To be clear, this is a left critique of the left. I'm sure someone could write something similar about the failures of the Republican Party. But the fact remains that Dems are running the federal government right now, and their theory of the case (leave it to the "experts") has been a catastrophic failure. I have many disagreements with Republicans. But it is Democrats who are rushing to set up Apartheid in the jurisdictions under their control.
Exactly anyone who think there’s a difference between progressives, Marxism, Stalinism, Leninism, Maoism, fascism, corporatism and fascism are deluding themselves. All are authoritarians, Statist and anti freedom. All are toxic pushed under the guise of helping others by redistribution - the State taking a persons property and then giving them back a little with big fan fare.
Everything Thomas Sowell is excellent to read and watch on YouTube as is Jordan Peterson. Jordan Peterson’s talks about Hitler are must watch.
Can I find Peterson's talks about Hitler just by googling "Peterson" and "Hitler"? I listened to Peterson talk to Rogan and Peterson has an amazing mind.
Actually Christianity gave us constitutional democracy and representative government which limits and decentralises power (Magna Carter was introduced by a Christian to limit the kings powers) ie divests power to the states, judiciary and free press and local government..
the christian perspective that man is sinful, says governments and businesses cannot be trusted so limit and divest power.. have a written constitution that cannot be changed and to which all are accountable... it’s totalitarian government that want to over rule that concept and say we make the rules..this happens in the church too where Catholics over rule the bible and say the Pope and the Church make the rules .. so perhaps that’s what you see as Christianity but it’s not..
In all cases the totalitarian perspective says I am God, I make the rules .and I can do it better than you.., the underlying attitude is pride....
It takes humility to be accountable to others and to God...
Christians believe each individual is sacrosanct. Socialists believe that it is the collective that matters most, therefore each individual is expendable... hence, the massive body counts.
Christianity is the FIRST totalitarian *ideology* in human history … much to the chagrin of Jesus … and thanks to the first regime change op in history against James the Just and the REAL Apostles who *actually* hung out with Jesus …conducted by “St” SaulPaul, a military industrial complex contractor for the Roman Empire state (tent maker).
Your little Sunday School thumb sucking belief is pathetic … and is insulting to the Real Historical Jesus … who did not die on the cross to bring humans democracy and representative government and business.
Right now we're all Americans!! These politicians have been setting us against eachother for years. Just look at Chelsea Clintons Twitter post about those antivaxer "grifters". Can you imagine? A Clinton accusing people of being "grifters"?
EXACTLY. I am on the far left and I often feel myself in strange company with Republicans but I NO LONGER CAN STOMACH THE DEMOCRATS WALL OF DENIAL, inspite of the very plain fact that the vaccine is not working and thus mandates and passports are pointless. So an odd lack of true company but I know that critical thinking is our glue...more than any left/right issue. It's a shame this pandemic fell into the culture war trenches. We've wasted so much time and energy arguing while the real dark actors continued, unheeded for months...anyhow, glad to find your writing! And hallelujah for the Truckers. WHO would have thought...
Absolutely. Dr. David Martin has called out Rand Paul for his 'theatre' in confronting Fauci. In fact, he has enough information to have Fauci arrested (Martin delivered to him) and he doesn't use it. He makes $ off Pharma as well.
You might want to read bad cattitude's post: The Horseshoe Theory and the Politics of Lizard People . . . "horseshoe theory posits that political views from left to right are not a spectrum but rather comprise a horseshoe. thus, the far right and the far left are not opposite ends, they actually bend around until they are quite close to one another."
It’s exactly true. NAZIs are leftists. Maybe because they created the ‘third reich’ and that sounds like ‘right’ people get it wrong. More likely it’s due to leftist propaganda to distance themselves from yet another genocidal toltalitarian outcome of Marxism / leftism.
Yes; cowardice is what caused the scamdemic. And having no beliefs, no faith, because faith creates inner strength, and because those with faith regularly consider death and what comes after.
I completely agree! I’ve said from Day 1, “ I live by faith, not fear”, I really think the terrified hysterical masses are Godless, faithless people, if they weren’t so nasty, I’d feel sorry for them, but that’s difficult.
Most people aren’t very smart. They are easily coerced. They think they are smart but they don’t actually spend any time using critical thinking, they’d rather put their ‘efforts’ in to something else. Most are lemmings trying to get along by going along.
Evil is an equal opportunity employer....a parasite with the chameleon like ability to infiltrate anyone or thing of its choosing. But yes, you're right about the cowardly response of the democratic party. Maybe it's their alignment with God that gives the republicans and the truckers the wherewithal to fly in the face of injustice. Goodness will always triumph against evil. The best evil can do is to be a temporary doesn't have the staying power.
The question remains though: how exactly did Democrats squander the demographic wave that was coming their way? I have a few thoughts, I imagine you'll be able to add others:
1.) Obama bailed out the banks but ignored homeowners after the 2008 global financial crash. Voters noticed.
