Covid-19, the 4th Industrial Revolution and Great Reset are all massive frauds to create a series of monopolies, cartels and oligopolies that govern food, energy, healthcare and the most basic parts of our lives. Fight this now or resign yourself to tyranny.

For those who haven’t heard, we are witnessing a globally coordinated plan (conspiracy) to use fear and safety as cover for a “reset” of the world economy and society. This is a planned and internationally coordinated strategy by the most powerful global elites-the ruling class.

There’s lots of different terminology and branding, for example: Great Reset, Fourth Industrial Revolution, Technocracy. The main aim of this plan is the concentration of power over capital, wealth, people and nature in the hands of the very largest corporations and monopolies.

This plan for a new phase of global capitalism is enabled by national states and governments, international organisations and quangos (EU, UN, NATO, IMF, WTO, WHO, Gates, GAVI). With no clear lines between state and non-state actors, this is also a form of global corporatism.

Environmentalist and egalitarian-sounding narratives and slogans such as sustainability, identity, fairness and equity are used to both obscure the class nature of the plan and to appeal to and co-opt ‘left’ and ‘progressive’ people and movements.

This is not in any way a “conspiracy theory” and anyone who rejects it as such is just not paying attention. It is being done in plain sight, in front of our eyes, openly. “Public Safety” is being used as the catch-all justification to entrench the Bio-Security State.

You can only understand the lockdown imperative in this context, for example it is an ideal opportunity for big capitalists and their state facilitators to crush SMEs and expand monopolies and for western states to permanently curtail ‘legacy freedoms’ that are hurdles to their dominance.

I believe that people with immense wealth and power conspire- this is not a theory it is a proven historical fact.

If you still cannot fathom that people with immense wealth and power conspire, then that doesn’t make me a “conspiracy theorist” — it makes you a coincidence theorist.

Anyone who still thinks any of this is motivated by a concern for our health or has anything much to do with science is beyond hope.

Anyone out there who thinks medicine, science, public health, politics, human rights, wealth, power justice and corruption are NOT now insidiously intertwined, is not seeing reality.

Meanwhile the privileged, nominally educated people have uncritically accepted and are participating in and actively promoting a blatant medical fraud that is raining misery on hundreds of millions of people worldwide.

Mengele- Goebbels-Eichmann and the 100’s of Nazi çamp doctors were tried at Nuremberg- to this list let’s add all those who facilitate and participate in subjecting children to an unethical mass medical experiment with zero benefits but multiple documented hazards.

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Right, to think that the global elete fascists wouldn't conspire together to advance their interests is naive. I think it's too threatening for most people to really grock, and the propaganda / psychological operations have gotten very sophisticated. People are very vulnerable to these psychological tactics. People don't understand the effectiveness of waging wars by manipulating people's belief systems, which thus manipulates their behavior to do what the warmongers want them to do. If you use military might, it exposes who the warmongers are, and people tire of that kind of bloodshed and suffering. When a group wages war through ngos, right in front of people's eyes, it's confusing for many. They just can't see it; they continue building their own cages, and continue handing over the spoils of war to the global elite fascists. It's very effective.

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"Different branding." The Fourth Reich.

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Excellent work once again, Toby. I especially like your close. There is a spiritual brazenness to "dying with your boots on" as did his father and his father's brother, but I agree with you, this confrontation is won, like all recent confrontations, with non-violent organized disobedience and creation of parallel competing structures and communities who unplug from the corporate manipulation and haze and create an uprising that is as much about exerting POSITIVE and PRODUCTIVE coalitional strength that dashes phony identify politics (meant to split us apart) as it is about resistance. His dad, RFK, Sr. said it well: “Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.”

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"Isn’t China our biggest military adversary? If so why are we developing bioweapons together with them? And if China is our ally in developing bioweapons then who exactly is the enemy they are targeting?

I think a strong case can be made that nation-states no longer exist"

I posted a comment on another of your posts recently where I laid out this very case. Very few people get it, we are living in a new paradigm where politics and geopolitics as we knew them are over.

It's very difficult for people to grasp this idea - understandably so - so well done for getting it.

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Wow, this is an eye-opening and brilliant article, Toby. RFK Jr.'s speech is an inspiration. Thank you for sharing. Godspeed to you and RFK Jr.

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"The CIA does not do public health. The CIA does coup d'états."

We have to have the same commitment the French Resistance had during WWII, but honestly, I don't see how we stop this totalitarian train wreck without a lot of luck. To that end, I remember that Louis Pasteur said "Luck favors the prepared mind."

