The Democratic Party playbook is now this strange hybrid of Stockholm Syndrome (love for their Pharma captors) and Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy (keeping their base chronically ill in order to make them dependent on the sickcare provided by the Party).

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😂🤣😂 SPOT ON!

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I would add that, as horrible, corrupt and mendacious as the GOP is, the DNC is just that much worse in every way. Time to shit-can both parties. If I were a DNC apparatchik, looking at the impending bloodbath at midterms, I would put off the end of the foreclosure/eviction moratorium until just before elections, so as to dump the whole mess into the GOP's lap. Same with the presidency in 24. Lose deliberately to make sure the GOP takes on the shit storm that is on the way.

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Never mind the fact that the one-time "party of the working man" has now become the party of the private-island, coastal elites. Today's democrats seem so completely divorced from the reality of working-class folks who live in, say, Cleveland, that it's nothing short of astonishing.

No one seems to remember that it was the Obama administration that created the current airline cartel by allowing the airlines to merge into a handful of "too-big-to-fail" mega-fleets. Same with banking, pharma, and other industries. They've literally created monsters that are too big to govern. So these monsters govern us instead.


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Bravo, thank you... I have been a democrat too and independent. all the leaders of the party care about are their big money donors, Big Pharma... I think this will fall on deaf ears but hope I am wrong. I begged Biden and Harris to give people Vitamin D in 2020, over and over and over again to no avail. they are captured. DeSantis has just approved early treatment options in Florida. I'd vote for him for president now. And Reinette S. as Governor of CA, no affiliation with either party since both parties are corrupt for the most part.

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DeSantis has to be considered the frontrunner for 2024 at this point. He's more clear-eyed than any other governor on the science thus far.

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true dat... maybe we need a new party for we the people...

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Keep adding parties and we end up like Italy.

The whole idea of parties was thought by the Founders in the US to be a kind of cancer. I was a D for years then saw what that meant under Slick Willy. Then registered R just to be able to vote in primaries. Maybe time to try no parties... Assuming the silicon valley hipsters won't suppress the voices of the contenders.

I know. Not likely to happen.

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He's also very good at delegating and processing the information he relies on others to provide.

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Thomas Sowell has 3 questions to fight back against leftism.

#1 is: Compared to what.

De Santis parroted the line on the jab, but he has praised early treatment and made monoclonal antibodies available to all and protected them against the various Demokrats diktats.

That makes him the greatest. Though not perfect, I admit that.

I want to move to Florida...

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Correct, DeSantis has said that the vaccines don’t work as well as initially advertised as well. See his interview with Ben Shapiro

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The best is getting better.

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There won't ever be anyone perfect.

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I couldn't agree more. I have an article swimming in my head warning that future former Democrats will leave in droves if they don't wake up. At the Senate meeting of the Covid - 19 committee on future of Covid, I think Nov. 2, several Republicans asked about the Wuhan lab and about natural immunity. What is it about Democrats that they are required to deny natural immunity? Good for you for writing this. We need a campaign to prevent Dems from destroying themselves and all of us. I am independent, post-partisan.

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post partisan, love that and what you write too about the Vax Genes, name the shots, thank you!

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you are most welcome

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I’m beyond labels at this point and so is my wife. I lean right and she leans left, but we’re absolutely aligned on medical freedom. Aside from a few or handful, I don’t trust republicans but the democrats have gone off the rails completely.

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Republicans, democrats, left, right, 2 sides of the same coin. No point in even discussing democracy and poilitics at this point as it's all just an illusion to keep us divided and happy with our free-range slavery. Voting for the lesser of 2 evils is no choice found in any true democracy. The system is broken and beyond saving without a real revolution.

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I’m proudly now an ex-vaxxer. Mandated to take an experimental gene therapy to keep my employment sent me on a journey of discovery! If only I’d known how toxic the vaccines were before unknowingly injecting my babies with them. It’s actually devastating to me. Perhaps explanation for my 3yr olds peanut allergy and my 1yr olds eczema….. no more jabs in my family.

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Cherry, I developed a peanut "allergy" at age 38, after getting mercury-containing dental fillings. After detoxing the heavy metals from my system (primarily mercury and aluminum), I'm much less reactive. Look into Andy Cutler's chelation protocol—I think they have a group on Facebook specifically for parents. I've seen fantastic success stories from parents.