2.) The claims by Judis & Teixeira were always overstated because they assume that Latinos vote as a block. They don't. Cuban Americans vote differently than Puerto Rican Americans; recent immigrants vote differently than Chicano families who have been here for generations or centuries. To assume that this heterogeneous population is all in for Dems is incorrect.
3.) The cover-up of the autism epidemic is starting to bite Democrats in the ass. There are now at least 9 million single issue medical freedom voters who know that Dems are lying about vaccines. We provide the margin of victory in every federal election (because we are not aligned with any one party). Now with the total failure of coronavirus vaccines the number of medical freedom voters has grown by several million.
I grew up in a smal town on the Alaska Highway. Oil, Gas, Farming and Trucking are the way most make a living up there, and my brothers and my Dad have all been truckers at some point in their lives. My Dad owned his own trucking company for many years. I now live in the US, but my entire family remains in Canada. I have not been across the border in two years. When the “elites” like Trudeau and Biden ridicule, slander and arrogantly cast disparaging comments on hard working men and women, they directly insult my entire family. I have been praying that Trudeau would have his own “basket of deplorable’s” gaffe and the same spirit that caused the patriots to rise up here in the US would do the same in Canada. Justin’s “ small fringe” comment was absolutely gas lighting and debasing. The people in Canada are proud to be Canadian but have never taken themselves as seriously as people in the US do. Someone insults them like that, and normally they laugh it off. The only thing that stirs them up is hockey😉. I have been deeply saddened by the last two years as most I know have embraced these mandates or simply gone with the flow, acknowledging the ridiculousness of jab passports but not wanting to be like us crazy Americans, they don’t want to be seen as selfish and uncaring of others, running around screaming about their rights. They have gone along with it, Canadian’s don’t like to make a scene. I truly didn’t think I’d ever see anyone rise up. But, unlike many, I am not surprised when it happened, it came from the truckers. These men and women are loyal, tough, patriotic and work in some of the toughest conditions. Above all, they are truly caring of their neighbors, a band of brothers just as strong as any police, fire or military. They have more power too, because people like Trudeau who need their electric cars, sustainable, organic coffee and food and n95 masks, well, it’s a trucker who brings it to them. That small fringe group is over a million, a bounteous basket of deplorable’s, camped out on Trudeau doorstep, and I’m praying he isn’t able to turn this into an “insurrection”. May that laid back Canadian attitude coupled with the steel backbone of a trucker, cause Trudeau to bend and the whole thing end in typical Canadian fashion, a game of street hockey and all of the Canadian people getting their freedoms back, even the ones who say they haven’t lost any. May their eyes be opened.
I have been so angry and frustrated lately, actually shouting horrible things about democrats and leftists in the safety of my home, and also because I got a "superflu" from someone who caught it from a group of mostly vaccinated people. This superflu is the result of the lockdowns. Your article helped bring back a semblance of sanity to my life, and also brought some tears of joy to my eyes. Normally, I am not this dramatic, but the past two weeks have been extremely harrowing. I'm a student at a university right now studying philosophy, and unfortunately it's a very liberal school, so I've been very afraid to post anything that goes against their "rules." I took a risk this week and posted my thoughts on our discussion board. I still don't know what to expect. Maybe I'll be expelled next week? I guess that's a risk I'll have to take. Observing your bravery makes me double down on my convictions. I feel so silenced! I feel violated! They are stealing my rights when I am not allowed to express myself!
Their fall can't come soon enough, Toby! Your Dems are our Liberals (with a hard shift to the left, they bear little resemblance to the party as it was less than 10 years ago). I nominate Trudope the Tyrant to leave office first, he has constantly used language that should have him arrested for hate speech. Since I have an aversion to injected poison, I am not allowed to travel and I was losing hope in Canada.
I really believe the truckers are doing the right thing at the right time. The past week has been an incredible eye-opener: to finally see so many people unite to reject having our rights stripped away. I went to support the truckers on Thursday and the atmosphere was wonderful: full of hope and unity. Will everything be fixed? Nah, of course not, but I will remain optimistic because I can't imagine giving up.
I’m 100% in agreement, and my formerly democrat-voting self has had the wool removed from my eyes over the course of the last two years. However, I’m disturbed that the GOP has not come together with a winning strategy other than “dems suck.” What are they going to DO about the cartel? What’s the plan? I know Ron Johnson is thought of as a nut job on capital hill, but why aren’t other Republicans giving voice to the brilliant scientists like he is and letting the American people know about the early treatments and fighting the censorship? (I LOVE Ron Johnson now by the way and if you are his fundraiser, please contact me as I want to support.) Rand Paul can target Fauci, but why isn’t he standing with Johnson? Where is the rest of the GOP to back these guys up? Why didn’t they come to the Defeat the Mandates rally? Where are the republicans on Energy and Commerce (which has oversight over FDA) to push FDA to look at these repurposed drugs? Buddy Carter is a pharmacist. He knows these repurposed drugs and the appropriateness for off-label use. I feel like the GOP is playing it WAY too safe here, for fear they will be blamed for the next wave, or associated with the “unclean” and all of the ugly labels given to them. Do they want to make an impact or play it safe to be re-elected? (Seems to me most fall into the latter category.) I need to see a comprehensive and aggressive strategy to fix this corruption, rather than just rhetoric complaining about it, and so far I have not seen one. And the politicians need to dig in and get some trucker-esk courage. I WANT to fundraise and vote for Republicans in November…but I don’t see them as shining stars here—yet.
