Perfection—all of this! Thank you for chronologically breaking down the history of how we got where we are today. This is an easy share. Thrilled, beyond measure, to be on the same side as you, Toby. Blessings.

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Wow, you made my day with this one. Older manufacturing guys like myself, who rolled with the outsourcing punches, can easily confirm and relate to your exposition. The Punch & Judy politics that shrouded the underlying pathology recalls that slogan about big business casting its shadow on society. Your post is an insightful de-layering of the onion that has brought so many tears to so many eyes over so many years. I'm sending it out to everyone on my list today. Thanks!

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This piece reinforces what I have come to believe. My husband is educated as a scientist and retired after a long career in the federal government. He has deeply held unshakeable beliefs that scientists can't be bought, CDC, FDA and pharma medicine pros can't be bought, government has the right to command and control measures to beat the pandemic, all vaccines are always safe and effective, there are good people in all levels of government including CDC and FDA, etc. There is nothing that I can show to him that won't be written off as misinformation, anti vax etc. This also explains all of my friends who now think I am crazy and now a danger to them.....

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Thanks for your comment. I'm sorry for what you are going through. The entire knowledge production process in science and medicine is bought and controlled by Pharma. Chapter 5 of my thesis is good on this point (and cites several hundred studies). https://ses.library.usyd.edu.au/bitstream/handle/2123/20198/Rogers_T_thesis.pdf

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It never ceases to amaze me how friends and loved ones will write off someone they supposedly care about in favor of strangers who run governments.

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Right!? It's so weird.

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Sounds like me with my Ph.D husband. He’s too trusting and can’t imagine this level of corruption. He’s also so busy with his job (in Ag sciences) that he doesn’t take the time to research anything else…why would he, he says—he trusts the agencies meant to watch out for us, like he trusts the EPA with the documents and research he presents to them. I was awake to Big Pharma and vaccines (and our bought-off govt and media) prior to Covid. Everything I said in the beginning to him was met with “that’d never happen” or “that can’t happen here”. At the very least, I’ve broken his attachment to TV news, and he doesn’t necessarily trust what they say any longer…so maybe there’s hope.

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This one will answer many of these erroneous ideas! https://tobyrogers.substack.com/p/pulling-back-the-curtain-at-the-fda

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This is the best summary of recent US history that I have read. Bravo.

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I want to show this to people who think superstructure determines base, and think that I am materialist for saying base determines superstructure, but history shows the latter is the case, as you so well explained for the most recent US period.

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Thank you!!! 🙌 I'm just struck by the fact that the bourgeoisie embraced Pharma fascism automatically and unconsciously -- it was instantaneous. They were not waiting around for Bill Gates to direct them. They just knew intuitively that fascism was right for them. That suggests some other process is at work. The creation of the chimera virus was top down. But the eager embrace of the coronavirus economy and the totalitarianism that goes along with that was 'the base determining the superstructure' I think.

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It does make me wonder though that if Trump were in office instead of Biden, how many of these latte liberals would be chomping at the bit to get vaxxed like they have been all this year. Last year, kooky Kamala was saying she’d never take the “Trump vaccine” and Joe said all sorts of similar things. But the Blue Anons, having installed their demented leader, just gobbled and pushed and fought to be first in line in January for these inferior products. Would have been interesting to see what these “love me I’m a liberal” types would have done if Trump were on the American Throne.

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There's also the media element. The PMC intuits that the American coastal media is a machine dedicated to, among other things, complicating everyday economic activity - defining stairways as oppression, denying wholistic health, etc - so that management and intervention of the educated class are required in every facet of life - this includes the "economic" activities of birth and child-rearing. Thus, they knew from the start that defying the media's Pandemic Narrative would cede their artificial, legalistic advantage over the Deplorables who traffic in localized, non-media-curated reality.

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You truly have a gift in your ability to see what's going on in the world. Thank you for sharing.

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Yes, I find your analysis very interesting. However, being a grandmother who raised her autistic grandson, I would have a hard time defending Republicans in the autism epidemic. They were and still are as complicit in its growth and ignoring the evidence as the Democrats. The opioid epidemic really took off when Bush invaded AFGHANISTAN AFTER 9/11. The passing of the Patriot Act was very significant in the rise of international and national health agencies gaining more control. I have read the "Rockefeller Medicine Men" and this pharma and doctor industry goes way, way back. I have no kudos to give to either the Democratic Party or Republican at this time. But just because at this moment in time the Red states are pushing against mandated vaccines beyond the blue states doesn't excuse the fact that Republicans politicians. have taken as much pharma money as the Dems. I have seen charts and numbers. And no, the autism epidemic didn't take off after the 1992 election; it took after after Reagan signed the 1986 vaccine "no liability Act."

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Yes, I agree with all of that.

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This grandmother heartily agrees with you.

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Brilliant breakdown of this.

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Thank you! 🙌

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I’ve been trying to completely move to get the majority of my reading from substack thinkers so I’m glad I found you. You may enjoy mine post on vaccines, abortion & feminism 😱🤣

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Woe is us. The left, I used to be one, has turned off its crap detectors. Mine was alerted when we had reached a confirmed 100K deaths with a lack of testing materials. At no point do these folks seem to be able to admit they were wrong. And they will be the first to sacrifice their children. The testimony of the injured in DC was not antivax propoganda but that is how they see it. The floridaCovidsummit.com yesterday was also not antivax but anti this vax and people with a front row seat to this money driven herd heading for the cliff. Sad they must take their children over with them just because they must maintain their smug attitudes of superiority. They also take our democracy with them.

