I have this theory that:

Can't Get No Satisfaction makes sense to people who received 1 to 3 shots.

Smells like Teen Spirit makes sense to people who have had about 10 shots.

And Car Radio makes sense to people who have had 54 shots.

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Sympathy For The Devil would make the perfect anthem for the madness we have been in for the last 2 years, after all the sheep trust blindly in the so called leaders and experts because they are ignorant of man’s true nature. Human beings are not inherently good, they want to do good but they are not inherently good, give human beings power and they will eventually abuse it. This is why government is a necessary evil and not a force for good and should always be looked at with suspicion and skepticism. The road to hell is paved with good intentions and ignorance.

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Yes, Sympathy for the Devil foreshadows this song in many ways. Sympathy for the Devil is DARK, but it is also beautiful. I think many of us have had the experience of singing along with that song, electric with energy, and then thinking, 'hey wait, what's going on with these lyrics!?'

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Yes, many would disagree with me but I consider it one of the greatest Gospel songs ever written, it is a stark warning along the lines of a fire and brimstone sermon. Very, very subtle in it's message.

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Interesting theory, and I totally see where you're coming from. It's nothing I would have ever considered, but I've listened to that album countless times over the years and I can see it.

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All three make sense to me, I've not been vaccinated since I was a teenager and I'm now 59. Am on the spectrum and your description of the music video, which I'd never seen before, captures it perfectly. The scene with the crowd standing mute and parted like the Red Sea was disturbing. Some of the facial expressions....

Like Teen Spirit, the song uses the calm-then-furious-then-calm mode very well. A band that used, and may still use, this a lot were Mogwai. I am not a fan because they overuse the technique and it's irritating having to turn up the sound only to be shook by the intense parts. At my age amazing the neighbours* is not so appealing.

See also any number of songs by NF.

* See also Rockwrock by Ultravox who were brilliant at this controlled-intensity-then-freak-out style, in the days when John Foxx led the band. He may well be ASD.

Enjoyed the post very much and think you might be onto something.

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That's hilarious - dark, sure ... but much of the best humor is dark (saying the quiet parts out loud:-)

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Watching the video again -- its genius, ecstatic, gorgeous, and completely terrifying. It taps into a dark energy that I think it both universal in the human condition and forbidden (because it is so powerful).

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I imagine the next generation will find fascism appealing. Their parents poisoned them not once but 55+ times. They won't be able to have kids. All mainstream institutions -- schools, corporations, government, the media, and the healthcare system have failed them. Jobs will be scarce and confusing to them. Lots of them will be chronically ill and in pain. Some leader is going to come along and tap into that rage and unleash it. I imagine fascism will feel comforting to them -- like the family they never had. It will bring order out of chaos. It will be exciting. And the regions of their brains that process ethics are already damaged so qualms will not get in the way.

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Like I said: mass vax injury was calculated & premeditated by the NWO transhumanist freaks.

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There are signs already of this happening. I find younger people increasingly less tolerant except on the issues they have already been indoctrinated in - climate change, BLM, CRT, and so on. It’s mostly a one way discussion, they don’t like counter-arguments or any facts they don’t like.

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I haven't yet been able to watch the videos Toby links to (because I think they will give me bad dreams, though I find the whole essay fascinating and compelling), but I just came across this short vid and it seems like it's saying something similar, in miniature: https://twitter.com/FiveTimesAugust/status/1482351167720013828?cxt=HHwWiICyhZCir5IpAAAA

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Omfg this is terrifyingly accurate.

I have a 17 year old son , and I took him out of public high school in 2020 and had him finish HS via homeschool, hoping to be able to do some kind of damage control once I realized all the fuckery going on at school. It’s been an unbelievable work in progress because he absolutely insists on arguing about damn near everything. Especially things he virtually has zero clue about..it’s absolutely unnerving. I’ll never forgive myself for not researching vaccines sooner….

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In the comments section for Car Radio on YouTube, a fan that goes by the name Kat Storm writes,

"I can't even count the number of times I've watched this video. When they get to the point at 3:00 where the crowd goes wild, I get chills. Every. Time. The same happens in Lane Boy. Fun fact: this reaction is known as frisson."

From Wikipedia, "frisson (French for "shiver"), also known as aesthetic chills or musical chills is a psychophysiological response to rewarding auditory and/or visual stimuli that often induces a pleasurable or otherwise positively-valenced affective state and transient paresthesia (skin tingling or chills), sometimes along with piloerection (goose bumps) and mydriasis (pupil dilation)."