The first thing that strikes me is The fact that I would share this
On Twitter, but my account was suddenly suspended a few days ago
Simply bc i wrote that I realized I’d felt unwell since the many clusters of 5G towers
In my neighborhood were activated. Many people perhaps half if not a majority walking around here are wearing masks outside and still believe all the nonsense and many wait in line for COVID tests even as a bunch of testing companies get busted for fraud. The true believers may never see the light even as they suffer blood clots strokes heart attacks autoimmune disorders and the deaths of their children. But. It appears increasing numbers of people, even many Democrats have serious doubts about what they’ve been told and know something is wrong. I suspect there are many former Democrats like me running around. The GOP is also deeply corrupt, but that political party also has a problem. The rank and file aren’t going to be tracked shackled and controlled.
It's madness that Twitter is acting at the Stasi for Big Wireless and Big Pharma. Absolute madness. I'm sorry that you are feeling unwell. Please let me know if you find any EMF blockers that work.
This is an excellent summary, Toby. While witnessing the Democratic party morph into the opposite of its once noble ideals, at least it can be understood as a corruption of power. But what about the many ordinary, non-powerful, and seemingly intelligent Ds who go along with this and do not see the 180 degree turn of their party? How can the "my body, my choice" advocates have no problem with experimental "vaccines'" being forced on the masses?
The majority of my Facebook friends are proud Democrats. I can barely stand to scroll through my feed filled with self-righteous posts in line with whatever their beloved team states is the truth of the day. I can no longer consider them my friends as their level of indoctrination is so deep and they are unreachable. I simply can't understand how these smart and educated continue to repeat utter nonsense that doesn't even match reality, much less the science they claim to follow. I don't know what it will take to get them to begin to think for themselves. I fear they could be convinced of nearly anything Big Pharma, Big Tech, or Big Government tell them to do.
Leila, we need to be friends! I am astonished every day at how crazy my friends and some family members have become. Ever the optimist, I maintain our friendship on another plane, hoping they will come around eventually, if they are still alive.
Wendy, it seems that the only people I can really talk to these days -- at least honestly -- are people I have "met" on Substack. I just can't consider people my friend if I cannot discuss topics that I believe are lifesaving and important to the future of our world, and particularly our children.
Family is another story. I still love them all, but it is killing me to see them make medical decisions based on propaganda campaigns while applauding censorship. While I have not given up all hope that friends and family will eventually see the truth, I am struggling with what to do until that day arrives. When my conversations are fake and superficial, I avoid having them at all. I think that is the hardest part of this entire COVID scandal. It is one thing to witness the world going mad; quite another to feel all alone as you watch. Online friends are my main source of maintaining sanity. Here's to our cyber friendship, Wendy!
I can't watch the videos of Canada's truckers without breaking into sobs of both joy and hope that they will succeed. And I hardly ever cry. It's almost too much for me. And bless you, Toby, for the most inspiring words I've seen in a long, long time. I read all the science, but it's not enough anymore. I need perspective, hope, and the benefit of others' ability to articulate wisdom. As for Canada, how long can the government hold on if they cannot meet? This is the key to their success. It's good that the power brokers have left Ottawa. They have proven themselves to be cowards of the first order.
All the bullet points add up to one word. Slavery.
Republicans are little different.
A possible solution: Reduce federal, state, county and city budgets by 90% across the board. Eliminate most departments completely. Remove their power.
The truckers are giving me hope! People complain that the marches do nothing to change the situation, but we have to keep showing up in numbers, and speaking out against the tyrannies that are being imposed upon us. Since last year I haven't been able to shake the feeling that England is a gas chamber but seeing the resistance grow, and with the truckers it is impossible to ignore that resistance, gives me hope.
I’m a Republican. I’m not a proud Republican. I’m more proud I’m not a Democrat.
Having said that I’m concerned that the Democrats have always been better cheaters and better politicians. They circle the wagons better than the Republicans ever could and they are much much better at misleading people because they just need a percentage of ignoramuses to flip elections.
My concern is that they are not acting like they are in real trouble. They own most of the media, they own most of the lobbyists, they own most of the ignorant people in this country, and they are not changing course or acting like they have the concern that they should.
They are censoring people at all levels and history tells us that the people doing the censoring in any country on this planet are never the good people. They have to know that with what they are doing that 2022 is not going to be a one time thing.
Therefore my concern is that they know something else is coming. Either the ability to keep this election close and steal other ones year after year or something else that will just punish people who are so tired right now.
