This is maybe the most excellent post I have read of yours, and the most excellent analysis of the whole covid and 'post-covid' situation. The last two paragraphs bringing in Christianity's true mission, may (as an evangelical-christian-survivor) open a door to revisit christianity as a way of being that I can live with.

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You have outdone yourself with this piece.

People should watch “The Experimenter” on Prime. A good demonstration of this mindset. I’ve always been told that my brain is “different”. Thank god for that!!!

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(Toby, you wrote 'The authorities locked the hostages and their captors in the bank vault. Under those circumstances, the hostages’ hostility toward the authorities makes better sense').

This reminds me of how they made vaccinees hostile to 'anti-vaxxers' as though the evil anti-vaxxers threatened their safety and their lives.

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'....to flip the switch in people’s brains....' , well, in MOST poeple's brains. following the pattern of Hegelian dialectics some resistance/non-compliance is allowed. and there we are.

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You call it Stockholm Syndrome and Dr Mattias Desmet calls it Mass Formation Psychosis 🤷 Yuval Noah Harari, author of "Sapiens", WEF Muse & Schwab darling has smirked in an interview that " humans are now hackable...". From Bernays on, Psychology and Behaviour Science have received STUPIFYING Corporatocracy and Military research budgets (trillion$ depend upon it!).

This is, can ONLY be, a World-wide coordinated One World Gov campaign.

🤔 All using Noble Lies, based on a lie, exploding population. But we've peaked. And we could Star Trek the world... but They are fkn psycho & want to be Pharaohs.

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3 hrs ago·edited 3 hrs ago

Excellent article. To me it seems like a global Milgram Experiment which went a few steps further to test how many people wake up when the carnage becomes clearly visible. Or to put that another way they used the same techniques which are always used to introduce totalitarian control ie keep pushing until the people push back - stop there, wait and then push again until the ultimate goal has been accomplished - step by step.

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And the Asch experiments as well. People furiously denying what their own eyes tell them. I was just called out as a conspiracy whacko by a guy who has friends dropping all around him. An extremely intelligent guy too. All I did was say that the “experts” had clearly botched everything. In a previous discussion he immediately said “oh you must be Qanon”.

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I had something similar happen with a colleague, except she took it upon herself to follow up with an email rant. We threatened their cozy bubble that keeps them safe from the truth. That is the only explanation for their hostility and over-reaction.

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What is the function of hegemony, in Gramsci's sense? Ultimately it is the pleasurable illusion of belonging to a ruling class. The so-called elites are always tormentors whose own hermetically sealed hegemony floats above the drab hegemony of compliant adoration. For the compliant, consuming herds, not thinking itself becomes a pre-requisite for pleasure: escapism is always titillating and money alone makes this drug available. Hegemony, in Gramsci's sense, shunts the masses away from the anxiety with its redemptive powers as proposed by Kierkegaard. Comfort, offered up through hegemony, is therefore the poisoned chalice. Ultimately, as we have seen, the poisoned chalice morphs magically into the poisonous syringe and hordes of hegemonists are then lining up to be mass-murdered. The whole thing starts with an inner emptiness which is the offshoot of materialism and consumerism. To fill the void in your gut you buy stuff. To fill the void in your brain you buy into stuff. The stuff you buy and the stuff you buy into are equally toxic and pre-processed. The marketplace itself is a premeditated assault on human liberty. With Convid, the marketplace became by all definitions a lab and a slaughterhouse. Hegemony, to sum up, is therefore the comfort of yielding, through obedience, to immediate reward. It stems from a certain flaccidity in human character amplified in the mass and easily manipulated by mass media (which of course today is called social media).

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I'm not seeing Stockholm Syndrome. The pressure to take the jabs is off, people are back to living their lives as usual. When they're stressed, it's mostly about money issues. We're back to worrying about the personal, the economic, and whatever is dominating the news. The specter of war is in the air.

There are still some people worried about Covid in 2024. This is normal. There are always people worried that the sky will fall. Society ignores them. Polls that purport to show which issues are the most important reveal what's on people's minds. But it seems to me that even those issues take a back seat to the personal and the economic. We're too busy.

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Here is a link to a relevant interview you will enjoy (ignore the title) which discusses how someone can control/influence you by appealing to your subconscious brain, which instinctively tends to go along with the crowd (a learned response relating to the physical protection you receive from being in a group). Check it out:

US Government Brainwashing Expert on Trump Shooting & Human Influence - YouTube


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Funny, I had the idea of Stockholm Syndrome bouncing around my brain last week. People really want to think of themselves as good people, thoughtfully doing the right thing, and will align their loyalty with whatever group conveys the proper virtue signaling. It is a lazy sort of morality, farming out decision-making. That this is being practiced by so many well educated professionals astounds me.

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I am led to wonder what in my life and education makes me resist the powerful orders of this hegemony. The Covid experience has made me so much more skillful and aware ...I have developed a sense of "smell" that seems remarkably accurate. I sound very sure of myself but I am not because I often have to question myself and my choices and I am often shocked at how I can still be mislead when I am lazy about what I read. How can we educate ourselves and our children to be resistant to the propaganda that constantly floods our worldviews? Something in my education made me at least as resistant as I am. My parents may have believed they were against the grain but I know now they were often mislead. My narcissist mother had us believe we were different and needed to be kept separate from others...this may have been a major factor in developing my mind to reject the blandishments of society, ironically. In any case finding the educational factors that can inoculate a person against this "hegemonic" power to influence us to unto our death is important for our survival. Thank you for this thought provoking article.

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“Age of the Iatrogenocide”.

So true. Maybe even “Iatrodemocide”? The mass casualty homicides being perpetrated by and via the pharma and sickness industrial complexes are at least functionally dependent on the tacit, supercharged support of the primary assault vector: the psychopathic power grid masquerading as an illusory civic institution and public servant apparatus that we call “the State”.

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Aloha Toby. Some how I misplaced the receipt you sent me for a one year subscription to your sub stack. I think it was $70.00 for one year. Please contact me. larryinn@icloud.com. or


Larry Inn

428 Keaniani St.

Kailua, HI 96734

PH: (808)-376-8814. (Land-line Phone). I’m sensitive to EMF radiation.

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Brilliant! Hegemony in this essay and context, says it as it needs to be:

"This radical transformation of society did not even require much coordination because it all operates through hegemony — the gravitational pull and evolutionary glitch that causes people to obey.

Thank you!

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