I have been thinking a lot about the Democrat and Republican divide. Those in control are pulling these emotional levers to keep us distracted and fighting each other.

I think we need to respect each other for our spiritual beliefs. And our cultural differences. I am a former Democrat as of a few months ago yet I am not any party at this point either. I think there is an assumption out there that vaccines are a republican issue. It is just another way to divide us.

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I think that’s a great point. 🙌🏼

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I saw this quote on some site that I think is illustrative of your point: “If you catch 100 red fire ants as well as 100 large black ants, and put them in a jar, at first, nothing will happen. However, if you violently shake the jar and dump them back on the ground the ants will fight until they eventually kill each other. The thing is, the red ants think the black ants are the enemy and vice versa, when in reality, the real enemy is the person who shook the jar. This is exactly what’s happening in society today. Liberal vs. Conservative. Black vs. White. Pro Mask vs. Anti-Mask. Vax vs. Anti-vax. Rich vs. poor. Man vs. woman. Cop vs. citizen. The real question we need to be asking ourselves is who’s shaking the jar… and why?” – Shera Starr

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Yes, I saw the same story about the ants, who got along fine together in the jar, until it was violently shaken, then they attacked each other.

Humanity's jar has been repeatedly shaken over time, so to speak, to keep us divided, and at odds with one another, to prevent a peaceful, productive, healthy existence for all.

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Love this! Who is shaking the jar!

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Seems to me the right-left divide is equally obsolete. Not that there aren't differences, but the primary contradiction now is top-down vs bottom-up control, or tyranny vs liberty if you prefer.

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Very true I just wish more people would realize that.

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Yep. Two sides of the same coin. It's all a con.

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I agree. I too am of neither party and a former Dem.

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Great to meet another former!

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It’s very important to understand that there are good people of sincere intent on most issues.

Many republicans have rejected the republicans party, as the US ideals of individual liberty, and the accepted responsibility that comes with that, have been betrayed by all the institutions- governmental, big business, international corporations, international political organizations, etc..

Can we all agree on the right to be left alone?

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Welcome to the real world.

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Former Dem here.

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I agree.

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I have a Ph.D. and believe in science and education. However, science is dead. It has been replaced by scientism and arrogant political activism based on bizarre ideologies, contempt for any objective truth, and pursuit of money and power. The COVID hysteria has drawn back the curtain. At the core is the corruption of our educational system, funded by the taxpayers. Until this is corrected, we are doomed.

Education has become totalitarian indoctrination. Drunk with money, power, and lack of accountability, educators from kindergarten through the university level are out of control. They are free to peddle any toxic nonsense they "feel" like, violate the bill of rights, and burden teenagers with crushing lifelong debt to get university degrees. There are exceptions, but they are afraid to speak out or are ignored and vilified.

Abolish government-run schools. Provide vouchers for parents to send their children to private charter schools that must compete for students based on academic excellence and student success. Require cameras and microphones in all classes so parents can remotely sit in on classes at will to see what is being taught to their vulnerable children. Empower unelected volunteer citizen review boards to oversee curricula and express their opinions. The images of school boards having parents arrested for speaking out are appalling. Abolish the useless federal Department of Education.

The bloated university system's power, corruption, complexity, and cozy relationship with government bureaucrats and big business lobbying and money are mind-boggling. It will require decades of fearless tenacity to unravel and repair. It must be made a priority. Genuine reform would collapse many worthless university programs and departments and force fat cat professors to find honest work. This will be fiercely resisted. Universities have managed to inflate their often worthless degrees as "must have" credentials and established themselves as essential social networks for the top 5%. The top 5% can network all they want, but this should not be funded by the average working American they look down on with contempt.

Some ideas are: Abolish tenure. Defund the universities. Instead, provide limited, modest vouchers directly to students who want to pursue education, apprenticeships, or internships beyond high school. Government funding of research must be rigorously reviewed by outside committees other than just "pal review" by cronies getting the same money from the same corrupt bureaucrats. Hold professors and researchers accountable for lying and cooking data to bolster their careers, egos, power, and pet theories and have no relation to reality.

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I agree and like the number of and quality of solutions proposed. Much similar must be done to Mordor on the Potomac- DC. Starting with ZERO lobbyists. I mean ZERO. ALL input into public policy takes place in public, on public airways, broadcast suggestions, internet “issue” channels. ZERO private meetings, restaurants, golf course, etc…. The complicated “workings” of disparate public policy, that to is done in OPEN forum on line. ( In truth Donald Trump moved in this direction on a number of forums.). Yet I mean everything. You, anything John Q. Public pays for, report to me. Other then medical privacy, I own the information.