They do * indeed* know a few things are coming. They know that a financial crash that will make 1929 look tolerable is already close-at-hand. They know that if they can push this hard enough we will quickly be installing eUSD. Is electronic US dollars. All money's ,all savings, all checkings in the United States will be converted to these electronic US dollars ,for our own good of course. Meanwhile they have already implanted within the financial systems the new ESG. All moneys will be weighed against this ESG and for Equity sake, They will decide whether You get to keep every cent of your money or more likely, they will decide that because other people are more deserving of what they need -some of your money will be taken- up to 60% maybe of your money will disappear and will appear in other people's accounts. In the name of social equity of course. This is how communism works.
Next will come passports for carbon use because ...well ...climate change. Surely we can tax ourselves out of climate change right? They know that we live in a cooling world. Just perhaps this biggest thing that they know is that global warming and global cooling all come in cycles. But what a few of them actually know, Is that we are headed into a cycle of the sun , the Solar System and the galactic neighborhood where very ugly things happen. Very ugly things happen where not many people survive and there's only so much food to go around. There will be only so many areas that will produce food at all. I sound like a lunatic but global cooling is far, far worse than global warming. What is worse than cooling is perhaps that our magnetic Field is waning on its own cycle- having to do with the solar galactic changes and that it won't protect us from well ... all the many things that it protects us from locally. I could go on but really the financial attack is what will put the nation to its knees.
I think at this point they will just fiat the digital currency, and if you don't have a digital pass. FU, basically. Those that have the Digital Vax passport will be able to access some of their new money, but it won't be one to are exactly right about global cooling which is happening now...
The Democrats now work almost entirely for giant corporations and against the people. I was a lifelong dem going back to JFK, (my parents FDR)because they were “power to the people.” Now they are destroying public schools which have become defacto CDC centers(I am a public school teacher). They are hurting children with masks, experimental shots and remote school. They are firing the great working class nurses and medics and all health care workers. They are ruining the lives of so many minority people who often live in the large cities the democrats are destroying with policies that cause high crime and homelessness. They are letting big pharmaceutical make $86,000 dollars a minute from unsafe shots. They encourage unelected dictators from captured regulatory agencies such as CDC and FDA to dictate policy without going through pesky due process. They are losing many such as me, because I see that they do not really stand for the people or the environment; they just claim they do to get ahead.
You had me in complete agreement with everything you wrote, until you got to "It's all over but the shouting."
There is so much, so very much that must still happen. US Citizens have so little concept or personal ownership of all that citizenry entails, since civics as a class was removed from school curricula and civics as a value became lost over recent decades. That is, 'because there is someone else who will volunteer to be a pollwatcher, I don't have to; someone else will run for city council, or write letters to the mayor; someone else will call Sen Sinema and thank her for her courage, so I don't have to' is the default stance of the citizenry. We need to bring back civics and classroom discussion of the Bill of Rights and Federalist Papers, etc., Jefferson vs Adams debate re-enactment to high school in the curricula of the future, and a study of the COVID era as a time when all that Democratic republic "if you can keep it" heritage was gravely threatened.
I agree that we are far from "it's all over." I hope the truckers can bring about some lasting change. The only way for real change to come about is for a VERY LARGE part of the population to resist, protest, and not comply, otherwise the petty tyrants can just dig in and pick us off one by one, and feel complete entitled and righteously justified in their actions suppressing our liberties.
The only way to get a very large part of the population to resist, protest, and not comply, may be for them to see a minority of individuals doing those exact things regardless of consequences. The Canadian truckers' importance is exactly in that they became that minority that taught the public by example : viz, within 24h the mask mandates are gone across whole of Ottawa, virtually no one wears masks anymore : a complete transformation of the public psyche.
In this view, the basis of civic life is not the majority becoming intelligent / enlightened, but the individual integrity.
Perhaps the current battle is coming to a close, but certainly not the larger war. And part of the answer may be activism, as you say. But the larger part of the solution, as you also refer to, is more people gaining a greater understanding of, and appreciation for, liberty. That process has begun, but needs to ramp up.
To be clear, this is a left critique of the left. I'm sure someone could write something similar about the failures of the Republican Party. But the fact remains that Dems are running the federal government right now, and their theory of the case (leave it to the "experts") has been a catastrophic failure. I have many disagreements with Republicans. But it is Democrats who are rushing to set up Apartheid in the jurisdictions under their control.
I’m not sure it’s as over as you think. But then, I’m sitting in miserable Australia.
It's going to take an uprising like Canada. You should never have given up your guns.
You have my sympathy.
It's called the DC UniParty.
See the Gato’s post on “Horseshoe Theory” if you haven’t already - so good!
Exactly anyone who think there’s a difference between progressives, Marxism, Stalinism, Leninism, Maoism, fascism, corporatism and fascism are deluding themselves. All are authoritarians, Statist and anti freedom. All are toxic pushed under the guise of helping others by redistribution - the State taking a persons property and then giving them back a little with big fan fare.
Everything Thomas Sowell is excellent to read and watch on YouTube as is Jordan Peterson. Jordan Peterson’s talks about Hitler are must watch.
Can I find Peterson's talks about Hitler just by googling "Peterson" and "Hitler"? I listened to Peterson talk to Rogan and Peterson has an amazing mind.