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"Dems know that they will lose the House and Senate in 2022, so they are going to push all in to gain as much power, control, and profit as possible right now."

I don't know if there will be elections in 2022. The vaccine injuries are rampant and those who are pushing more vaccines, both into kids and all large businesses, know of these problems. The only way to avoid personal liability and ultimately avoid hanging from a gallows in Nuremberg 2.0, the Dems need full totalitarianism rule. Biden and Company, including Governors like Newsom, cannot just say, "whoops", not after they started killing the kids. People will want blood.

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"Science moves on one funeral at a time" Max Planck

The way our minds work means we are swimming in a sea of assumptions that we are largely unaware of. This is why people generally have a position then speak from these assumptions without questioning them.

There are ways to get information to a person but it is an obstacle course which must be navigated with such hurdles as oppositional dynamics, perceived effort and inertia. There are land mines in Cognitive Dissonance, Reactance (resistance to being changed) and perceived threat. Then we have the ways to package information, a fact thrown at someone rarely lands as the brain usually has no way to digest it, wrapped in a story it lands 22 times more according to Cognitive Psychologist Jeremy Bruner. All this information is shared freely at reachingpeople.net

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Great resource! Thank you!!! 🙌

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Very good.

In a recent post mentioned that it took a bit over 200 years for the mass hysteria of witchcraft (and the consummate killing of hundreds of thousands) to subside. I think you bring up an excellent point that, unlike in those times, there isn’t universal acceptance of the fact evil witches exist (the vaxx is the modern day antidote to witchcraft).

There are enough contrarians that could turn the tide - at least in many states. I think we are in for a rough ride - regardless. The witch burners are just as angry as they were in the past, and once kids start getting sick and dying en masse you know that reality will not sink in - they will blame us. Somehow.

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This is so interesting and helpful! I'm chewing on it in light of how I've been seeing the situation. I'm curious if you have thoughts about Event 201? Do you think it just looked like a "dress rehearsal" for COVID but really wasn't? That has always stood out to me as something suggesting the more "orchestrated" version of the last year and a half. But in terms of getting immense buy in to keep the ball rolling for this long and this extreme, I think your political economy analysis makes phenomenal sense. I'm not sure if I can dismiss a lot of sign posts pointing toward initial orchestration. Also, if you look at how this all will make the Great Reset a snap if vaccine passports are widely implemented. Do you think it just "looks" like that was all part of the agenda, but really it's a matter of opportunism now that we're this far into it and the masses have become more malleable sheep than they were a year or so ago? This is what I'm chewing on. In case you have thoughts, I would be really interested; your perspectives and understandings that I've read thus far have been so fantastic. Thanks again for your fabulous work!

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Yes, those are all good points. A more nuanced take might be: 'the base determines the superstructure AND the superstructure determines the base.' It's a (vicious, in this case) cycle. Elites (Gates et al.) clearly want to control things. But I do not think the average frontline doctor needed any instruction from Event 201. They like the power, profit, and control that accrues to them too during this troubled time. Their mindset is the same as Gates -- 'we are the smart ones, we are the ones who should make the decisions, the peasants should obey.' So Gates does not even have to direct them. The mind meld happened already long before and they share the same collective (totalitarian) consciousness.

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Thanks so much for this response. The nuance helps a lot! The last sentence is key for me. And the fact that "totalitarian" is in parentheses is perfect because they don't see it that way at all. It's just a given, just "common sense." I guess that's the whole point. Thanks again!

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I’m a bit hung up on the facts of Event 201 as well. Also that the Gates Foundation happened to buy into BioNTech a month prior (9/19) when it now seems the virus was already circulating in Wuhan. As coincidences go, those sure are doozies. OTOH, I don’t think a cabal is controlling world events. Yet I also don’t think the WEF and friends are sitting idly by hoping things go their way. It’s hard to know exactly which explanations are likely or reasonable, and which are off the deep end.😒

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Wow. Incredible summary of how we got here, and brilliant writing. Thank you for the invaluable service you provide. Good will eventually prevail - hopefully sooner than later.

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Wow, as a former political operative I have to say this is a great great read. Lots of insight. It definitely explains some of my FL friends that I just don’t “get”, but they are the technocrat class. Another observation to support yours is that NJ is hugely dependent on Pharma, that’s the reason they didn’t see the numbers VA did. (It’s also very corrupt as normally Hudson county double counting early votes would have gone unnoticed, but in the current climate I’m sure there were many more eyes on the game to help catch these “mistakes”)

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Yeah, I doubt that any "mistakes" will be caught. NJ prides itself on being corrupt and getting away Scott free.

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This was a great read, thank you. Great to get a bird's eye view and to see the possible historical meta-connections. They seem very plausible indeed.

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Solid piece. I'd perhaps add one earlier step: when Regan indemnified the pharmaceutical companies related to vaccines.

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Yes. Good point. An alert president could have noticed the problems in 1992. But Pharma money is key to winning elections these days and so that critical thought process was turned off in the Clinton administration.

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are you suggesting that politicians didn't support or get funding from Pharma prior to 1992?

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I've updated the post based on your critique (and that of others). 🙌

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replying to myself, interesting. Your analysis definitely reinforces my desire to delve into this subject more thoroughly and I will. Thanks

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why am I a black ball?

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Gotta upload a different picture I guess?

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It's ok. I've been black balled before. PS I did the university sit-ins, got the pepper spray, the whole nine years against the Vietnam War. (no doubt before you were ever born).

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