Also ZERO laws you pass, DON’T apply to you. ( These shot exemptions from these totalitarian mandates were insane, unexplained, and in your face) And if you want to be a politician, sell your public holdings, instead of MORE useable access to “insider” information, ( which we will attempt to eliminate) which you can personally profit from in a manner that would put your constituency in jail, you give up the right to even invest. You even give up the right to hide your tax information. If you want to serve others, with legalized power over them enforced by the rule of law, backed by violence, then you will be transparent, above board, and altruistic in your motivation. And as you have been granted these limited powers OVER there, the penalties for going private in your dealings with public issues will be severe. 100 percent of your time on MY clock, on MY dime, is NOT private. ( Like any employee, only more so, because have been given incredible and dangerous power OVER people.) The words “ Public Servant” will be enforced.

For instance I want to see 100 percent of every Adverse Vaccine Event, in an excel format, from every hospital, hospital chain, Doctors office etc. The patient names can be protected. I want access to, sans names, all hospital issues, as medical costs are now clearly socialized. I want to know the vaccine status of every patient in every hospital. ( ALL PATIENTS, all cause) I want the vaccine lot number of every injection, the organization it went to, the person ( name redacted) yet demographic information published) it was injected into. By the way, other then public patient names, your FOI reports have ZERO redactions. If you can see it, I can see it. You work for me.

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Dec 17, 2021Edited
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Catholic Church loves all truth, including those truths found in science and history. This might blow your mind


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How crazy is it that it would be easier to expel the British from India than divest Pharmerica of its Pharma.

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I know, I felt bad about writing that but it's true. 🙏

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Pharma with its money, has become far too powerful, and is a cancer upon humanity. It has completely corrupted not only the entire health care system, but our government, the media, university's, and every single regulatory agency.

This industry at this moment, is making record billion dollar profits, off of a completely fraudulent medical product, falsely called a vaccine, that is protecting no one from anything, while killing and injuring thousands of people, with no liability.

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They own everyone in power

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"They" would expel us from Earth first!

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The Permaculture movement has a principle of favouring the biological over the technical and working with rather than against nature. It is not a rejection of innovation or technology but an acknowledgement that nature always has the last word and true humility in this world acknowledges our dependence. We are Nature.

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Dec 17, 2021Edited
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yeah, we are told that the cause for any problem we are currently dealing with is 1) the "pandemic" 2) climate change. The problem of scarcity, I believe, will be an issue for us as the population climbs exponentially while earth resources do not.

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Great idea! Just on the subject of truth, however, I’m afraid we are really really broken. As the great philosopher and critic of authoritarianism, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, wrote decades ago:

“We know they are lying,

they know they are lying,

they know we know they are lying,

we know they know we know they are lying,

but they are still lying.”

God help us.

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I've seen that great quote before, it's so relevant today. They will never stop lying.

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Beautiful Toby. I would add respect for all medicinal\healing philosophies. After all, much of what we practice today in allopathic medicine is theoretical, yet arrogance within the community, especially today, does not recognize that fact. Ayurvedic medicine, Traditional Chinese medicine, native medicine, functional and naturopathic to name a few all deserve respect!

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Excellent observations and consolidation of active principle. To break these down on even more basic tenets: 1) Live with integrity from truth and love, 2) Connect with respect with authentic and unique others and learn from them, 3) Unplug from all unholy forces, 4) Hold ground when fanatical, deluded forces threaten to sweep the earth, 5) Create a parallel creative and healthy world to emerge and replace the corrupt and dying one.

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I really like how you've organized it here! Lovely! 🙌

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Really great list. Maybe this goes with #4, but I would include something about honoring the canaries in the coal mine--those who were harmed before, and whose suffering has allowed many of us living now to sidestep the land mines. I know my child would not be the healthy teen she is today if I had not learned from warrior moms whose kids were harmed because they were unaware of the corruption and the lies.

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Yes, lovely. So many have given so much to wake up others. Tears in my eyes as I type this because I know exactly the people you are thinking of. ❤️ 🙌

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Your list is excellent as a satyagraha priority list. I think it's important to review it once in a while and stay on track. Hold the line, and never ever give in to mandates or even polite requests to wear a mask. Your need to breathe freely must take precedence over others' fear.

Medical freedom is and has been the most important issue of our lifetimes. I think this list shows the strategy that has the best chance of winning ultimately.

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Hi Toby! I love reading your work and appreciate you putting form to the tendrils of the health freedom movement. As a freedom lover, an interfaith minister and someone who identifies with neither party, it's clear to me that our decaying health, religious and political institutions cannot be reformed.