Try searching on YouTube or Peterson’s channels. I’ve found clips on YouTube.
You left out capitalism and Christianity.
Actually Christianity gave us constitutional democracy and representative government which limits and decentralises power (Magna Carter was introduced by a Christian to limit the kings powers) ie divests power to the states, judiciary and free press and local government..
the christian perspective that man is sinful, says governments and businesses cannot be trusted so limit and divest power.. have a written constitution that cannot be changed and to which all are accountable... it’s totalitarian government that want to over rule that concept and say we make the rules..this happens in the church too where Catholics over rule the bible and say the Pope and the Church make the rules .. so perhaps that’s what you see as Christianity but it’s not..
In all cases the totalitarian perspective says I am God, I make the rules .and I can do it better than you.., the underlying attitude is pride....
It takes humility to be accountable to others and to God...
Christians believe each individual is sacrosanct. Socialists believe that it is the collective that matters most, therefore each individual is expendable... hence, the massive body counts.
Christianity is the FIRST totalitarian *ideology* in human history … much to the chagrin of Jesus … and thanks to the first regime change op in history against James the Just and the REAL Apostles who *actually* hung out with Jesus …conducted by “St” SaulPaul, a military industrial complex contractor for the Roman Empire state (tent maker).
Your little Sunday School thumb sucking belief is pathetic … and is insulting to the Real Historical Jesus … who did not die on the cross to bring humans democracy and representative government and business.
Get thee behind me Satan!
Yes, the bridge effect
Right now we're all Americans!! These politicians have been setting us against eachother for years. Just look at Chelsea Clintons Twitter post about those antivaxer "grifters". Can you imagine? A Clinton accusing people of being "grifters"?
EXACTLY. I am on the far left and I often feel myself in strange company with Republicans but I NO LONGER CAN STOMACH THE DEMOCRATS WALL OF DENIAL, inspite of the very plain fact that the vaccine is not working and thus mandates and passports are pointless. So an odd lack of true company but I know that critical thinking is our glue...more than any left/right issue. It's a shame this pandemic fell into the culture war trenches. We've wasted so much time and energy arguing while the real dark actors continued, unheeded for months...anyhow, glad to find your writing! And hallelujah for the Truckers. WHO would have thought...
Do the Dems have more big pharma donors than the repubs?
At the federal level Pharma is smart enough to buy off incumbents in both parties.
Absolutely. Dr. David Martin has called out Rand Paul for his 'theatre' in confronting Fauci. In fact, he has enough information to have Fauci arrested (Martin delivered to him) and he doesn't use it. He makes $ off Pharma as well.
It’s not just politicians, it’s academics.
The pharma-dem purchasing has gone on longer, held more influence, ie Dick Durbin's notorious half-century of pharma corruption, as one example.
I imagine the self-evident psychosis in the Democratic Party is the result of 3 factors:
1.) 50 years of neoliberal ideology;
2.) Far too many shots; and
3.) The largest propaganda campaign in history.
But *everyone* is dealing with those same factors and only Dems folded up like a bunch of cowards on day 1 of the pandemic.
You might want to read bad cattitude's post: The Horseshoe Theory and the Politics of Lizard People . . . "horseshoe theory posits that political views from left to right are not a spectrum but rather comprise a horseshoe. thus, the far right and the far left are not opposite ends, they actually bend around until they are quite close to one another."
Yes comes full circle where the crazies on both sides meet
Yes, I have felt that way the last two years
It’s exactly true. NAZIs are leftists. Maybe because they created the ‘third reich’ and that sounds like ‘right’ people get it wrong. More likely it’s due to leftist propaganda to distance themselves from yet another genocidal toltalitarian outcome of Marxism / leftism.
You left out Genocidal totalitarian colonial capitalism and Christianity
It was Christianity that stopped slavery worldwide and capitalism that has raised more people out of poverty than any other system in history.
Monopolies, out of control Big business, simply are not the same as capitalism.
Oh. Yeah. Right. I forgot. Gee Whiz. Thanks for informing me of your fascist ideologies.
Yes; cowardice is what caused the scamdemic. And having no beliefs, no faith, because faith creates inner strength, and because those with faith regularly consider death and what comes after.
I completely agree! I’ve said from Day 1, “ I live by faith, not fear”, I really think the terrified hysterical masses are Godless, faithless people, if they weren’t so nasty, I’d feel sorry for them, but that’s difficult.
Faith in what … ?
Well, Bless your ❤️ Heart.
the bar is set so high!...."Love thine enemies"
Most people aren’t very smart. They are easily coerced. They think they are smart but they don’t actually spend any time using critical thinking, they’d rather put their ‘efforts’ in to something else. Most are lemmings trying to get along by going along.
It’s the democrats capturing the media and big tech that makes it even more dangerous.
Snapped is the better word
Evil is an equal opportunity employer....a parasite with the chameleon like ability to infiltrate anyone or thing of its choosing. But yes, you're right about the cowardly response of the democratic party. Maybe it's their alignment with God that gives the republicans and the truckers the wherewithal to fly in the face of injustice. Goodness will always triumph against evil. The best evil can do is to be a temporary doesn't have the staying power.
