I loved your post, and was with you until your suggestion that readers donate to Kennedy. This alone tells me that you're on board with the genocide of innocent Palestinians at the hands of the murderous zionists. Sorry brother... but you really need to reconsider your position on Kennedy. I was with him 100%, given his work with CHD and Waterkeepers Alliance, but his support of Israel for their crushing assault on Palestine is unforgivable. 22,000 dead innocent civilians, half of which are women and children, and another 20,000 or more buried under the rubble and for what? So Israel can turn all of Gaza and the West Bank into a parking lot so they can build the Ben Gurion Canal? How many dead innocent children is enough for you? 20,000? 50,000? Listen to the leadership of Israel: "Every dead child is a dead future terrorist!"

Suggest you have a look at this as you might be unaware: The Real Reason Why They’re Killing Palestinians (Silk Route) Richard Medhurst https://www.bitchute.com/video/Cu8iuwpWdby8/

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Spot on!

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Fuckin epic writeup sir.

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Jul 3, 2023·edited Jul 3, 2023Liked by Toby Rogers

If DeSantis becomes president, he will probably make it somewhat more difficult for pharma to poison as many people, with as much impunity as now. If Kennedy becomes president, he will overhaul the entire corrupt, poisonous system, surround himself with the wisest advisors, hold at least the most serious covid / pharma criminals accountable, and when the deep state tries to stop him, he will understand how to get around them.

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Jul 3, 2023Liked by Toby Rogers

Governments hate you and that is why one should never partner with them.

Government is an organised crime syndicate. There is no such thing as a civilised gang.

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Since World War II (and probably long before that) "defense" contractors have demanded perpetual war in order to keep those fat profits rolling in. That's still true. Once we pulled out of Afghanistan the U.S. had to stir up trouble elsewhere -- enter Ukraine.

What's different about the current era is that Pharma decided to get in on that racket. So now Pharma is demanding perpetual pandemics, real or imagined, to keep those fat profits rolling in. Gates and the other psychopaths are gleeful about announcing that "there will be another pandemic" and then they also make up threats from other viruses such as RSV.

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I Am Used To Being Smarter

Than Everyone Else.

But I Never HAD To Be.

Now That We Have To Be:


I've Owned Pets Smarter Than Most Of These "People" .

Including Some Of The Smartest

Idiots We Could Have Ever Met.


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Jul 2, 2023Liked by Toby Rogers

Spot on big picture view of a topic that can often send us toward a thousand dead ends. Sometimes topics get oversimplified (Ukraine/Russia) when they need nuance and reflection, and sometimes a topic such as this can be too convoluted when what we need is a clear-eyed, poignant stab at the heart of the matter.

One of your best articles Toby, and that's saying something!

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Toby, IIke Eisenhower in his farewell Presidential address said this:

"The prospect of domination of the nation's scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded. Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific technological elite." —

It seems that he was describing what you discuss.

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Jul 2, 2023Liked by Toby Rogers

"...we are now living under a new form of fascism — not a partnership between industry and government but government as a wholly owned subsidiary of industry."

Toby, we need to remember though that industry is still beholden to the fiat breast milk of government and to its capacity to grant approvals for research and product approval via the captured revolving doors of ABC credentialing system. Its adulterous.

Perhaps the best thing that could ever happen to America is for the economy to implode and take down the federal milk cow--then there might a chance for reform. However the consequences of implosion and likely chaos brought by national civil unrest and/or invasion by China could be deadly one-two punch.

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Toby, I appreciate your efforts to fight Big Pharma, but you seem to believe that everything would be OK if only we had “proper regulation”. This is naive fantasy - whenever Big Brother has the ability to regulate what is bought or sold, politicians and regulators will be bought and sold. Big Brother shields Big Pharma from lawsuits and Big Brother employs coercion to forcibly inject Big Pharmas’ poisonous product. The only solution is to cut Big Brother down to size to prevent its interference with tort lawsuits and to allow consumers to freely vote with their wallets.

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Jul 2, 2023Liked by Toby Rogers

This😭. Exactly why I fiercely try to protect my family & friends who get it. And have been so very sad for my friends who don’t.

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I'm in UK. My 20year old daughter has 'issues' which appear to match ADHD. I want to help her and research it without buying into the psycho industry protocol crap and drugs.

Any idea where to start with unbiased, honest information? Thanks!

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Jul 2, 2023Liked by Toby Rogers

Besides iatrogenocide (caused by doctors or health industry) maybe one could coin a term for corporate caused deaths. Since psychopaths run large corporations, maybe a word in the the order of psychopathogenocide... would fit the bill.

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Jul 1, 2023Liked by Toby Rogers

This is everything I have ever thought and felt but perfectly laid out for the reader. You my friend are very gifted. Bravo.

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Jul 1, 2023Liked by Toby Rogers

Always thought that our agricultural programs are at odds with our health. We produce nutritionally deficient food like products doused in poison. How can we promote wellness, when we are subsidizing this garbage? I see value in universalth health care, but how can we do that when we eat poison and the total focus is suppressing symptoms? So many heath issues are fundamentally metabolic dysfunction. But I do see a glimmer of hope as the courageous allopathic docs who actually treated patients during the Crazy, are being introduced to metabolic health. Unfortunately food and lifestyle can only do so much - if we continue to poison our air, water, soil, food and ourselves.

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