A philosophy that is truly universal and based on the type of principles you've set down appeals to the core truth within good, well-intentioned people. It's meaningful, yet neutral enough to attract many who would help us create a parallel society that can sustain us while the powers-that-shouldn't-be destroy themselves.

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Agree with what you say. And, like that--> the powers-that-shouldn't-be

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What about respect for innate intelligence/wisdom?

Why do we need to complicate/codify everything? Isn't this incessant need to control everything, dominate, judge and destroy everything, what got us in this mess in the first place?

We each have innate wisdom/body intelligence within us and when we are within nature, or detoxified from all the rubbish we layer upon society- chemical, physical, emotional, mental. When we start to remove that, we come back to an innate clarity , which lets us be our true selves and make compassionate decisions/actions. I think this bureaucratic apocalyptic dystopia we are currently living is a reflection of our desperate innate need to trust and stop trying to control the uncontrollable. Nature gonna nature, virus gonna virus. And for all the depth we currently know about virology, epidemiology and microbiology, who's to say that nature is not upgrading or evolving us through the virome. Just because we can't understand it, doesn't make it scary or bad. This global fear, if left unchecked, is going to inflame the whole halobiome. Energy such as emotion, has quantum physical impacts. We have no idea if all this fear porn is having a negative effect on the microbes, fungi, bacteria, animals on this planet that we have evolved with.

I think when we try to codify, control, bureaucratise our behaviour, we are doing our innate wisdom a disservice and don't allow our halobiome to evolve.

But that's just me.

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I think those are all good points. It's just that we are going up against the most ruthless industry in the world and they spend billions of dollars on behavioral psychology research. I would love for them to just leave us alone, but we don't live in that world. It becomes much easier to build a movement if we clearly articulate what we believe. But surely are ways to build a movement around the values you have laid out here too.

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If we could help people understand that pharma complex, etc causes dis-ease to sell "cures"....family and friends won't listen to me😪. The media is hypnotic propaganda, as we know, and it must Go.

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I think what you are saying is similar to Iain McGilchrist's notion of returning the right hemispheres intuitive understanding of the world as opposed to the left hemisphere realm of the technocrat.

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Exactly! We've veered off to one-sided experience of our world and existence.

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Not just you. I especially like: "We each have innate wisdom/body intelligence... which lets us be our true selves and make compassionate decisions/actions." And, "Energy such as emotion, has quantum physical impacts." There is such a reclaimed feeling of power in being able to recognize/ deconstruct the fear-mongering. Each day, more and more so, being able to see the fear-mongering as bids for control. Seeing how you really can reject it. I like the idea of connecting Toby's ideas to quantum physics.

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You make good points, and #10 on the list is something very relevant to me. These toxic mimics poison our minds and souls on a daily basis. It takes so much strength sometimes not to buy into the lies that are constantly being sold to us.

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I think the core of a movement for bodily autonomy should be centered on the individual. Central to the public health appeal and clearly understood by the virtue signaling public is the concept that you must be vaccinated for the good of society. Even as the vaccines have increasingly been shown to lack any ability to actually protect the collective health of the public, this demand to sacrifice for the greater good persists.

I reject all such appeals. The good of the group should be understood as comprising only of the good of each individual-- as measured by themselves. No authority can blithely assign the sacrifice of a child's health to protect a senior or vice versa, because the good or ill of such decisions is borne by the individual. Human life is not reducible to a metric and cannot be traded from one spreadsheet column to the next.

I want such a general awareness of the evil of demanding the sacrifice of some for the sake of others to exist that virtue signaling social media posts demanding it are met with universal revulsion. I want those who demands we vaccinate the children to protect the adults to be laughed out of any position of authority.

The task is simply to restore the primacy of the individual as the core of our system of rights and values. No demands on others, no mandates-- a voluntary society where we choose or choose not as our own conscience dictates.

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What you write makes me think about how much work the idea of 'sacrifice for the greater good' is doing for the vaccine compliance campaign. As you say, even as vaccines have been shown to lack any ability to actually protect the collective health, the idea of sacrifice persists. We see how disconnected from reality their virtue signaling is. How do you get them to see it? How do you get people to see that it is actually compliance that they're signalling? How do you get them to see that their compliance is harming the collective health of the public?

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Good morning Toby, 😊 what a wonderful read, and it really got me thinking on what I consider to be an important topic - how to overcome the many terrifying heads of the modern day Medusa- big pharma, big tech, so called 'elites' (we should really deconstruct what this adjective means in real terms i.e corrupt, perverse, anti-rule of of law-perhaps elite arseholes?)

