on 4/28 I sent an email to the CDC/FDA AICP/VRBPAC, etc regarding Moderna's EUA request for under 6. Amazingly I received a response from the "AICP" email address. It is shocking to say the least:
"1000’s of these emails come from parents….
Dear Dr. Walensky (CC: Becerra/ HHS, cc: ACIP):
I respectfully ask you to take urgent action to make COVID vaccines accessible to children under 5 for the sake of my
dear 3 year old twins - Linc and Obi. They have spent 2 of their 3 years on this planet sheltered from the full wonder and beauty of this life, not being able to safely go to places like the library or museums or take enriching classes like dance or martial
We have the science!!! We know that these vaccines are safe and we know that COVID has harmed too many children. Our
leaders need to take action NOW to protect our youngest. Doctors agree there are ways to do this safely and effectively.
We know that the CDC’s vaccine provider agreement is
the only barrier to off-label use of fully approved COVID vaccines. No other drug is restricted in this way. You could cut that red tape with a simple press release today. We have ample evidence through trials and real-world data that mRNA
vaccines are safe for children. Further delay will only result in more harm to our children.
You have the power to prevent unnecessary suffering among an entire generation of children by paving the way for use of
a readily available, safe, and effective method of protection against this deadly virus.
Every hospitalization, medical complication, death and case of MIS-C and long COVID that occurs in a child under 5 at
this point in the pandemic is a travesty that could have been prevented. We have the data and the technology, yet we have not made their protection our top priority. Please do not make us wait any longer to protect our children."
ALSO, What do we do to get lawmakers to make it so that we can sue these vaccine companies again. They are so protected it's not even funny. You can sue them, but it's INCREDIBLY difficult I understand. Any call to action on this?
There's chatter & a lot of high hopes from the fearful liberals of society regarding this shot of all shots that's been in the works for 2 rears from Walter Reed Medical. I have BIG concerns with this one as Walter Reed is the military. Do u have any thoughts on this one?
I don’t know if there was a particularly bad lot of Pfizer or what happened but data from Ontario, Canada show a massive spike in infection rate in the middle of April 2022 among kids 5-11 who received three shots. Look at April 16, 2022. Vaccinated with a booster dose case rate was 324.2 per 100,000 while the rate for “not fully vaccinated” was 10.88 per 100,000. covid-19.ontario.ca/data
Canada reported an interesting, if sad, milestone this week. All time Covid infections in the vaccinated, 946,259, has surpassed unvaccinated cases, 941, 467.
Interesting / disturbing free online conference this weekend, "Stepping Into the Future" (w/ session on "Moral Enhancement"). From the "Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies".
Sharing for FYI, I'm not affiliated with the group, nor do I know anything about them, just somehow on their mailing list.
I can believe there's (some) people, working on "posthumanism" with good intentions, who don't see these lines being crossed as violations of life itself ... who think they're the wisest ones to build the inevitable. . .
From IEET -"This coming weekend, the Stepping Into the Future conference has session on "Moral Enhancement" - Are we fit for the future?
Arguably high degrees of moral fortitude are required for humans to coordinate through some potentially rough times ahead and avoid existential crises.
This session discusses enhancing human morality to achieve civilizational resilience, while considering freedom & autonomy.
It consists of 2 talks and a panel: Pramod K. Nayer (Hyderabad University) - Posthumanism and it's Moral Imperatives
James Hughes (IEET) - Cyborg Virtues: Using BCIs for Moral Enhancement
Panelists: James Hughes, PJ Manney and Pramod K. Nayer -
Panel: Are we fit for the future?
The three other sessions are “Engineering a Better Future”, “AI Safety & Longtermism” and “AGI Architectures & Agency”
(In this 2010 article, J. Hughes, executive director of IEET (& author of Citizen Cyborg), says -
"If the imaginary moral community of humanity is flexible enough to expand beyond white male property-owners to all human beings surely it can expand a little further to include gorillas, cyborgs and mutants.")
Such great news-let’s get this delayed indefinitely!
