Dr. Toby, I’m still attempting to send letters to all FDA, VRBAC, and phone calls. (Plus to US Pres, VP, U.S. Senators, Reps, and State Senators and Reps. PLEASE CAN YOU DIRECT ME TO THE FDA and VRBAC contact info?

(I’ve sent letters through CHD and SHF, but want to send my own plus call).


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Looks as if distribution is already set up. Everybody has been bought. I like how large media outlets persist in calling infants and toddlers "young kids." "Experimental injections for babies" might worry too many moms who spent nine months avoiding coffee and soft cheeses.


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You are correct. We know what they are up to. This will mess up their plan. Parents are NOT going to sacrifice their children on the altar of PHARMA.

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Once again, Toby, you succinctly sum things up with that underlying zing uniquely your own. Appreciate your biting wit.

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THEY WANT TO TERORIZE AND KILL US with their virus bullcrap that does not exist.

Google Dr. Stefan Lanka, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Thomas Cowan, Dr. Amandha Vollmer and learn the virus facts.

The Virus Hunter Dr. Stefan Lanka: Belief in "Viruses" is a Religion - https://www.bitchute.com/video/Q76VKd0wUjEa/

The Virus Hunter Dr. Stefan Lanka: Belief in “Viruses” is a Religion - https://vaccineimpact.com/2022/the-virus-hunter-dr-stefan-lanka-belief-in-viruses-is-a-religion/

No More Monkey Business Andrew Kaufman, M.D. - https://www.bitchute.com/video/bOd1iiQ9nCbi/

TRUST ULTRA TRUST NAOMI - https://www.bitchute.com/video/05OsGCekumz9/

Virology Debunks Corona - https://www.bitchute.com/video/YKktYdEGBRnP/

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I'm having a terrible time finding an ethical doctor. Even direct care physicians fail to protect patients from rapacious government overreach. It takes a lot of time to sort through their lies. I need a checklist to quickly vet them for moral and ethical practicing medicine.

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Please do a study to determine if mandatory childhood vaccinations are causing harm to our children. All 3 of my children are vaccine injured; ADHD, Juvenile diabetes, multiple autoimmune diseases with no family history of any of these diseases. I had no choice but to vaccinate the children or they could not attend school. Coercion has been with us for a long time. Grandchildren have significant food allergies. Do we have the data to determine whether there is causation or correlation with childhood vaccinations and diseases? Should the childhood vaccination schedule remain? I got the childhood diseases and am a healthy 75- year- old grandma who will probably outlive my triple vaxxed family members. My choice is to trust mother nature or at least have Informed Consent.

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If your in the US most states still have exemptions for school. That’s what was asked for in the late 90s there will never be a study. The only hope is to wake up mothers but unfortunately that usually comes after the damage is done.

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No doubt the childhood V’s are responsible for the decline in American health. Pharma has had a really good run, but their time is at an end. They know it, hence the push to murder most of us.

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I don’t see an end in sight. I thought it would end with the Simpson wood report over 20 years ago.

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They own the media and big tech or those two behemoths own them. In either case, they’re all in bed together. We need to coordinate in the same ways they have.

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God how I hate the Washington Post (and the Atlantic). Both imbecilic lapdogs for the FDA/CDC cabal. Their motto: Question Nothing.

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May 31, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

We have our work cut out for us, don't we?

Blast their ears off with the facts, I say. Make the guilty tremble. Those who harm children for profit are the lowest of the low. ....exposing them as the attack dogs of pharma they are to the American people is our duty.

May we all survive this onslaught against our health and our freedom.

Blessings to all the warriors; Truth Shall Prevail.

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“Facts tell, stories sell”

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Excellent summary, Toby. The corruption is infuriating

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"More people have died of Covid under Mr. I Believe the Science(TM) than under Orange Man Bad." <--this made me literally laugh out loud

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There must be a Nuremberg II now!

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May 30, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

Great article. Spot on! But, yes, there is a typo. Lol

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Any suggestions on who to call or write to to stop this?

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The only way to stop it is for WE THE PEOPLE to refuse to go along. Remember Nancy Reagan? JUST SAY NO! AND MEAN IT. At the time I thought she was an idiot, NOT NOW. TAKE YOUR KIDS OUT OF PUBLIC SCHOOL. PROTECT THEM.


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The disconnect between the public support for COVID-19 vaccination and government regulation is striking. On the one hand the public has shown minimal enthusiasm for the boosters - which basically means that most people don't care about the federal government current guidance on COVID-19 vaccination. On the other hand the public health agencies are proceeding ahead like as if this is the last stages of a victory celebration for COVID-19 vaccination. Eventually, something has to give - there has to be some basic correspondence between public perception/knowledge and government action.

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Re “just following orders” not a defense.

Congress passed a statute legalizing that defense - the 2005 Prep Act, amendments to 1944 Public Health Service Act.

42 USC 247d-6d(c)(4), as amended in 2005:

“(4) Defense for acts or omissions taken pursuant to Secretary’s declaration

Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a program planner or qualified person shall not have engaged in “willful misconduct” as a matter of law where such program planner or qualified person acted consistent with applicable directions, guidelines, or recommendations by the Secretary regarding the administration or use of a covered countermeasure that is specified in the declaration under subsection (b), provided either the Secretary, or a State or local health authority, was provided with notice of information regarding serious physical injury or death from the administration or use of a covered countermeasure that is material to the plaintiff’s alleged loss within 7 days of the actual discovery of such information by such program planner or qualified person.”

The part (b) condition is meaningless, because Congress in the PREP Act also barred all individual plaintiffs from filing civil suits unless HHS or AG has already filed claims of misconduct against manufacturers and those claims have been resolved in HHS/AG’s favor.

Which HHS and AG will not do, because the genocide is a joint, public-private partnership project of the US government and the pharmaceuticals.

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Good work here. Thank you. I would just add though that all of the actions of the Nazis were "legal" but many of them were convicted at Nuremberg.

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True, as far as I know.

Problem here is that US Congress, US presidents and US courts are active participants in the democidal project, and so are the world organizations (UN, WHO, International Criminal Court, etc.)

So it’s hard to see an existing government entity in US or globally that would run a Nuremberg 2.0 trial.

I think this is why Reiner Fuellmich and the Corona Investigating Committee talk more about setting up new legal systems and new courts, and grassroots medical systems and other things outside the existing systems. They and others have tried to file in the international human rights courts (Hannah Rose, for example) and in federal prosecutors offices and courts, and the cases aren’t being accepted, investigated or prosecuted, as far as I know.

My hope/speculation is that once the citizen outrage critical mass shifts from being primarily angry at dissident doctors, lawyers, scientists and writers who won’t accept the dominant narratives, to being primarily angry at the government officials who have been promoting those narratives and operating the bioterrorism program, some elected officials will sniff which way the political winds are blowing (toward the rough justice of pitchforks and lampposts), and try to set up parallel legal systems partially affiliated with the current governments, but partially new and independent, and attempt to prosecute the officials who stick with the current government for treason.

In other words, I don’t think the accountability part will be quite like Nuremberg, because the global situation is so different.

This time, there is no “good guy” government outside the governments of the bad guys with any interest or credibility to assert itself on behalf of the worldwide victims.

Calling the Americans after WWII the “good guys” also requires setting aside the Nuremberg trial’s own credibility problems related to the American war crimes committed during WW II, that were never prosecuted because the American elites ran the post-war accountability projects to ensure their own impunity and punish Germany.

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