Yes, that's it exactly -- this video produces frisson. I watched it again and counted 6 or 7 times that the video produced cold shivers across my back and arms. (Interestingly, it seems that regardless of whether one likes the video or not it produces frisson.) And then I watched Lane Boy as Kat recommended and it is just as she says, same affect.

I'm not sure what to make of this. I will note that the emergency of AMSR also appears to be a product of vaccine-injury. Vaccine-injured people often have some of their senses turned way up (in this case hearing, hyperacusis) so particular sounds like whispers or ice cubes clanking in a glass can produce a pleasant shiver (I guess this is frisson again).

Lots of other comments on the YouTube page for this video are completely fascinating as well.

Also I realized that the arc of the video is inciting incident (stolen car radio), the unbearable sound of silence, personal meltdown becomes collective meltdown, becomes joyous (because everyone gets it) fascist rally... and then the meltdown is over (personal and collective) and Tyler is calm again (we are too). That's a narrative arc that would be both very familiar and reassuring (the collective understanding) to someone on the spectrum. And from reading other comments it seems that this is how it is received by lots of listeners. I fear though that this is about to become the pattern with our politics, as an ever-increasing share of the public is wired for this sort of experience of the world.

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Yes, but listening to a Mozart or Beethoven work produces this same psychophysiological experience. Perhaps people need to be re introduced to “quality”

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So this confirms that mass vax injuries were entirely CALCULATED as a plot to fascism & transhumanism, & not just money grubbing big pharma.

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Jan 16, 2022
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It's worth watching to the end of the video. The song has 4 different movements and it builds to a crescendo.

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I will watch the video but I first wanted to comment on this band. They were the first band I know of who pushed for full vaccination at their concerts and proof of it to enter. So it’s thanks to bands like this one that started the ball rolling with this idea of punishing those who won’t vaccinate by not letting them participate. Kind of ironic when you think about the fact the vaccines could have caused the band members autism. Here he is promoting vaccines! Anyways. I’m going to watch video and comment more on the article itself.

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Whoa. I did not know that. OMG that is both fitting and tragic.

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Yea. They wouldn’t even play at places where they were not requiring full vaccination and proof of entry. Never liked them since that.

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The reproduction of alienation and injury.

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if i catch your meaning Paul Levy talks about Wetico as a rabies like virus that's compelled to bite/infect others in order to reproduce. I participated in a conversation recently that addressed the underpinnings of what we're seeing. Vaccines are designed to edit out the genetic expression of empathy and trigger ptsd. Thank you for exposing the alarming scale of the program to derange and derail the spiritual evolution of humanity. GI Gurdjieff said it best when he famously referred to "the horror of it all".

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Mass insanity. Disconnected from humanity. Narcissism on meth.


God help us…

I found this terrifying.

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I'm 48yo high-functioning Aspergers (Australian). Had all the standards vaxxes as a kid (which weren't many back then).

I have two young daughters, one who is also high-functioning Aspergers (not quite as high functioning as me, by the looks so far) and the other who is not spectrum. Neither of my daughters have received any vaccines at all, ever (a decision my wife and I made based on research).

I note that most HF spectrum types tend to be highly compliant. I'm an outlier in this respect, but my daughter has a real hard time breaking rules - even very minor ones. I know many more like her. As I'm sure you know, many HF spectrum types have low tolerance for emotional stress and compliance is often the means to resolving that stress. Again, in this regard I seem to be an outlier.

So I guess what I'm saying is that, from these basic tendencies that are common in the neuro-atypical, there is very dry kindling for high compliance and the totalitarianism that goes hand in hand with that.

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Thank you for this thoughtful comment! 🙌

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Just like the Roman empire, obsessed with their own high technology but lacking the necessary knowledge of lead toxicity, ours appears headed down a similar path with our love for technology whether that of vaccines, electronics, and a thousand other things we don't fully understand.

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I’ll be honest, it felt like kids trying to recreate a mosh pit poorly. I didn’t get this feeling from it. And I do however fear the future collapse of this fragile and incapable generation who can’t even be fucked to work a $20/h job while in school.

They will have no mastery, no skills, no work ethic.

I also have an unvaccinated child and she is BRILLIANT. And I mourn the fact she is going to grow up in world that is utterly fucked and devoid of connection, sex and adventure.