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I've had friends quit talking to me for barely questioning the main narrative. That endless vaccines will not work. Masks are useless. That this is not about health but about a backdoor into total control like a social credit China system (at best) and potentially a huge reduction in the global population.

Very "convenient" that the vaccines damage the hearts of young men. Who is likely to be the defenders and are not as agreeable?

Anyway, if there is one thing I've discovered on this is that cognitive dissonance may be the most powerful evolutionary development humans have had. It can be abused and is being abused because most people can't remember what hapoedn 2 days ago leg alone 2 months or 2 years and the thought that there are people who look upon us as ants troubles lots of people. People kill and rob over Nike shoes or convenience stores for $15. Why wouldn't people do it for hundreds of millions or billions?

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Guess what else keeps young men from being defenders? Autism. Boys are more susceptible to vaccine injury, and this autism. I have thought this countless times.

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Yep. It's a King Herod-like genocide of boys. Girls are impacted too. But boys are going down 4x to 5x times more often (as you already know).

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Yes, exactly. I taught Special Education for a few years. Absolutely heart wrenching to watch.

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It's also a satanic assault on manhood. Twist feminine nature, make her hate her natural mate, the man, teach her to undermine and despise him, while turning him into a lurking cretin using shame to make him hate his "toxic masculinity" it makes an upside down order and that's the diabolical hoofprint.

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Substack needs an edit feature. My apologies on the typos.

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All good. I'm just glad I'm not the only one making typos.

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Yes. And I think I've just lost another friend over this. Overpopulation they still believe in. But can't connect the dots to the shots, but think their lives have contributed so they deserve to live. It is frightening.

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RFK Jr. is the most important person now standing in for freedom. Even the so-called conservatives are largely silent during the destruction of our constitution. Sadly, unless there is a “God,” and he chooses to intervene, the end of western civilization is at hand.

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I’m so grateful to have read this article and RFK, Jr. speech. So enlightening!

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“ The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his.”

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Wow. Speachless. I love Bobbi Kennedy! He’s such a good man.

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Powerful speech 🥾🥾

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I don’t want RFK Jr to die like his father and his uncle. Because that is what the CIA does. It kills presidents it doesn’t like. We all know it’s true.

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Fantastic speech. I'm going to download the video and upload it to my Facebook page. It's my little to change some minds. Hope you don't mind me leaving a link:


If anyone is on Facebook, please help spread the message.

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I knew RFK Jr was doing God's work with autism, and I'm glad he is at the forefront of the fight against the COVID vaccine, but he is right, Toby, there is only one way out of this nightmare to get to freedom.

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So Gate’s smallpox comment takes on a more ominous meaning.

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The smallpox thing is so diabolically weird. Smallpox only exists in government labs -- CDC in Atlanta and the Russians. Under lock and key. Maximum security. A smallpox epidemic could only happen through intentional government release. Is that what Gates is saying, that he hopes the CDC carries out his eugenics program for him? Gates must be arrested and taken off the streets immediately. He is literally insane.

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🙌 Finally! Someone else sees it! That will be the next plandemic. However, it's chances of survival are not as good as with c_v_d. Most of the rest of us will be gone.

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Yes, that is the modus operandi... they announce the next health condition and within a few weeks the condition starts to appear. I have noticed that for a little more than 20 years. All my children came up with a different health issue

First psoriasic arthritis, the next with neurological problems, the third with attention deficit and hyperactivity, the last one with epilepsy and overweight. If this weren't enough... autism on one of my grandchildren. I believe all was created by big pharma using the schools as a lab.

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Excellent article. This explains why Fauci is where he is right now after 2 years of disastrous "health" policy. It also fits with the fact that the pfizer contracts specified military bases as collateral. I would also emphasize the connection between the US government ("deep state"?) and the Chinese government, which is in a way mind blowing. One thing I would notice is that "elites" need worker bees to do carry all the suppression work (tech barons, virologists, police, army etc.), research into coercion (psychologists).

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And one more thing. Israel. The CV19 vaccines guinea pig of the world. Booster after booster. Lots of protests and nothing budges. What does it tell you ;-), who else is in it?

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Of all the peoples, in all the world, how did they get to be the Guinea pigs? From the very beginning, this question has bothered me more than many others. How did they decide to conform to this monstrosity? Did they learn nothing? Do they believe that G*d will save them from themselves? --- It makes my head spin.

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It is mind blowing and unbelievably awful.

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