The question remains though: how exactly did Democrats squander the demographic wave that was coming their way? I have a few thoughts, I imagine you'll be able to add others:
1.) Obama bailed out the banks but ignored homeowners after the 2008 global financial crash. Voters noticed.
2.) The claims by Judis & Teixeira were always overstated because they assume that Latinos vote as a block. They don't. Cuban Americans vote differently than Puerto Rican Americans; recent immigrants vote differently than Chicano families who have been here for generations or centuries. To assume that this heterogeneous population is all in for Dems is incorrect.
3.) The cover-up of the autism epidemic is starting to bite Democrats in the ass. There are now at least 9 million single issue medical freedom voters who know that Dems are lying about vaccines. We provide the margin of victory in every federal election (because we are not aligned with any one party). Now with the total failure of coronavirus vaccines the number of medical freedom voters has grown by several million.
What would you add?
Great points! 🙌
I grew up in a smal town on the Alaska Highway. Oil, Gas, Farming and Trucking are the way most make a living up there, and my brothers and my Dad have all been truckers at some point in their lives. My Dad owned his own trucking company for many years. I now live in the US, but my entire family remains in Canada. I have not been across the border in two years. When the “elites” like Trudeau and Biden ridicule, slander and arrogantly cast disparaging comments on hard working men and women, they directly insult my entire family. I have been praying that Trudeau would have his own “basket of deplorable’s” gaffe and the same spirit that caused the patriots to rise up here in the US would do the same in Canada. Justin’s “ small fringe” comment was absolutely gas lighting and debasing. The people in Canada are proud to be Canadian but have never taken themselves as seriously as people in the US do. Someone insults them like that, and normally they laugh it off. The only thing that stirs them up is hockey😉. I have been deeply saddened by the last two years as most I know have embraced these mandates or simply gone with the flow, acknowledging the ridiculousness of jab passports but not wanting to be like us crazy Americans, they don’t want to be seen as selfish and uncaring of others, running around screaming about their rights. They have gone along with it, Canadian’s don’t like to make a scene. I truly didn’t think I’d ever see anyone rise up. But, unlike many, I am not surprised when it happened, it came from the truckers. These men and women are loyal, tough, patriotic and work in some of the toughest conditions. Above all, they are truly caring of their neighbors, a band of brothers just as strong as any police, fire or military. They have more power too, because people like Trudeau who need their electric cars, sustainable, organic coffee and food and n95 masks, well, it’s a trucker who brings it to them. That small fringe group is over a million, a bounteous basket of deplorable’s, camped out on Trudeau doorstep, and I’m praying he isn’t able to turn this into an “insurrection”. May that laid back Canadian attitude coupled with the steel backbone of a trucker, cause Trudeau to bend and the whole thing end in typical Canadian fashion, a game of street hockey and all of the Canadian people getting their freedoms back, even the ones who say they haven’t lost any. May their eyes be opened.
Lovely comment! Thank you!!! 🙌
Beautifully expressed!! I hope you find other ways to share this perspective, it was a delight to read. Thank you!
I have been so angry and frustrated lately, actually shouting horrible things about democrats and leftists in the safety of my home, and also because I got a "superflu" from someone who caught it from a group of mostly vaccinated people. This superflu is the result of the lockdowns. Your article helped bring back a semblance of sanity to my life, and also brought some tears of joy to my eyes. Normally, I am not this dramatic, but the past two weeks have been extremely harrowing. I'm a student at a university right now studying philosophy, and unfortunately it's a very liberal school, so I've been very afraid to post anything that goes against their "rules." I took a risk this week and posted my thoughts on our discussion board. I still don't know what to expect. Maybe I'll be expelled next week? I guess that's a risk I'll have to take. Observing your bravery makes me double down on my convictions. I feel so silenced! I feel violated! They are stealing my rights when I am not allowed to express myself!
Their fall can't come soon enough, Toby! Your Dems are our Liberals (with a hard shift to the left, they bear little resemblance to the party as it was less than 10 years ago). I nominate Trudope the Tyrant to leave office first, he has constantly used language that should have him arrested for hate speech. Since I have an aversion to injected poison, I am not allowed to travel and I was losing hope in Canada.
I really believe the truckers are doing the right thing at the right time. The past week has been an incredible eye-opener: to finally see so many people unite to reject having our rights stripped away. I went to support the truckers on Thursday and the atmosphere was wonderful: full of hope and unity. Will everything be fixed? Nah, of course not, but I will remain optimistic because I can't imagine giving up.