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Thank you. Will do 👍🏻

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"Mandated to take an experimental gene therapy to keep my employment sent me on a journey of discovery!" Yes, Yes, Yes! This is exactly what I thought was likely to happen when covid struck. They'd push the vaccine too hard, it would be so bad people couldn't help notice, and people in large numbers would finally start to look at the schedule overall and realize how toxic it is, how corrupt the regulatory agencies are. I attended a rally at my state capitol in the fall and saw a young person holding a sign "Covid woke me up." Yep. Cherry, your comment here made my day. My best to your little ones that they recover from their allergies and eczema.

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I agree.

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My son (24) has Tourettes that developed around the age of 3. No one else in the family has it, though I have (severe) ADHD. Makes me wonder if maybe we’re particularly sensitive to one of the common vaxxes (eg, MMR)we received. (We all passed on the Covid jabs.).

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The other party isn't much better.. Neither side deserves to rule.. and nobody deserves what both "sides" have been doing to them.

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Neither side shoud rule, so no one should rule I guess ? That makes you a fellow libertarian. Welcome.

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The water is warm.

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The Dems lost me a long time ago. Not super fond of the Republicans either. Where's the party of Do The Right Thing?

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Good read as always Dr. Toby. I am thinking more along the lines that both political parties have sold us out to either the CCP and / or the New World order agenda, to be hastened along via venomous hypodermics. I sincerely hope that video making the rounds showing Chinese military members talking about the coming decimation of the US military because of the mandatory deadly inoculations for all service members is a fake. It’s subtitled, and for all I know they could really be talking about the NBA or chop suey. But cynical old me doesn’t think the solutions to this virus nightmare will come via the ballot box. Real turbulent times ahead.

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The breaking point is near. They overplayed their hand with the Covid vaccine, and the energy is shifting.

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I'm afraid it isn't over yet. Omicron, that little sneeze, is going to be mined for max fear and panic. Hang on.

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another Hecht, what do ya know :-) not related I don't think.

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so cool! are you Jewish? Which country are your Hecht ancestors from?

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was brought up 4 times a year Jewish (holidays)... am 3rd generation American, ancestors from Latvia or Lithuania and grandmother I was named after was from Spain... you?

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Left vs right seems to be a false axis, as Hitler rose from the left, while many authoritarians rise from the right.

Completely independent of and perpendicular to that axis is the true one:

Liberty vs tyranny.

We tens of millions of medical freedom voters must demand liberty of the politicians that we consider voting for.

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Left right goes back to the sides of the French Constitutive Assembly at the time of the French Revolution. Maybe it's time for a new model.

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Agree, but I beat you to the punch: https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/ok-i-admit-i-was-wrong-about-the

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😂 You did, I liked your piece. 🙌

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we need our own we the people medical freedom party

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When my first was born 27 years ago, the on-call pediatrician explained that Hep B is a sexually transmitted disease and that the Hep B vaccine given at one day old should protect my baby for between 5 and 7 years.

I explained that I viewed it as my job as a parent to make certain my newborn wouldn't have sex in the next 5 to 7 years.

Problem solved.

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What a perfect response.

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As someone who has voted for Democrats for 30 years, except for THIS year, I couldn't agree more. I have a very special 9yo daughter who is brilliant, beautiful, and insightful, yet struggles with every day tasks, emotional regulation, and sensory processing, and now disabling OCD and sadness. Ever since we realized how different she is, I have asked myself why. Could it have been the vaccines (I knew enough to postpone the Hep B at birth, but was talked into it when she 2 weeks)? Was it having Strep 4 times when she was a toddler/preschooler? Was it the tick bite that she got at 3.5? Perhaps all 3? School, even preschool, has been a hard road for her, but she was doing pretty darned well when schools closed in March of 2020. Every month away she got a little wilder with angry outbursts over strange things, but was still very happy... until this fall when she became completely overwhelmed by having to wear a mask at school. I got her an exemption, but when she used it she was forced to distance from the other children and told me she felt like she didn't matter. She also couldn't stand being surrounded by a sea of masked faces, whose emotions she couldn't read. Then the Principal cancelled morning recess in the interest of longer math time! Within a week, she started painfully obsessing over loose teeth, her inability to swim, the feel of underpants, and other random strange things. We thought it would pass, but it hasn't even when I agreed to keep her home and started therapy. She tells me that the longer this goes on, the more she loses hope that she will get back to her normal. Our heavily Democratic school system in Fairfax County, VA only cares about zero COVID and magical talismans like masks, not the mental health of my special needs child. The same Principal banned her from the class holiday party because we can't have children attending just the fun parts of public school! Assistant Superintendent backed him up and School Board members have been silent. The evil is palpable. I will vote for ANYONE who ends the insanity that has been our COVID response and will be thrilled to end ALL school vax mandates if it saves any other families from what we have experienced.

