Jun 28, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

If you wish you can update an email address:

current = fullerao@med.umich.edu

Update to fullerao@umich.edu

from the reply email from Fullerao:

As the @med.umich.edu is not regularly monitored,

ALWAYS send email to: fullerao@umich.edu


Electronic Mail is not secure, may not be read every day, and should not be used for urgent or sensitive issues

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Yes we always get that automatic reply from her -- even though we are using the correct email address. I'm not sure why. She skipped the meeting today -- because of health issues. And I'm wondering if perhaps she has Covid?

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Jun 29, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

Good to know. In general I don't receive replies except from Rep and Senator in congress. They are always polite but they are owned. They provide nothing.

A thought I sent the email to the suggested address and up till now no reply. The email may go to spam. But maybe it made it through. No way to know. I hope it went through.

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I know Kennedy and you Toby, probably others have just done a superb job describing with such accuracy how the FDA, CDC, NIH, ACIP, VRBPAC and the entire pharma cartel diabolical plans to kill us, our children, our culture. This is aided and abetted by the MSM.

I didn't call today. My bad.

I have left it all on the field for the last 25+ years. Its the same battle over and over again. Different people playing the same role for really the past 40+ years.

Impunity--"exemption from punishment or freedom from the injurious consequences of an action."

Accountability--"an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one's actions."

They behave with impunity because there has been no way to hold any of the bastards accountable. Congress looks the other way.

Praise the lord and pass the ammunition. I hope it doesn't come to this, but it might.

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Jun 28, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

we people need to arrest WHO, FDA and Bill Gates to survive this world

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Jun 28, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

I sent in my comments and asked others to do so as well. I must say, it feels like an exercise in futility. They just do what they want and ignore the health and well-being of actual people. I need a dose of hope. Thanks for all you do, Toby. You help me stay informed and make it easier to share the latest info with others...at least those who will listen.

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A few things are happening. The more noise we make, the more people walk away from these dangerous shots. So we've been fighting the FDA since February in connection with kid shots -- and during that time, support for these shots amongst parents declined from 30% to 18%. That's a massive drop in just a few months. We are definitely saving lives.

The other thing that is happening, regardless of the vote, is that we are forcing the FDA to reveal who they really are. Before all of this the FDA pretended that they care about health, science, data, etc. But our work has revealed that they are craven and cynical -- the FDA hates actual science, data, health, democracy, love, puppies etc. This is extremely valuable for our purposes because we now know we are dealing with authoritarians who must be replaced. That will help us to improve our tactics going forward.

So yes, this whole process is heartbreaking. But as always we hold the better hand and just have to keep the faith until the other side inevitably collapses (let's make sure that's sooner rather than later).

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Jun 28, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

I read they pivoted the mRNA to “vaccines” because the lipid nano particles were problematic when given multiple times.

WTF?! Moderna also said they got their genetic code for the injections directly from the CCP. Yeah, definitely staying away from that 😂

“...those nanoparticles can lead to dangerous side effects, especially if a patient has to take repeated doses over months or years. Moderna’s most advanced competitors, CureVac and BioNTech (Pfizer), have acknowledged the same challenge with mRNA.“


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Jun 28, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

Submitted my comment - It said only a little over 600 comments have been received. Anyone seeing different figures. 8:20 on Monday, June 27

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We've submitted thousands of comments but the tally has been stuck in the low hundreds for weeks. Our side is putting together a lawsuit about this as we speak.

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Jun 28, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

Janet Baker: Toby, great article, I was wondering what online site can you go to in order to find out if members of different committee members of the health organizations such as NIH, FDA ,CDC ,etc. have been given grants, or have financial or investments in drug companies, which could be a conflict of interest? In his book "THE REAL DR. FAUCI" RFK. talks about IP'S being picked by Dr. Fauci in the different vaccine committees. What would I check to try to ascertain if a member on these committees is Compromised?

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This site is supposed to list that sort of thing. But in my experience it's kind of hit and miss (lots of payments go unreported apparently). https://openpaymentsdata.cms.gov/

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Jun 27, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

Commented, thansk!

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Thank you John!!! 🙌

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I don't think there's any vaccine against variant B.S.

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Jun 27, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

Thanks, Toby. I submitted a 1-sentence comment and I sent an email to all the email addresses you included. I pray that committee members would do what is in the best for the health of all Americans and citizens of the world rather than what benefits the pharmaceutical industry, FDA, CDC, Bill Gates, and Anthony Fauci. That would be refreshing.

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Thank you!!! 🙌

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This makes me sick. Funny, I have Covid right now. Didn’t get the experimental gene therapy products. Feel super tired and achy but that’s it. I appreciate you and your work so much. Thank you! And they cover up the negative comments sent to them? That makes me even sicker and angrier. Will keep commenting then, and I hope that it is uncovered soon.