Keep your chin up brother, we’re almost there
Or sister
I’m 100% in agreement, and my formerly democrat-voting self has had the wool removed from my eyes over the course of the last two years. However, I’m disturbed that the GOP has not come together with a winning strategy other than “dems suck.” What are they going to DO about the cartel? What’s the plan? I know Ron Johnson is thought of as a nut job on capital hill, but why aren’t other Republicans giving voice to the brilliant scientists like he is and letting the American people know about the early treatments and fighting the censorship? (I LOVE Ron Johnson now by the way and if you are his fundraiser, please contact me as I want to support.) Rand Paul can target Fauci, but why isn’t he standing with Johnson? Where is the rest of the GOP to back these guys up? Why didn’t they come to the Defeat the Mandates rally? Where are the republicans on Energy and Commerce (which has oversight over FDA) to push FDA to look at these repurposed drugs? Buddy Carter is a pharmacist. He knows these repurposed drugs and the appropriateness for off-label use. I feel like the GOP is playing it WAY too safe here, for fear they will be blamed for the next wave, or associated with the “unclean” and all of the ugly labels given to them. Do they want to make an impact or play it safe to be re-elected? (Seems to me most fall into the latter category.) I need to see a comprehensive and aggressive strategy to fix this corruption, rather than just rhetoric complaining about it, and so far I have not seen one. And the politicians need to dig in and get some trucker-esk courage. I WANT to fundraise and vote for Republicans in November…but I don’t see them as shining stars here—yet.
Thank you! I WILL follow up.
Well said!
The first thing that strikes me is The fact that I would share this
On Twitter, but my account was suddenly suspended a few days ago
Simply bc i wrote that I realized I’d felt unwell since the many clusters of 5G towers
In my neighborhood were activated. Many people perhaps half if not a majority walking around here are wearing masks outside and still believe all the nonsense and many wait in line for COVID tests even as a bunch of testing companies get busted for fraud. The true believers may never see the light even as they suffer blood clots strokes heart attacks autoimmune disorders and the deaths of their children. But. It appears increasing numbers of people, even many Democrats have serious doubts about what they’ve been told and know something is wrong. I suspect there are many former Democrats like me running around. The GOP is also deeply corrupt, but that political party also has a problem. The rank and file aren’t going to be tracked shackled and controlled.
It's madness that Twitter is acting at the Stasi for Big Wireless and Big Pharma. Absolute madness. I'm sorry that you are feeling unwell. Please let me know if you find any EMF blockers that work.
It is madness. Funny in a way to see all these terrified masked people walking around with cell phones pressed against their bodies.
This is an excellent summary, Toby. While witnessing the Democratic party morph into the opposite of its once noble ideals, at least it can be understood as a corruption of power. But what about the many ordinary, non-powerful, and seemingly intelligent Ds who go along with this and do not see the 180 degree turn of their party? How can the "my body, my choice" advocates have no problem with experimental "vaccines'" being forced on the masses?
The majority of my Facebook friends are proud Democrats. I can barely stand to scroll through my feed filled with self-righteous posts in line with whatever their beloved team states is the truth of the day. I can no longer consider them my friends as their level of indoctrination is so deep and they are unreachable. I simply can't understand how these smart and educated continue to repeat utter nonsense that doesn't even match reality, much less the science they claim to follow. I don't know what it will take to get them to begin to think for themselves. I fear they could be convinced of nearly anything Big Pharma, Big Tech, or Big Government tell them to do.
Leila, we need to be friends! I am astonished every day at how crazy my friends and some family members have become. Ever the optimist, I maintain our friendship on another plane, hoping they will come around eventually, if they are still alive.
Wendy, it seems that the only people I can really talk to these days -- at least honestly -- are people I have "met" on Substack. I just can't consider people my friend if I cannot discuss topics that I believe are lifesaving and important to the future of our world, and particularly our children.
Family is another story. I still love them all, but it is killing me to see them make medical decisions based on propaganda campaigns while applauding censorship. While I have not given up all hope that friends and family will eventually see the truth, I am struggling with what to do until that day arrives. When my conversations are fake and superficial, I avoid having them at all. I think that is the hardest part of this entire COVID scandal. It is one thing to witness the world going mad; quite another to feel all alone as you watch. Online friends are my main source of maintaining sanity. Here's to our cyber friendship, Wendy!
So agree. 💜
Without a doubt. Substack friends keep me sane.
I can't watch the videos of Canada's truckers without breaking into sobs of both joy and hope that they will succeed. And I hardly ever cry. It's almost too much for me. And bless you, Toby, for the most inspiring words I've seen in a long, long time. I read all the science, but it's not enough anymore. I need perspective, hope, and the benefit of others' ability to articulate wisdom. As for Canada, how long can the government hold on if they cannot meet? This is the key to their success. It's good that the power brokers have left Ottawa. They have proven themselves to be cowards of the first order.
Excellent summation of the abysmal failure of the Bougiecrats and the triumphant rise of the freedom movement!
I would like to point everyone to this inspiring letter from a Canadian posted by Heather Heying:
Thank you
Well written.
All the bullet points add up to one word. Slavery.
Republicans are little different.
A possible solution: Reduce federal, state, county and city budgets by 90% across the board. Eliminate most departments completely. Remove their power.
The truckers are giving me hope! People complain that the marches do nothing to change the situation, but we have to keep showing up in numbers, and speaking out against the tyrannies that are being imposed upon us. Since last year I haven't been able to shake the feeling that England is a gas chamber but seeing the resistance grow, and with the truckers it is impossible to ignore that resistance, gives me hope.