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That is one of the things that scares me most for my own kid's future. If we're thinking about pop videos, let me say that I miss the days of videos with girls in their underwear. Wanting the human connection of sex is part of who we are, and the world we're in now, where kids are supposed to be scared even of breathing near each other... wow. It's just terrifying. This is why we moved to Florida.

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I didn't know that Billie Eillish has Tourrette's.

My 3rd son has Tourrette's. He wasn't vaccinated as a child. None of my sons were. One of my son's ultrasounds from in utero shows him doing one his favorite tics. He had Tourette's in utero. I have another son with severe Celiac. He was hospitalized for pneumonia as a child, he also had what is considered a fatal allergy. Another son has psoriasis and was hospitalized for an MRSA sinus infection when he was 7. My oldest had to carry an EpiPen, fatal reaction to mosquito bites. All 4 had asthma that required a nebulizer.

None had childhood vaccinations. It's tempting to want to have an easy target for all of childhood's ills. My experience would indicate there are likely many contributors.

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Very helpful correction. Thank you Deb. Blessings to you and your kids. 🙏 🙌 🤗

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I have a friend that has 7 children and none are vaccinated. A few have health issues and one is autistic (not high functioning) and because of this experience I am picky about the words I use: vaccines contribute, not necessarily cause.

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In many cases the causation is pretty clear. In other cases not so much. Anytime there is autistic regression, there is usually a toxic trigger nearby. Up to 88% of autism cases are characterized by regression (Ozonoff et al. 2018). https://doi.org/10.1002/aur.1943

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Yes, it's not the vaccs per se, it's the toxins within. And our society is awash in toxins, thus... But directly injecting them into our bodies is, well, problematic.

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regression meaning developmental regression?

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Do you ever consider it’s from you’re vaccinations? That’s transferred to the child during pregnancy. I have two autistic family members born normal and the day of vaccination were turned into zombies….. never the same after. No smiles no laughter no connection. It was all gone that day.

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I agree with your thoughts. The late Dr. Edward Yazbak did a study that showed a strong correlation between mothers who had been vaccinated with MMR in late teens/early adulthood to go on to have children with autism. Our susceptibilities may even trace back to the small pox vaccine given to our great grandparents. The susceptibility to cancer is inheritable, and in some cases can also be traced to a gene mutation. I won’t be surprised if some day we find the MTHFR gene mutation can be traced back to small pox vaccine which was mandatory back in the day (although avoidable with the equivalent of a $5 fine). Or maybe even DDT. There are many invisible toxins which can be the trigger.

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Likewise, I also did not receive childhood vaccinations. I had all of the various illnesses we used to refer to as normal childhood illnesses, rubella, chickenpox, etc

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I agree there are many triggers/contributors to autism, not just vaccines. However, in some - not all - newborns are vaccinated with HepB in the hospital without the parents knowing. We had to physically take our 3rd child out of the nurses arms three times to prevent them from giving HepB even though we had repeatedly stated she was not to get it. We were told they do it automatically. I found a hospital Quality Measures which rewards hospitals for reaching a high percentage rate for newborns receiving Hep B before leaving the hospital - EVEN against parental wishes. In other words, they don’t care if you say you don’t want it - they still give it.

MTHFR gene mutations are responsible for a lot of the allergy/spectrum issues at the core. It basically means we are undermethylators (cannot convert to glutathione so we do not detox ourselves well). This is catastrophic since we are inundated with toxins in our foods, vaccines, air, etc.

Lastly, as a homeopath, I was dismayed to learn the proving for Ultrasound read like a description of autism. Homeopathy is “like cures like” meaning anything that can cause an illness/symptoms can also cure it. Very disturbing considering ultrasounds are routine care now.

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My sons are 20-27. I don't know what is standard now, when they were born there was a huge push in the community to never allow your newborn to be unattended in hospital by one at least of the parents. If a nurse insisted on taking the baby for any reason either the mother or father went with the baby, no matter what. Never allow the baby out of the sight and care of one of the parents.

When my first was born we started at a birthing center. There was a complication and I ended up at a hospital. We put in writing, with our doctor as witness that we refused any vaccines or treatments not directly related to an eminent lifesaving circumstance for either mother or child. We stayed less than 10 hours after delivery, a pediatrician came running after us, trying to convince us of the hep b vaccine. His convincing argument that hep b is a sexuality transmitted disease and the vaccine would protect our newborn for between 5 and 7 years before requiring a booster. I told him I would protect my son from sexually transmitted diseases, that it was my job as a parent to ensure my newborn wasn't having sex.