In relation to the Satyagraha, I'm a huge fan of law and order, the integrity of the public office and for those people that have the privilege to hold this position to be at the core of how it MUST function. We all know instinctively the difference when someone functions with integrity and doesnt twist facts to create spin in order to manipulate.

The question I ask myself is this: Do people gemerally understand what integrity really means, or how to embody this principle in our person? You could call it love, but I like to say specifically integrity. To be be uncorrupted. Integrity is what protects us from falling into 'sin' and to keep our hearts clean. To guard our heart and mind from harm.

Backdrop of now:

The 'elites' have zero integrity and have completely usurped law and order where we the people are forced to live in a corrupted anarchy -one that has been socially engineered for us by them and executed by their political minions. Consequently we are thrown into literal chaos, losing jobs, bodily autonomy, privacy and freedom as we knew it, as it has all disintegrated before our very eyes. What did it take to be able to do this?What else has been destroyed in this process?

So satyagraha -truth telling may help those who have fallen under some strange psychosis. Let's hope!


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I agree. We should deconstruct/bring into language what we mean when we say 'elites'. Seems to me the 1% wants to be the 1%. Posts by Gato Malo, saying how the elites are proud of being elites makes me think we need to replace the switch the word 'elites' to something that they would recognize themselves as, but that they wouldn't be privately proud of.

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This article confirms social quantum entanglement has already begun! I’ve been practicing these over the past year. While I’m not a churchgoer, I have been meditating every morning after lighting a small white candle. During my thanks for the positive that we still have in our lives, I thank all those past and present who have helped retain earthly peace, truth, love. Gandhi is always part of that thank you. Spreading this mindset is essential to a new way of being, to a new world. Thank you, Toby, for so eloquently expressing this inevitable future.

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❤️ 🙌

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IMV We need an educated understanding of happiness.

A scientific examination of “happiness” it’s cause, it’s endurance, and, if it’s found, it’s universality.

A minor example; Marry sees and covets a Red dress in a store. She saves, sacrifices and desires said expensive dress. When she buys it, she feel a momentary thrill, a “want” has been removed, and a desire achieved. ( Scientifically disparate chemicals are released, the brain responds in certain patterns.).

Later the dress provides zero of that “ happiness” to Mary. The dress has become “ old hat”.

We can broadly classify such events as “pleasure”, they don’t apply universally to the human condition, and have very temporary effect.

Zoey sees the same dress and has no desire for it. Happiness did not exist within the dress, but within the “want” and “want” fulfilled state of Mary’s mind.

Is there any greater, more durable and universal to human nature “happiness”. There is. People universally find lasting happiness, evidenced by life long memories and near death experiences, in those things they VOLUNTARILY did FIR others, be it family, friends, or people in general. They find happiness in love, in power, ( power is a complicated one and can broadly be stated that lasting happiness is found in power or discipline over ones OWN life, and misery is found and CAUSED when seeking power OVER others.

My broad point is our education and psychological studies need a major upgrade.

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Love is key and I missed from the list, until I re-read and found point 11. Maybe moved up to point 1. :-)

Another way to say it is "Act in kindness. Think in love".

Fear is one of Big Pharma and DS main weapons. It is how they manipulated billions into this pandemic craziness and now the jabs. Love conquers fear. We need to avoid things that make us feel afraid (eg MSM negative news 24/7, social media pings) and embrace that which promotes love (eg nature time, digital detox, extra sleep, exercise, laughter)

on "9. Actual science" edit to "9. Actual science always asks questions".

I think there is a point about "Truth in Education and kindness towards kids" that could be added, as much of this war has been fought in the schools.

Add "Listen both to your intuition and your mind/logic".


I believe this war come from the Devil, and even if you don't believe such a being exists, certainly some very evil people have been pushing it for decades. It is just more obvious now and they are more desperate in their actions as they loose the war. Evil loves to use deception, manipulation and even outright lies in its plans. It is not good with straightforward truth and crumbles in the light of truth and love.

Evil can manipulate more easily in big hierarchies such as most big organizations (govt, education, fortune 1000, big hospital systems, legal, media, militiary etc). Because it only need to corrupt and capture the top people.

We are much stronger in more flat or circular organizations where all member share power. That operate locally and not centrally.

And in retaking control of our society, action at the local level is winning. Retaking school boards from those who would mask and jab our kids. Local elections. Local flash mob protests. Supporting small local businesses and farmers who buck the evil system.

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I like the addition of the idea that:, "actual science always asks questions." Two helpful phrases I heard on two different podcasts recently--> dissent is not misinformation; science is not sound-bytes

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