“Billionaire bougiecrat extraordinaire, Jared Polis.” 😂🤮 I’m sure he is securing pharma funds for a presidential run. He’s so not likable, though. He’ll be even less appealing and presidential when the v injuries kick in… Maybe we just outlast these people? Like you said, dumbest ruling class in history.
Preliminary conclusion subject to further investigation and confirmation:
By rulemaking that was proposed April 4, 2018 (83 FR 14391), announced Dec. 2, 2021 (86 FR 68423), and went into effect Jan. 3, 2022, CDC already made the Covid vaxx manufacturers permanently immune from civil liability for injuries and deaths inflicted on people through government-mandated injection of their products.
Health and Human Services/CDC added “and/or pregnant women” to “children” on the list of vaccine recipients that, when a vaccine is on the ‘recommended’ list, puts compensation for injuries and deaths exclusively in the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program under the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, Title III of PL 99-660, 42 USC 300aa-10 et seq.
It legally shifts the financial burden of injuries, long-term disabilities and deaths caused by pharmaceutical products from the corporate manufacturers and shareholders, assigned through federal court-adjudicated tort liability proceedings, to the victims and American taxpayers through the Office of Special Masters within the US Court of Federal Claims.
The fight to keep the Covid-19 vaxxes off the childhood immunization schedule is still important, to protect children from government-run bioterrorism programs.
But it looks like the manufacturers already have their permanent liability exemption, barring a regulatory change by Health and Human Services to restore the prior language, or a federal court overturning the addition of pregnant women to the regulations.
Once again I admire your tenacity. You have a gift for getting people to rise up and fight which is why I link many of your articles and which also brings me to a different subject, although it is just as relevant. Today doing my daily posting I came across a link for a petition that hopefully many will sign as well. You have a bigger audience than me so that is why I am appealing to you on this one. I wouldn't normally do this.
#FreeAssange: Sign to urge UK Home Secretary Priti Patel to reject Julian Assange’s extradition to the United States! - Reporters Without Borders -
Pushing unpopular thing back until summer is an old and effective political strategy. This is because those pushing these things back know that once summer comes around families’ routines go haywire, people go on vacation, and are generally not paying as much attention to things. Then they slip things through, sometimes just before their own summer recess or sometimes right after their return.
It seems our strategy must be developed rather quickly so our warriors can be briefed before summer rolls around.
Hi Dr Toby. Well written as usual. I am so happy the calls to action are working. It’s great that you are back. I missed your substacks lately. I look forward to your take on the latest news of the day too.
I keep falling back on the principles being taught by the doctors for Covid ethics. Michael Palmer MD was a former student of Prof. Bhakdi and his presentations are solid. Jessica’s post today made me go back and rewatch his talk here:
These mRNA jabs are carcinogenic by design. As such only a total moron would approve these for children, let alone 6 month olds.
The fact that reverse transcriptase has been shown in liver cells should all but disqualify putting these in infants with large amounts of fetal stem cells floating around.
Finally, the risk of myocarditis and vascular damage is way to high it’s use in infants.
Perhaps it's best to let these people eliminate themselves and end their genetic line. If these shots were voluntary I would have no problem with people choosing to take themselves out. I don't like that they want us all running off the cliff.
Sorry about that. Yeah, I run two behind the scenes plays in addition to this public facing effort and finding balance is tough sometimes. I've got about 10 articles in the pipeline that I'm eager to share with you soon.
on 4/28 I sent an email to the CDC/FDA AICP/VRBPAC, etc regarding Moderna's EUA request for under 6. Amazingly I received a response from the "AICP" email address. It is shocking to say the least:
"1000’s of these emails come from parents….
Dear Dr. Walensky (CC: Becerra/ HHS, cc: ACIP):
I respectfully ask you to take urgent action to make COVID vaccines accessible to children under 5 for the sake of my
dear 3 year old twins - Linc and Obi. They have spent 2 of their 3 years on this planet sheltered from the full wonder and beauty of this life, not being able to safely go to places like the library or museums or take enriching classes like dance or martial
We have the science!!! We know that these vaccines are safe and we know that COVID has harmed too many children. Our
leaders need to take action NOW to protect our youngest. Doctors agree there are ways to do this safely and effectively.
