.
I love the goal!! I had used Linkedin for decades. I signed off the very first time I saw its alphabet flag show years ago. None of that crap belongs on a business platform. It's why I also don't shop at or do business with any DEI related companies. Sadly the caveat to that would be auto insurance companies as I have no choice thus far.
Additionally, I loath Linkedin's pompous owner.
Toby, some of your readers might like to see a posting I put up here yesterday. 'You can make anyone (I mean anyone!) "vaccine hesitant" inside of 1/2 an hour. Maybe less! Provided they know how to read.' It's here: https://janetmcneill.substack.com/p/you-can-make-anyone-i-mean-anyone
Interesting article! I don't "do" LinkedIn. Or Facebook. My daughters are on LinkedIn because that's where the jobs appear, apparently. They both think it's rubbish - fake people spouting fake nonsense about how wonderful their careers are. It's not just LinkedIn is it though? All those young people who think they are "Influencers" and pose on Instagram or TikTok with their pouty faces and pointless praising of themselves whilst holding a branded product. One daughter is a chef and has occasionally been called in to cook food for a supposed celebrity who is launching some healthy/keto/baby/vegan line of food but can't actually cook. Glossy photos follow and thousands of "likes" all over the internet. All fake. Everyone's a star in their own movie these days. Which is why there are so many mental health issues in young people.
Many of them will be celebrating early retirement soon, we should be happy for them, no? They are getting good deals to get out and be happy, I hope they are ready for so much happiness!
I completely agree with the parallel society. Free systems, outside the nightmare. A free commons, seeded by a billionaire or two who wants to save their soul.
just read on x: Billionaire Reid Hoffman to Flee the United States
• The same Reid Hoffman that went to Epstein Island
• The Same Reid Hoffman that Elon Musk name Dropped as likely being on the Epstein Island Client List https://rumble.com/v5hvhhn-elon-musk-kamala-harris-is-controlled-by-those-on-the-epstein-client-list-.html
• The Same Reid Hoffman that E. Jean Carroll “forgot” to disclose that he was funding her entire sexual assault case against Donald Trump.
Good bye Reid
I kept my LinkedIn account over the years mainly to gather information. Your Stack is 💯 on target. The laptop class bourgeois servicing the corporate fascists stroke each other in mutual pleasuring on its pages. I feel like I need a shower after each login. Sharing immediately to my LinkedIn account. That should cut down the searches and unsolicited come-on’s pretty quick. Bravo!
🔥🔥🔥 👍👍👍 B I N G O !!!
LinkedIn is nothing but a Disney-movie for the deplorable ones still firmly in the grip of the corporate entities. Should be re-branded as Chained-Up ...
{...for everyone building the parallel society...} PSSST or Cccchhhh !!!
Everyone working on this: It's imperative to keep it for yourself and the closest possible circle !!!
Love the way your mind works, Toby.