I do wonder about ultrasounds in pregnancy. I have a clotting disorder, blood clots in the placenta in my second's pregnancy. There was constant panic, biophysical profiles, demands for more ultrasounds, I simply didn't show up plenty of times but they still over-viewed him. He had evident allergies nearly from birth, although he has overcome them he still has severe celiac. Possibly has nothing to do with ultrasound, maybe actually related to the activity of the clotting disorder. Likely will never know.

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So interesting. Thank you for sharing. I wish more parents were aware to always have one stay with the newborn. Good for you for standing up to the pediatrician. It would be hilarious if it wasn’t so tragic! Do they not even hear themselves?!

My son had choroid plexus cysts on the brain (which they say often resolve themselves by birth). (He also had a resolved twin.) Unfortunately, we had way too many ultrasounds and they were right in that the cysts had resolved well before birth. I can imagine how frightening it was to have the clotting issues.

My son was born with a 9/10 Apgar and was a healthy, happy newborn until his 9 week shots to which he had an encephalitic reaction. He then became allergic to all but 8 foods. We ate nothing but rice, potato, chicken, beef, asparagus, pears, peaches, and sometimes broccoli for the first 2.5 years of his life while I followed the same diet and nursed him. Long story but we found homeopathy and did NAET and by the time he entered kindergarten, he had no food allergies and was recovered from his autistic symptoms (which had been severe - we did speech, developmental, and OT therapy in home three times a week until he had a massive breakthrough with a remedy made from the DTP vaccine). He is 20 now and the only one in our family to not have any food allergies. I now need to be gluten/dairy/soy/corn free again for the past 4 years. But I had my own reaction to an MMR in college which destroyed my health and left me with 5 autoimmune disorders.

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Curious, we’re any C-sections? My son was a Caesarian birth, not vaccinated and had egg and dairy allergy when he was a toddler which caused respiratory issues/pneumonia. Allopathic Dr. diagnosed him pre-asthmatic. Quickly took him to homeopathic and naturopathic doctors. He’s 13 now and no signs of the allergy.

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No, none were C-section. All breastfed for 16 months. Boy 1, with anaphylactic allergies to 2 things which showed up around age 4. He seems to have outgrown it. Boy 2 had allergies from 5 days old, one a fatal allergy, which he seems to have outgrown, however it is not a common thing he would come across usually. He does have severe celiac. Boy 3 has tourrette's with vertigo. Boy 4 has psoriasis and is the only one that still has asthma.

We also saw homeopathic and naturalpathic doctors when they were young, the theory was if we could avoid what they were allergic to they would likely outgrow it, which seems to have held true. They are now 20-27.

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You can't quell the human spirit. Too many people like you and I around.

There are worlds out there- literally millions of them that refute the current narrative. They can be muted for a short time but they will rise.

Both major political parties in the US HAVE ALWAYS been drawn to fascism. They are not distinct entities they are auxiliary subdivisions of the same evil.

DO NOT conflate that with any overall trend in US society. Most PEOPLE in the US REJECT the two parties.

Listen to this 2 minute song below by The Waterboys:


Man gets tired

Spirit don't

Man surrenders

Spirit won't

Man crawls

Spirit flies

Spirit lives when man dies

Man seems

Spirit is

Man dreams

The spirit lives

Man is tethered

Spirit is free

What spirit is man can be

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While I can't relate to these songs myself, I'm sure that my eldest son who's now 40 can. Both he and my daughter were both gifted in grade school. My daughter in languages and my son in math.

They've both been through a lot with their father who ended up on the street as an alcoholic while I tried to hold things together with my mother and older sister dealing with cancer and then my own diagnosis along with my younger sister. They had to learn to cope on their own at times when I should have been there for them. My daughter became a single mother and to this day I don't think either of them have had an intimate relationship with anyone much less anything resembling a loving and long term relationship.

I now believe they were/are autistic but didn't get diagnosed. Both will not socialize with me but are devoted to each other - thank goodness. I shudder to think what the future holds for my granddaughter. I've talked to all of them about vaccine injury. Nobody listens. It's heartbreaking.

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My generation it was “sex, drugs and rock n’ roll” perhaps pretty wicked, but it was exciting. This “car radio” has a definite subliminal and not even a very discrete message. It is one of helplessness, a yearning for the STRONG LEADER the “father”

We do not need a crystal ball to see the fascist implications.