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Juanita, I'm so sorry to read about your daughter's struggles. To repeat what I mentioned in a comment above, I highly recommend looking into Andy Cutler's chelation protocol. I've seen parents have tremendous success chelating their kids.

Personally, using the protocol to get mercury and aluminum out of my system did wonders for my OCD, sensory processing issues, depression, anxiety and so much more. It was really quite shocking.

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Thank you so much for your thoughtful advice! I will look into the chelation protocol.

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I'm so sorry to hear what has been happening to you/ your daughter. Makes me so mad. That principal cancelling morning recess for longer math time... not being sensitive to the very real ways children are negatively affected by masks... banning your daughter from the class holiday party "because we can't have children attending just the fun parts of public school!" that is beyond outrageous. That the assistant superintendent backed him up & the school board members have remained silent. All these things the people in power are doing are so completely wrong-headed it makes my head spin. I also voted Democratic for the past 30 years, and am, every day, shocked & angry by their ignorance, willful disregard for scientific dissent & debate, and their inability to see the malevolence of their actions. Toby's post gives me hope. I hope someone will listen and spread the word. Or, that a new party will arise. And, I hope that things will get better for you and your daughter.

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Thank you. I really appreciate the kind words. I’m hopeful that all of us waking up to fight tyranny will be the beginning of positive revolution where people truly start respecting the individual rights of others.

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I voted Republican in a a GE for the first time in my life in Virginia. Hopefully Youngkin will put Fairfax County in favor of the parents and children.

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Juanita, thank you for telling us your daughter's story. I am so sorry she's going through this. You're right, she is special, and she can feel that something is very very wrong. I think people are going to be leaving the coasts and relocating to the midwest because of the coastal craziness. I don't have kids, but I'm connecting with others in my area to provide homeschooling for parents who can see the devastation and want to get their kids out. Homeschooling had already been growing in my state but I expect it to skyrocket.

This piece is a bit dated but nonetheless gives a rundown of what to expect in each state re covid policies:


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Thanks for the link.

Spoiler, list:

1. Oklahoma

2. Missouri

3. South Dakota

4. Arkansas

5. Florida

6. Idaho

7. Texas

8. South Carolina

9. Iowa

10. Wyoming

11. Alaska

12. Alabama

13. Utah

14. Indiana

15. Montana

16. Arizona

17. Nebraska

18. Tennessee

19. North Dakota

20. North Carolina

21. Kansas

22. Georgia

23. Kentucky

24. Mississippi

25. Ohio

26. Louisiana

27. New Hampshire

28. Wisconsin

29. Michigan

30. Delaware

31. West Virginia

32. Virginia

33. Nevada

34. New Mexico

35. Vermont

36. Illinois

37. Colorado

38. Oregon

39. Minnesota

40. Maryland

41. Pennsylvania

42. New Jersey

43. Rhode Island

44. Hawaii

45. Connecticut

46. Massachusetts

47. Washington

48. Maine

49. California

50. New York

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The leadership of the party never believed in any of these things and also believe you are unfit to make any decisions for yourself. They hate the average person because they choose to ignore the righteous dictates of there betters. Anyone who has spent any time in a major university knows the disdain the intelligencia has for blue collar culture.

They never believed what you do. They never meant a damn word of it. All they want is money and power.

With no exception on the national level, you are appealing to a bunch of narcissistic, amoral criminals. They will never listen or care what you are saying.

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The party is 100% transactional at this point.

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The leadership has been that way since at least FDR. Both parties are different at the local levels. But the national party and most of the state leaders have been corrupt for a century.

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Thank You, sooo articulate and Very accurate! As a 57yr old Democrat (in San Francisco no less) I pray the dems…buy a Vowel and get a Clue before it’s to late. (I almost changed parties, but why bother…it’s the “Same Shit in a Different Pile” SMH 🤦‍♀️

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If you want to vote in primaries of a party it's useful to register as a party member. That's all.

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Outstanding!!! Excellent!! Someone finally summed it up, explained it, and put it out there!!! Thank you, Toby!

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