I’m a Republican. I’m not a proud Republican. I’m more proud I’m not a Democrat.
Having said that I’m concerned that the Democrats have always been better cheaters and better politicians. They circle the wagons better than the Republicans ever could and they are much much better at misleading people because they just need a percentage of ignoramuses to flip elections.
My concern is that they are not acting like they are in real trouble. They own most of the media, they own most of the lobbyists, they own most of the ignorant people in this country, and they are not changing course or acting like they have the concern that they should.
They are censoring people at all levels and history tells us that the people doing the censoring in any country on this planet are never the good people. They have to know that with what they are doing that 2022 is not going to be a one time thing.
Therefore my concern is that they know something else is coming. Either the ability to keep this election close and steal other ones year after year or something else that will just punish people who are so tired right now.
They have the backing of the globalists and are working for permanent digital slavery.
They do * indeed* know a few things are coming. They know that a financial crash that will make 1929 look tolerable is already close-at-hand. They know that if they can push this hard enough we will quickly be installing eUSD. Is electronic US dollars. All money's ,all savings, all checkings in the United States will be converted to these electronic US dollars ,for our own good of course. Meanwhile they have already implanted within the financial systems the new ESG. All moneys will be weighed against this ESG and for Equity sake, They will decide whether You get to keep every cent of your money or more likely, they will decide that because other people are more deserving of what they need -some of your money will be taken- up to 60% maybe of your money will disappear and will appear in other people's accounts. In the name of social equity of course. This is how communism works.
Next will come passports for carbon use because ...well ...climate change. Surely we can tax ourselves out of climate change right? They know that we live in a cooling world. Just perhaps this biggest thing that they know is that global warming and global cooling all come in cycles. But what a few of them actually know, Is that we are headed into a cycle of the sun , the Solar System and the galactic neighborhood where very ugly things happen. Very ugly things happen where not many people survive and there's only so much food to go around. There will be only so many areas that will produce food at all. I sound like a lunatic but global cooling is far, far worse than global warming. What is worse than cooling is perhaps that our magnetic Field is waning on its own cycle- having to do with the solar galactic changes and that it won't protect us from well ... all the many things that it protects us from locally. I could go on but really the financial attack is what will put the nation to its knees.
I think at this point they will just fiat the digital currency, and if you don't have a digital pass. FU, basically. Those that have the Digital Vax passport will be able to access some of their new money, but it won't be one to are exactly right about global cooling which is happening now...
The Democrats now work almost entirely for giant corporations and against the people. I was a lifelong dem going back to JFK, (my parents FDR)because they were “power to the people.” Now they are destroying public schools which have become defacto CDC centers(I am a public school teacher). They are hurting children with masks, experimental shots and remote school. They are firing the great working class nurses and medics and all health care workers. They are ruining the lives of so many minority people who often live in the large cities the democrats are destroying with policies that cause high crime and homelessness. They are letting big pharmaceutical make $86,000 dollars a minute from unsafe shots. They encourage unelected dictators from captured regulatory agencies such as CDC and FDA to dictate policy without going through pesky due process. They are losing many such as me, because I see that they do not really stand for the people or the environment; they just claim they do to get ahead.
You had me in complete agreement with everything you wrote, until you got to "It's all over but the shouting."
There is so much, so very much that must still happen. US Citizens have so little concept or personal ownership of all that citizenry entails, since civics as a class was removed from school curricula and civics as a value became lost over recent decades. That is, 'because there is someone else who will volunteer to be a pollwatcher, I don't have to; someone else will run for city council, or write letters to the mayor; someone else will call Sen Sinema and thank her for her courage, so I don't have to' is the default stance of the citizenry. We need to bring back civics and classroom discussion of the Bill of Rights and Federalist Papers, etc., Jefferson vs Adams debate re-enactment to high school in the curricula of the future, and a study of the COVID era as a time when all that Democratic republic "if you can keep it" heritage was gravely threatened.
I agree that we are far from "it's all over." I hope the truckers can bring about some lasting change. The only way for real change to come about is for a VERY LARGE part of the population to resist, protest, and not comply, otherwise the petty tyrants can just dig in and pick us off one by one, and feel complete entitled and righteously justified in their actions suppressing our liberties.
The only way to get a very large part of the population to resist, protest, and not comply, may be for them to see a minority of individuals doing those exact things regardless of consequences. The Canadian truckers' importance is exactly in that they became that minority that taught the public by example : viz, within 24h the mask mandates are gone across whole of Ottawa, virtually no one wears masks anymore : a complete transformation of the public psyche.
In this view, the basis of civic life is not the majority becoming intelligent / enlightened, but the individual integrity.
Perhaps the current battle is coming to a close, but certainly not the larger war. And part of the answer may be activism, as you say. But the larger part of the solution, as you also refer to, is more people gaining a greater understanding of, and appreciation for, liberty. That process has begun, but needs to ramp up.
Small d democratic