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Spot on. Look at it this way - how did families “treat” spectrum issues during the late 90s through 2000’s - ABA therapy, Applied Behavior Analysis - which taught the children how to function in a rote manner to fit in with their peers. In the 80’s and somewhat 90’s generation, we wanted to be “normal” to fit in. In this generation of kids, they want to have some kind of issue to fit in. I see it on TikTok, video after video of teens/young adults talking about how their ADD or ADHD make them do “this.” More often than not, “this” is rarely a behavior outside of the spectrum of normal. But *something* has to make them special/unique. It is building an identity (which we are also seeing in record numbers with bisexual and gender identity issues as well). Being “normal” is boring. I see it in my own teens and young adult (who had ADD, prosoprognosia, and sensory integration dysfunction. These things were unique 20 years ago - now they are the norm.

But I am hoping, and optimistic, the brilliance and creativity and openness to things outside the norm, embracing each others’ differences (even as it makes them not so different), will foster a generation of acceptance and understanding like we have never seen.

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Gonna trust you on this because I don't want to watch the video. Current music hurts my entire body lol. Gen X here.

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Good idea. This one would leave a mark. It's a lot to take in.

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The video you wanted us to see didn't really effect me that much. Until very end when they started to wave their hands/arms forward not much reminded me of fascism. The shaving of his head maybe, because if the skinheads. I didn't like the song as much. Maybe I need to see it a few more times. 🤷‍♂️

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Whoa! Really? Boomer and I liked a lot of it, loved some of it, up until 2017. I haven't listened to the radio much since then. LOVED "Stressed Out!" Maybe, 'cause I was.

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I am no youngster at 63 and it puts tears in my eyes and rips at my heart. I am so glad I looked into vaccines while my wife was pregnant with our first. My children were never vaccinated! Prior to organized medicine (Rockefeller’s version of medicine) we suffered from infections that were going away as a result of sanitary changes. As a result of the poisoning if our secondary immune system over our primary immune protection of the oral and gut mucosa we have autoimmune disorders. When I say they did it purposely to create lifetime customers and you look at the face of your MD you say can’t be. When you check history and see the first to join the Nazi movement were the doctors. The ones performing the horrific experiments then and now are the doctors. Currently the doctors are the leading killer of all Americans. You might think that they would notice how poorly their outcomes are and change things but not when money is involved for most. Bought and paid for! Never cure anything. Attack anyone else that mentions resolution of the disease name they own. Legal drug pushers. Beware.

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A good primer on the ins-and-outs of vitamin-a toxicity (acute, chronic, and sub-clinical). Elsewhere, Grant Genereux has a number of useful observations concerning Autism and Alzheimer's as relates to "Autoimmune".

Per the vaccine part of the equation; see PubMed for Anthony Mawson's papers. He's been on the trail since the 80's. Here's a sample of his insight.

Multiple Vaccinations and the Enigma of Vaccine Injury

Published in Vaccines (Basel) December 2020


"Recent studies worryingly suggest links between multiple vaccinations and increased risks of diverse multisystem health problems, including allergies, infections, and neuropsychiatric or neurodevelopmental disorders. Here, we propose that, in susceptible persons, multiple vaccinations activate the retinoid cascade and trigger apoptotic hepatitis, leading to cholestatic liver dysfunction, in which stored vitamin A compounds (retinyl esters and retinoic acid) enter the circulation in toxic concentrations; this induces endogenous forms of hypervitaminosis A, with the severity of adverse outcomes being directly proportional to the concentration of circulating retinoids. In very low concentrations, vitamin A and its major metabolite retinoic acid contribute to immune function and to the process of immunization, whereas excess vitamin A increases the risk of adverse events, including common “side-effects” as well as chronic adverse outcomes. The increasing rates of allergy, ear infections, and neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs) in countries with high rates of vaccination could be related to mass vaccination and to its impact on liver function and vitamin A metabolism, collectively representing endogenous manifestations of hypervitaminosis A."

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Wow - I have not heard this theory before. Very interesting. Thank you!

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the vitamin-a status of today's youth is a great concern. There are many relatively obscure papers from major universities in the United States identifying an epidemic of hypervitaminosis-a among populations here and abroad that have experienced massive vitamin-a interventions by very questionable authority.

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and at least one of these universities was and afaik still is deeply involved in those vitamin-a interventions. It's puzzling to say the least.

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