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Jun 27, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

I emailed all of the committee members that you listed!

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Thank you!!! 🙌

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Jun 27, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

THANK YOU, Toby!!!

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Jun 27, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

Here is the FDA comment I just submitted (I made sure to use up just about all the alotted characters :) ):


1. No fast tracking of booster or any other COVID-19 vaccines/medication approval

2. Proper and prudent procedures must be followed prior to considering approval for any COVID-19 vaccine (including so called "boosters")

POINT 1: No fast tracking of booster or any other COVID-19 vaccines/medication approval

"Future Framework" sounds like slick Orwellian newspeak. Fact: there is no overriding plausible or compelling reason to fast track boosters or any related COVID-19 medication approval. Quite the opposite.

Since the beginning of the declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020 the lack of due diligence, transparency, proper clinical trials, in combination with fraud, knowing misrepresentation, rubber stamping without opportunities for proper review, manufacturer's attempts to keep trial data secret, statistical malfeasance, governmental panic and overreach, no accountability for manufacturers or meaningful recourse for victims, and most importantly, tens of thousands of deaths and hundreds of thousands of injuries directly attributed to COVID-19 in the United States alone should give anyone, especially regulatory bodies like the FDA, at least a moment of pause before going further down the same road.

Instead of fast tracking or skipping proper conflict of interest independently conducted or monitored clinical trials, the FDA, as the "guardian" agency for the people of the United States, the administration of all COVID-19 vaccines (including so-called boosters), whether fully approved of under EUA, should immediately be halted and all such vaccines and related pharmaceuticals recalled for proper study. sAll EUA's must be immediately rescinded to prevent corruption in the approval process due to arbitrary "special circumstances".

The US government is a public servant of the American people; the American people are not the guinea pigs of profit driven pharmaceutical companies, captured government and quasi government (like the CDC) agencies, or those with conflict of interest motives. American lives are at stake and using the Precautionary Principle is paramount.

POINT 2: Proper clinical trials must be conducted prior to considering approval for any COVID-19 vaccine/medication (including so called "boosters")

Despite the ongoing incessant rhetoric, propaganda and media inundation, COVID-19 vaccines are neither safe, nor effective. In accordance with the Hippocratic Oath, Nuremberg Codes and established gold standard scientific practices, proper prudence, care and due diligence must be exercised with regard to the evaluation of the effectiveness, short and long term adverse effects of relevant pharmaceuticals.

No COVID-19 related medication or procedures should be considered for approval without at minimum the following measures:


A. All (reformulated) Covid-19 injectables/vaccines/gene therapies must go through proper and transparent clinical trials (first) free from governmental, commercial, discriminatory or ideological conflict of interest.

For example, the safety and efficacy of all reformulated Covid-19 shots must be evaluated through:

• Large (50,000+ person) double-blind randomized controlled trials with inert saline placebos, conducted by an independent third party free from conflict of interest.

• The treatment and control groups must be followed for life to monitor adverse events and all-cause mortality.

• A minimum standard or 90% of absolute risk efficacy against infection with less than 0.1% Grade 3 or higher adverse events; proper monitoring for carcinogenesis, mutagenesis, and impairment of fertility; and immediate release to the public of all clinical trial documents submitted to the FDA.

B. Proof of a true health emergency or pandemic (particularly at this time)

WHO and CDC testing standards have shown to be too inaccurate to meet the proper burden of proof standard threshold required to demonstrate SARS-Cov-2 infection in both individual and population levels at a level commiserate to the damage caused by these measures taken in response to findings interpretation. This includes the so-called PCR, and other tests. "Asymptomatic carrier" has turned out be another Orwellian term for a healthy person who is not sick (see, amongst others, https://www.bmj.com/content/371/bmj.m4695).

C. No more shady (EUA) contracts without liability or responsibility

Pfizer’s dismissal argument from the Jackson whistleblower case includes: "Because of pandemic-related exigencies, the agreement was not a standard federal procurement contract, but rather a ‘prototype’ agreement executed pursuant to 10 U.S.C. par. 2371b[.] … The [contract’s Statement of Work] describes a ‘large scale vaccine manufacturing demonstration’ that imposes no requirements relating to Good Clinical Practices ('GCP') or related FDA regulations."

Such contracts should never be, or have been approved. Existing ones should be rescinded."

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Thank you!!! 🙌

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Jun 28, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

Thank you for alerting all of us, and providing a strong blue print to work from!

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Just reposted this on my substack:


Thank you.

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So I need to see your bullshit twice?

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I wrote to everyone saying "Yeh, go ahead and vote for more fake injections to ward off a fake pandemic; give us more evidence to charge you with crimes against humanity!!

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Jun 27, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

Thank you Toby for all your efforts for children and for humanity. Re: Jerry Weir, what he looks like is erroneous; it's what he does that matters.

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Fair point.

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