Oct 26, 2021Liked by Toby Rogers

Emailed all 21. Here is my letter. Read the P.S.

I tried to put them in the place of vulnerability instead of “ the elite” to make them think!!

I am a mother of young children and am concerned about your upcoming meeting to review Pfizer's EUA application for children ages 5 through 11. Pfizer has not demonstrated any health benefits for children and the potential side effects are disastrous. Furthermore, the risk of serious infection from COVID-19 for children ages 5 to 11 is extremely low and the risk of hospitalization and/or death is statistically zero while the side effects of this injection are potentially catastrophic. I urge you to do your duty in honoring the Hippocratic Oath and the Nuremberg Code by voting NO. If you fail to protect our nation's children, you have committed a gross crime against humanity. Our court's, as well as your conscience, will bear great witness against you if you fail to speak up for the innocent! Vote NO and save yourself before it is too late!


Katharine Day

Mother of 6, Wife of a Senior Specialist aerospace engineer, Project Engineer Designer

P.S. Would you like my husband to design an airplane that purposefully falls out of the sky when it transports your child or grandchild to a loved one? This is what Pfizer has done. You have the power to stop it. Do the right thing or live with regret for the rest of your life with the blood of many children on your hands!

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Good letter! 🙌 Thank you for contacting all of these people!

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Love that P.S.

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Oct 22, 2021Liked by Toby Rogers

Thanks for gathering these names Toby! It took me about 35 minutes to formulate an email and send it one by one to each member. Totally do-able. The only other thing I'd think about adding is that because this is a leaky vaccine that is driving variants, there is real concern for the evolution of a more deadly variant. The naturally immune/recovered and children will be a natural buffer that stops that from burning through the population. Vaccinating the children removes that buffer and makes a catastrophic outcome more likely in the future. I also added in the section about how children don't die or even get severely ill, then where is the "emergency" that requires special authorization??

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Thank you for doing that! 🙌 Great points! For the sake of simplicity I usually only go with 3 points. But if I were to add a fourth it would be exactly as you say:

Mass vaccination turns kids into shedders of more infectious variants.

"Under no circumstances should young and healthy people be vaccinated as it will only erode their protective innate immunity towards Coronaviruses (CoV) and other respiratory viruses. Their innate immunity normally/ naturally largely protects them and provides a kind of herd immunity in that it dilutes infectious CoV pressure at the level of the population, whereas mass vaccination turns them into shedders of more infectious variants. Children/ youngsters who get the disease mostly develop mild to moderate disease and as a result continue to contribute to herd immunity by developing broad and long-lived immunity. If you are vaccinated and get the disease, you may develop life-long immunity too but why would you take the risk of getting vaccinated, especially when you’re young and healthy? Firstly, there is the risk of potential side effects; secondarily, there is the ever increasing risk that your vaccinal antibodies will no longer be functional while still binding to the virus, thereby increasing the likelihood of ADE or even severe disease...."


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Oct 25, 2021Liked by Toby Rogers

Thank you Toby, for your effort to put this together Ive emailed and called or texted most. I have sent this post out on FB and telegram...Thank you!

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Oct 26, 2021Liked by Toby Rogers

Emailed each of these individuals and prayed that each member receiving these emails would have compassion on our children and vote No.

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Oct 26, 2021Liked by Toby Rogers

Thank you I’m on it !! Have 7 yr old great grand baby. No way will she get it !!

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Oct 24, 2021Liked by Toby Rogers

Done.. emailed them all.

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I implored over 150 peopel to respond to this call to action. I myself emailed all 19 factotums who will decide the fate of our children. Uh, who elected these people?

I wrote them: "You have the power to stop this insanity. History will not absolve you if you fail to protect our children."

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Excellent. In general it's best to email each person individually in order to avoid spam filters. But anything is better than nothing so whatever works for you.

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edit to one of the emails- fullerao@umich.edu

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??? Isn't that the address that's there already? What's the correction?

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I edited the original list as well.

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Thank you!!!

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Oct 26, 2021Liked by Toby Rogers

I emailed all 21 one as well.They are going for the children, that is a bridge too far.

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Oct 25, 2021Liked by Toby Rogers

Thank you Toby!!!! I faxed all the people that had a fax number. 8 went through but Janet Woodcock and Melinda Wharton never went through...I tried numerous times throughout the day. I emailed all of them as well.

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That's a pretty good outcome! Those other two may be out of paper and/or the fax machine's memory may be full? All good signs I think.

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Oct 24, 2021Liked by Toby Rogers

Emailed them all. Thank you!

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Oct 26, 2021Liked by Toby Rogers

Please don't force our children or anyone else to take the Covid shot. My brother became an invalid from a shot. Don't do it to anyone else!

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Oct 26, 2021Liked by Toby Rogers

Emailed each person and pray my words, imploring them to have compassion for and grant protection to our children especially in light of the severe risks associated with the potential EUA vaccine and how those risks far outweigh any benefits, sway them to make the Godly decision.

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Done! I emailed everyone. Here's what I wrote. I focused on the integrity and reputation of the FDA.

I am writing to implore you to vote tomorrow according to sound scientific and ethical principles. Americans are watching. The world is watching. The precarious reputation of the FDA is on the line.

The data are clear to anyone who is willing to look at them with scientific integrity. I could detail the data, but surely you will be informed of the details in the meeting tomorrow. What I want to do here is state emphatically that we, the people, know that the risk-benefit analysis does not favor vaccinating children. We know that children’s risk from covid is negligible—much lower than it is from seasonal influenza. We know that these vaccines carry risks of harm heretofore considered unconscionable and intolerable in vaccine safety evaluations.

One of the arguments in favor of vaccinating children is that they will contribute to the ever-elusive concept of “herd immunity.” Even if this were the case, we know it is a violation of basic principles of bioethics to vaccinate them for the benefit of others. Given the known short-term risks and the unknown long-term risks, vaccinating children is indefensible.

At a time when the respectability of the CDC and FDA is in question, it is essential that the committee make an ethical and scientifically-sound recommendation regarding the jab for children. If the FDA will not stand for what is right for children, who will? If pediatricians are willing to jeopardize the welfare of children “for the greater good” or for political gain, how can parents ever trust them? The long-term consequences of the loss of trust will be far more damaging than Sars-CoV-2 could ever be. Approving the shots for children will lead to irreparable harms.

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Oct 25, 2021Liked by Toby Rogers

I emailed them all. I will try to call them all tomorrow. Hope and pray they listen.

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