Permanently lose your cellphone. Ooma landline 4g is 100 dollars and service is 15 a month.

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We are powerless to reverse the culling of humanity. Vow to live a moral life, be kind, eat well, love one another, honor your personal commitments. The best we can do is not comply with dictates that could harm us and to build supportive community wherever we live. We have one life live it the best you can, life is a gift do you really want to spend it online all day, get some fresh air and start reconnecting with nature. A year from now we will be still trying to come to terms with what has happened. Let go, stop looking for a savior you are your own savior life is what it is make yours what you want it to be.

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This seems like a great Twitter Space discussion. Have you considered hosting one? You were such a great organizing force and inspiration when we were trying to organize the Parents Are Watching campaign...

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Thank you, Toby!!❤️

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I love this, Toby. Thank you.

I'm a big fan of the drop in the bucket approach.

- I keep chalk and stickers in my bag and my car in the event there's a good opportunity to plant some thought seeds. (I went on many road trips over the last 3 1/2 years... and left Fauci stickers in just about every rest stop I passed.)

- I wear my Children's Health Defense, Vaxxed or Kennedy 2024 t-shirt to farmers markets, street fairs, airports and grocery stores and engage in friendly conversations with anyone who comments.

- Showing up at Board of Health meetings is surprisingly useful, even if you're not up for speaking. Many of these groups are used to pushing agendas behind closed doors.

- For some, I think solution-oriented approaches are the best way to introduce scarier ideas. For example, learning there are ways to detox spike protein that can help people with certain symptom profiles subsequent to either the shot or Covid, make it easier for people to digest the possibility that shots can harm without having to confront it in the moment.

- And lastly, once you're "out" in the community as an "anti-vaxxer".... just keep being the decent human you are. I'm always struck by how many people, who have sometimes been judgmental or cruel, have been willing to circle back to me just because they know they can.

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Being kind when those friends realise their mistake taking the vax. Pointing them in the direction of protocols such as provided by world council for health and FLCCC

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Hi there, I’ve written before... 65, living in Italy, growing food, raising chickens etc. Trying to fit into a community here... the food issue is immense. I love your ideas. Listening to Catherine Austin Fitts yesterday talking about the fact that food is one of the first issues to tackle. I felt I wasn’t doing enough about the freedom movement until I listened to her. Saving and sharing seeds, giving away and bartering when I have too much, encouraging others to take part is what I’ve tried to do here. After reading this I’m going to up my ideas... Community food days? Cooking together?

Being braver about setting up a table so people can take what they need?

Encouraging friends to take part?

Thanks again. Stunning ideas. We can do this! 🙏

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This was a great post, Toby. It must have taken you an hour to do all those hyperlinks for the other great Substackers!

I had a weird thought while reading. Yes, the Western countries are captured by pharma. But what about African countries or other non-Western countries? Could those countries be places to make headway? We know Gates and his ilk have been killing as many African children as they can and as a result, some people in those countries are awake.

I can only speak about Tanzania b/c we have cousins who live and work there and have for many years. They say if you ask anyone on the street if President John Magufuli was murdered, they will say yes. I asked an ex-pat this question a year ago and he answered yes emphatically. Both our cousins and this man believe he was killed by tampering with his pacemaker. He was a prominent skeptic of the plandemic. Our cousins said when government officials showed up in their village, they were met with signs saying "No vaccines."

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The most recent Dr. Mercola post is an interview with Catherine Austin Fitts, where they talk about surviving what is coming next, as outlined in a different interview with Whitney Webb, who predicts the Internet will be cancelled with a bill in Congress titled The Patriot Internet Act, ostensibly to stop terrorists.

Catherine Austin Fitts shares a lot of resources for people to use on her website/newsletter Solari Reports. She strongly suggests getting together with like-minded people in a geographical area away from the big cities.

I would also like to mention the Constitutional Sherifs. If you can elect a Constitutional Sheriff you are way ahead of the game, in my humble opinion.

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I don't know that there is one specific thing; I think it is a collective of lots of little things. All the ideas you posted with all the ideas already put forward in the commentary. Generally, I think it is about taking action, any action and local action--commonground. Its about protecting and standing up for what we value in our communities not reaching for high levels where we have no influence. We take out the foundation by taking back our power and they have nothing to stand on.

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In terms of ideas - how about a number of us outside Jab Locations, handing out copies of Product Information sheets or whatever they're called? Over and over. Someone video-ing if a Jabber comes out to complain - so we can show the details to them, even get them to verify on their phone, and also try to get them to admit how much ka$ching they get for each jab?

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But also, they weren't atom bombs dropped on Japan at the end of WWII, it was probably mustard gas and napalm, and it was probably in collusion with Japan. So they are trying to scare everyone by wheeling out the idea of nuclear war. Fear serves their purposes, right. See Dr Michael Palmer (yes the same one)'s book and interviews about it.


(Dr Palmer also has this recent video: https://rumble.com/v3sc2qs-cv19-mrna-vaccines-were-meant-to-hurt-and-kill-people-dr.-michael-palmer.html)

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Toby, queer and transgender movements are also political and about depopulation (less likely to reproduce, right). I strongly believe both are also partly a biochemical result of the Great Poisoning (as CAFitts calls it) and they need detox and receive good un-trained (un-mind-controlled) counselling/help. Think excess estrogen, and atrazine, perhaps other chemicals etc too, plus beaucoup social engineering in TV shows, movies, music, at school etc.

It's all political otherwise, not organic. :-(

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Toby - my next effort involves taking my vial of the white fibrous clots around to local pharmacies to show to the pharmacists. Then I will leave them with a copy of the testimony I received from a local embalmer explaining when they started seeing them (after the shots rolled out).

I’ve given up on anyone in authority having the balls to do anything. Have a listen to what my state AG said when I confronted him back in August (3 mins):


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Did embalmer give you the clots? Sounds like a good idea.

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It was a different embalmer that gave me the vial of clots. The embalmer (local to me) that gave me their testimony showed me dozens of photos of them.

I presented this testimony at a local conservative group’s bimonthly meeting a couple of weeks ago.

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I have a religious freedom bumper sticker on my car, which someone saw when I pulled into a store. He commented on it, and I met a fellow rebel.

He's one of the few here in NY that refused the vaccine and is now homeschooling his daughter.

He was ostracized by his family...

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The drug companies capture of the FDA, CDC, NIH started about 70 years ago. With their capture of the medical system way back in the 20's initiated by the Rockefellers and Vanderbilts. Ever since, the the health of US citizens has been in the hands of drug pusher doctors, and surgery pusher doctors. Alternative treatments which are cheaper and more effective have been labeled "quacks" by the authorities and very successful techniques not using drugs have been pushed out of use and practitioners have even lost their licenses for "quack" treatments. This recent crisis has just pushed this criminal drug system into public consciousness, a system which has been there for about 100 years, to the detriment of millions of patients. The drug companies don't care about health. They just want long term treatments that go on for ever and keep the patient spending money, they don't want a cure for cancer or anything else, that would cut off their profits.

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