We know that the CDC’s vaccine provider agreement is
the only barrier to off-label use of fully approved COVID vaccines. No other drug is restricted in this way. You could cut that red tape with a simple press release today. We have ample evidence through trials and real-world data that mRNA
vaccines are safe for children. Further delay will only result in more harm to our children.
You have the power to prevent unnecessary suffering among an entire generation of children by paving the way for use of
a readily available, safe, and effective method of protection against this deadly virus.
Every hospitalization, medical complication, death and case of MIS-C and long COVID that occurs in a child under 5 at
this point in the pandemic is a travesty that could have been prevented. We have the data and the technology, yet we have not made their protection our top priority. Please do not make us wait any longer to protect our children."
Looks like they are hell-bent on jabbing kids!!
Is this a joke???? I feel sorry for these children.
ALSO, What do we do to get lawmakers to make it so that we can sue these vaccine companies again. They are so protected it's not even funny. You can sue them, but it's INCREDIBLY difficult I understand. Any call to action on this?
There's chatter & a lot of high hopes from the fearful liberals of society regarding this shot of all shots that's been in the works for 2 rears from Walter Reed Medical. I have BIG concerns with this one as Walter Reed is the military. Do u have any thoughts on this one?
I don’t know if there was a particularly bad lot of Pfizer or what happened but data from Ontario, Canada show a massive spike in infection rate in the middle of April 2022 among kids 5-11 who received three shots. Look at April 16, 2022. Vaccinated with a booster dose case rate was 324.2 per 100,000 while the rate for “not fully vaccinated” was 10.88 per 100,000. covid-19.ontario.ca/data
Canada reported an interesting, if sad, milestone this week. All time Covid infections in the vaccinated, 946,259, has surpassed unvaccinated cases, 941, 467.
Table 2.
Interesting / disturbing free online conference this weekend, "Stepping Into the Future" (w/ session on "Moral Enhancement"). From the "Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies".
Sharing for FYI, I'm not affiliated with the group, nor do I know anything about them, just somehow on their mailing list.
I can believe there's (some) people, working on "posthumanism" with good intentions, who don't see these lines being crossed as violations of life itself ... who think they're the wisest ones to build the inevitable. . .
From IEET -"This coming weekend, the Stepping Into the Future conference has session on "Moral Enhancement" - Are we fit for the future?
Arguably high degrees of moral fortitude are required for humans to coordinate through some potentially rough times ahead and avoid existential crises.
This session discusses enhancing human morality to achieve civilizational resilience, while considering freedom & autonomy.
It consists of 2 talks and a panel: Pramod K. Nayer (Hyderabad University) - Posthumanism and it's Moral Imperatives
James Hughes (IEET) - Cyborg Virtues: Using BCIs for Moral Enhancement
Panelists: James Hughes, PJ Manney and Pramod K. Nayer -
Panel: Are we fit for the future?
The three other sessions are “Engineering a Better Future”, “AI Safety & Longtermism” and “AGI Architectures & Agency”
See more: http://www.scifuture.org/events/stepping-into-the-future/#agenda "
(In this 2010 article, J. Hughes, executive director of IEET (& author of Citizen Cyborg), says -
"If the imaginary moral community of humanity is flexible enough to expand beyond white male property-owners to all human beings surely it can expand a little further to include gorillas, cyborgs and mutants.")
Such great news-let’s get this delayed indefinitely!
“Billionaire bougiecrat extraordinaire, Jared Polis.” 😂🤮 I’m sure he is securing pharma funds for a presidential run. He’s so not likable, though. He’ll be even less appealing and presidential when the v injuries kick in… Maybe we just outlast these people? Like you said, dumbest ruling class in history.
Thanks for your leadership and encouragement. 🙌
Permanent corporate liability exemption for vaxx manufacturers.
