How to stop the iatrogenocide, part 2
The ten questions/issues that we need to address over the next twelve months
This past weekend I had the good fortune to be on a panel on ethics with Naomi Wolf, Aaron Kheriaty, and Tom Harrington at the Brownstone Institute conference in Dallas, Texas.
Below are my concluding remarks (you can also watch the entire 12 hour conference on EpochTV):
This crisis only ends when we take power.
We need to see ourselves as a government in waiting.
We are just 12 months out from a presidential election and right now we are woefully unprepared to actually govern.
Here are ten questions/issues that I think we need to address over the next twelve months:
1. What does “freedom” mean in 2023?
In a previous era “freedom” might have meant:
low taxes,
free trade, and
support for the Second Amendment.
But none of those things did us any good when the fascists took over in 2020.
For example, we have 93 million guns in this country yet they made no difference because people drove themselves to their iatrogenocide appointments since their TVs convinced them that it was a good idea.
We need to define our vision of both positive and negative liberty.
2. How do we make sure that this never happens again?
The 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act and the PREP Act definitely need to be repealed. How do we find the votes to accomplish that?
Do we need a Constitutional amendment to guarantee medical freedom? If so, how should it be worded?
How about a Constitutional amendment to ban liability protection for any corporation and for government itself?
In general how can we constrain the federal government?
How do we stop regulatory capture?
If we don’t figure this out, no one else will.
3. We need an actual political machine.
It’s great that Robert Kennedy, Jr. and Ron DeSantis are running for president but we need an actual political program that can elect people up and down the ballot including:
School Board,
City Council,
County Board of Supervisors,
State office, and
We don’t currently have an opposition party in this country. During Covid only two governors actually read the data — Ron DeSantis in Florida and Kristi Noem in South Dakota.
Republicans control the House but only 20 Republican members of Congress understand medical freedom.
We need to build a proper political machine that identifies, recruits, trains, and supports (i.e. puts real money into campaigns and provides thousands of volunteers) freedom candidates in every election in every district across the country for the rest of our lives.
4. What’s our platform?
What do we believe?
What’s essential?
And what are big tent issues that we don’t have to agree on?
We need to get good at having difficult conversations to build a freedom platform that enlarges the base and energizes our supporters.
Since we argue that “left” and “right” are meaningless terms in the age of iatrogenocide, we need to clearly define our alternative vision.
5. Will we have a Truth Commission?
Who will be on it?
Will it have subpoena power?
How do we prevent it from being a cover-up commission?
The childhood vaccine schedule, the creation of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and the murderous Covid response are all capital crimes. Are we prepared to carry out trials for capital crimes? Who will lead those prosecutions?
6. What is to be done about the NIH, FDA, and CDC?
They seem completely corrupt and unable to be reformed.
Are we prepared to eliminate them?
Or are we proposing to replace them with something else?
What does the U.S. look like after they are reformed/replaced?
7. What is to be done about the intelligence agencies?
The NSA, CIA, DoD, and private intelligence agencies like BlackCube appear to be running the world. The CIA has been running the U.S. since 1963. What do we do about these agencies? Should we have a separate Truth Commission to deal with their crimes?
8. What do we do about corporate power?
We live in a world where half a dozen companies (Apple, Microsoft, Saudi Aramco, Alphabet, Amazon, and NVIDIA) are worth at least one trillion dollars. Meta and Tesla have both surpassed one trillion dollars in market capitalization at one point but have since slipped below that threshold. Such concentrated market and political power is unprecedented in human history. In a previous era antitrust was seen as the remedy. But today the Antitrust Division of the Justice Department seems inadequate for the task. How do we rein in too-big-to-fail industries so that they no longer curtail freedom and liberty in our country?
9. What do we do about the philanthropaths?
Many philanthropies have become predatory and a force for evil in the world. What, if anything, is to be done about this increasingly malevolent sector of the economy?
10. What is to be done about the Federal Reserve? [Not in my original speech, but I think we need to talk about it.]
The Federal Reserve is completely out of control. It has funded wars for a century. The Fed debases our money and causes the immiseration of millions of people. It’s pushing for a Central Bank Digital Currency that, if enacted, will enslave the entire population. How can we return to a system of sound money without these corrupt manipulations?
Final thoughts
Winning elections becomes so much easier when we are clear about what we are fighting for.
I know that many people in the freedom movement are convinced that elections are rigged. But the civil rights movement dealt with this problem and found ways to overcome it. It would be helpful to study those movements to identify the techniques they used for improving election integrity.
By the same token, some people in the movement will argue that the intelligence agencies are too powerful to be challenged. But the people of Eastern Europe overthrew totalitarianism and the actual Stasi just thirty years ago. And when it collapsed it fell rather quickly — in just a few weeks. We should learn from and adapt the tactics of Solidarity and other Eastern European liberation movements to our situation.
The fact is, there is always another move. You may not like the move but, while we still have breath, there is always another move.
My point in all of this is that we have to make the mental shift from criticizing the existing system to seeing ourselves as the leaders who will actually run this country. That requires doing the work to define clearly (at the most granular level) the better system our hearts know is possible and doing the work to actually take power and govern effectively.
Blessings to the warriors. 🙌
Prayers for everyone fighting to stop the iatrogenocide. 🙏
Huzzah for everyone building the alternative economy our hearts know is possible. ✊
In the comments, please let me know what questions/issues you think we should work on (from the list above or suggest some of your own) over the next twelve months.
As always, I welcome any corrections.
I agree with you wholeheartedly about the changes that need to be made, but I think the biggest threat to everything we hope to build is unhealed trauma. We've all seen how our best intentions and everything built off them can be hijacked and manipulated. We've seen how having a public face and reputation make us prone to damage control in a world that lacks forgiveness. I'm not sure we're in the right heart space YET to build the next thing. I think we have more healing to do before we can built The More Beautiful World our Hearts Know is Possible (Charles Eisenstein), because we're still traumatized by the other things we now sadly know is possible. To be successful, I think we have to be doing this inner healing work ALONGSIDE our attempts to create change outside.
But we do have an extraordinary opportunity to practice better conversations and compassionate listening. You point out in Part 1 all the ways we have succeeded in creating safe spaces, communities and ways to be heard and explore and amplify the truth. I think healing is happening, but we have to work really hard to keep each other on task and avoid the traps that commonly impact activist movements. We need to check our egos, our fear, our anger and root into something more loving and hopeful.
This is what came up for me when meditation on some of these questions:
Other issues to work besides the ones you listed: 1) Food industry and Gov. agencies are corrupt, pushing junk food or veganism diets and sayings it's good for us, 2) Non-science being touted by media as science, bad studies promoted and paid for by corporations in ivy-league and other institutions 3) POisoning of the EARTH and SPACE by chemicals, destroying habitats and satellites lost in space. I've been following RFK Jr. he has a plan for all these in the list. There are others thinking along these lines as well, namely ARC The Alliance for Concerned Citizens. Best to forge an alliance with these together.