Preliminary conclusion subject to further investigation and confirmation:
By rulemaking that was proposed April 4, 2018 (83 FR 14391), announced Dec. 2, 2021 (86 FR 68423), and went into effect Jan. 3, 2022, CDC already made the Covid vaxx manufacturers permanently immune from civil liability for injuries and deaths inflicted on people through government-mandated injection of their products.
Health and Human Services/CDC added “and/or pregnant women” to “children” on the list of vaccine recipients that, when a vaccine is on the ‘recommended’ list, puts compensation for injuries and deaths exclusively in the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program under the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, Title III of PL 99-660, 42 USC 300aa-10 et seq.
It legally shifts the financial burden of injuries, long-term disabilities and deaths caused by pharmaceutical products from the corporate manufacturers and shareholders, assigned through federal court-adjudicated tort liability proceedings, to the victims and American taxpayers through the Office of Special Masters within the US Court of Federal Claims.
The fight to keep the Covid-19 vaxxes off the childhood immunization schedule is still important, to protect children from government-run bioterrorism programs.
But it looks like the manufacturers already have their permanent liability exemption, barring a regulatory change by Health and Human Services to restore the prior language, or a federal court overturning the addition of pregnant women to the regulations.
Once again I admire your tenacity. You have a gift for getting people to rise up and fight which is why I link many of your articles and which also brings me to a different subject, although it is just as relevant. Today doing my daily posting I came across a link for a petition that hopefully many will sign as well. You have a bigger audience than me so that is why I am appealing to you on this one. I wouldn't normally do this.
Today on my site @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/ I am posting the following:
#FreeAssange: Sign to urge UK Home Secretary Priti Patel to reject Julian Assange’s extradition to the United States! - Reporters Without Borders -
The link to the petition is here: https://rsf.org/en/free-assange-petition-april-2022
I urge everyone who has a site, blog post or substack to copy and paste this message as well to their pages. Julian must be saved.
So grateful for your tough and tender heart and your uncompromising voice for children. Thank you.
Pushing unpopular thing back until summer is an old and effective political strategy. This is because those pushing these things back know that once summer comes around families’ routines go haywire, people go on vacation, and are generally not paying as much attention to things. Then they slip things through, sometimes just before their own summer recess or sometimes right after their return.
It seems our strategy must be developed rather quickly so our warriors can be briefed before summer rolls around.
Hi Dr Toby. Well written as usual. I am so happy the calls to action are working. It’s great that you are back. I missed your substacks lately. I look forward to your take on the latest news of the day too.
Jesus had a special love for children. How can He not love those that fight For them.
Conversely, Pfizer child murderers might burn in hell
May God guide you in these efforts Toby-I’ll keep praying for you and all the warriors out there!
I keep falling back on the principles being taught by the doctors for Covid ethics. Michael Palmer MD was a former student of Prof. Bhakdi and his presentations are solid. Jessica’s post today made me go back and rewatch his talk here:
These mRNA jabs are carcinogenic by design. As such only a total moron would approve these for children, let alone 6 month olds.
The fact that reverse transcriptase has been shown in liver cells should all but disqualify putting these in infants with large amounts of fetal stem cells floating around.
Finally, the risk of myocarditis and vascular damage is way to high it’s use in infants.
He was on teatime
Perhaps it's best to let these people eliminate themselves and end their genetic line. If these shots were voluntary I would have no problem with people choosing to take themselves out. I don't like that they want us all running off the cliff.
Good to hear from you, Toby. I was getting concerned.
Sorry about that. Yeah, I run two behind the scenes plays in addition to this public facing effort and finding balance is tough sometimes. I've got about 10 articles in the pipeline that I'm eager to share with you soon.
Looking forward to them. When are you allowed to post on Facebook again? Have you thought about telegram. Or another platform that will not censor.
Glad to know you are okay. ❤️
1. 8x8^8 We the People Movement
2. Constitutional Democratic Republican movement (non official 3rd party)
3. Contribution to iCan and others.
Just 3 ideas.