Dec 28, 2023·edited Dec 28, 2023

@tobyrogers would you review my book? im offering 100 usd in advance to prove im serious. my goal is to get more attention before SHTF here in germany. email: milahu@gmail.com, milahu@protonmail.com

pallas. who are my friends. group composition by personality type


the print version has about 140 DIN A5 pages. the most important content is on the first 15 pages

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Dec 28, 2023·edited Dec 28, 2023

As for knowledge and science, there is knowing and science for thee and knowing and science for them. An example is the theory of television was fully developed in 1911, the year the Titanic went down. The technical know how to make a cathode ray tube, the viewing screen in early black and white televisions would have to wait. If there's money to be made an invention may get the nod and backing providing it is useful and never harmful to the 'thems." The same applies to ideas and people. Anything harmful gets buried. Example: Aristotle thought that the charging of interest on money was completely immoral. Haven't heard much on this one for over a hundred years and only intermittingly through the centuries since Aristotle was breathing. It seems this charging of interest on money created from thin air has an omnipotent control function attached to it as THE root source of the pyramid cap's power over humanity. Nothing will or can change as dramatically as it needs to until this is changed. Why was this theme missed in "Official Stories"?

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Dec 27, 2023·edited Dec 27, 2023Liked by Toby Rogers

Your central thesis makes perfect sense in terms of, perhaps predictable, cultural dynamics. Maybe you have looked; I would bet anything that this "don't kill the golden goose" story is repeated over and over in hidden historical tracts (penned by those outside of the power structure), whence true progress grinds to a halt and those with power through wealth close down the pipeline of innovation, preserving their status. This would create a cultural airlock which leads to eventual degeneration due to suffocation of the spirit in the end.

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Toby Rogers

The Oxfordian thesis is highly conjectural and disputed by the majority of serious Shakespeare scholars, not least because many plays including Macbeth and King Lear were written after Oxford’s death in 1604. You’d also have to account for eg the fact that Shakespeare was known to contemporaries like Ben Jonson who wrote that he “loved the man” and did “honour to his memory”.

Helluva conspiracy with an awful lot of people in on the secret and not one spilling the beans. So sceptical as I generally am, I think the idea that Shakespeare wrote Shakespeare is still the best theory we have.

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Apr 19, 2023Liked by Toby Rogers

I just finished Official Stories last night, and wanted to come back and thank you, Toby, for sharing it with us. It is such an important book… life-changing, really. I’m so sad that Liam isn’t here with us anymore. He would have been an incredible light in these dark times!

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Hi Skye! Thank you for reporting back! I agree, his book is life-changing. I spoke with a good friend of Liam who reached out after I wrote the article -- apparently he was working on Official Stories II when he died -- perhaps we will get a glimpse of that manuscript some day. Or maybe it's on us to write it by emulating his brilliant example, asking the hard questions, and doing the fearless deep dives.

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It's worth noting Liam Scheff as a journalist broke one of the deepest, most disturbing, stories ever by any investigative journalist: https://altheal.org/toxicity/house.htm Also, I have his original art - he got into comic book art illustrating the official stories. I was glad to know him.

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Apr 18, 2023Liked by Toby Rogers

Oh, wow, Tom! That’s so special.

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I appreciate I am late to the party but I would like to add about Tinnitus:

My mother had it badly for years and my brother has it now, so it is something I have studied, just in case...

Whilst I am extremely sensitive to loud noise, even loud voices, thankfully I don't have it.

I watched one ENT surgeon say that it is not in the ear but in the brain which thinks that the ringing is important to you so turns it up.

What I do get is Ear Worms: constant repetitions of bits of a song or a musical piece, over and over again. It used to drive me mad. Sometimes it can seem so loud and intrusive.

BUT my theory is that this is my brain looking for something to do so I now welcome them as preferable to ringing sounds; I have my favourite hits repetoire. If ever I hear any ringing I immediately call up one of my ear worms which distracts my brain and stops the ringing.

Does anyone else have anything to add to my theory? Is it true? Thanks.

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If you are open to insights "from above", the Medical Medium says that tinnitus is viral: https://www.medicalmedium.com/blog/true-cause-of-tinnitus

I hope the link comes through and I hope you find peace.

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Thank you Cole, An interesting site: I had a good look around at all the different things that could go wrong, or might already be wrong with me and frightened myself to death. Immediately resolved to eat better and look after myself more. Something always gets us in the end - but I'm going to stay out of the clutches of the pHarma $ystem for as long as possible!

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It would be nice if we could tune into it like a song…sometimes I felt like my roaring tinnitus was like a loud AM radio when you are trying to tune into an actual station except it's like it's in your ear. (On a side note—I do find it interesting that in our area, during the lockdown (right before this happened to me) they were putting up 5G towers around the city. Still wonder when they actually turned those on. When I was at my second ENT, he told me the tinnitus was not because of anything I did nor because I was getting older; that he just saw a 27 year old guy who had just developed tinnitus… he was seeing it a lot. Interesting, to me.)

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Hey Donnah, Thanks for replying. I too wonder about 5G! It's something I have studied in detail for years and scares me to death - and even home Wi-Fi can affect some people. (I fear including me...)

Although I don't suffer with tinnitus I am aware that many people do find relief and sometimes a full cure. I suppose it depends on the initial cause as to what if anything works. I would certainly be investigating far and wide and not relying on the establishment protocol.

For example, one NHS UK ENT surgeon I watched said it is not in the ear, even though it sounds as though it is. People who even had their cochlea removed could still 'hear' it. He cured himself over months by retraining his brain.

I know my poor mum said it was always worse when she was tired or stressed. Funny, as I write this it sounds as though I have shooting ringing sounds in my ears: time for some music! Best wishes.

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Mar 19, 2023Liked by Toby Rogers

I read this piece a few weeks ago--bought Scheffs’s book and just finished Ch 5--it’s a wonderful read. Came back to thank you for this essay--that pointed me toward it.

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Thank you, Jane!!! 🙌

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Mar 14, 2023Liked by Toby Rogers

After reading the article by Liam and his Final Note to Friends, this paragraph stood out to me:

"My ears have long been ready to break. Hyperacusis and hypersensitivity – small noises sounding loud and soft noises at a distance heard with unbelievable, near superhuman clarity. I have long had this problem; I kept it at bay with earplugs. But dentistry, the violence to the nerves, moved the noise to the interior. It doesn’t pay to be superhuman. It eventually kills you. The very sensitive know this well." I know his pain well.

On the morning of July 5, 2020, I blew my nose and heard a little sound inside my head and my ears immediately plugged and by the end of the day I had roaring tinnitus and very muffled hearing in my left ear. After a couple days of it not letting up, I called an ENT and when I finally got in they said, it was nothing you did, gave me a pretty high-dose prescription for prednisone, an appt for an MRI and diagnosed me with 'Sudden Hearing Loss' and told me, 'Don't you know if you ever get sudden hearing loss you should call and get into an ENT right away?' No … in all my years I had never heard that. Needless to say, I had this what I called Sudden Roaring Tinnitus with Muffled Hearing for 3 months and after taking 500mg of flush Niacin every day starting in October, it started coming and going for longer and longer periods; now a much less debilitating high-pitched constant tinnitus is now there along with pretty bad hearing loss. Not until this tinnitus bout did I realize I have always had hyperacusis, and I felt Liam's pain and understand his not wanting to live anymore. The roaring tinnitus was unbearable and I told my husband on more than one occasion that I cannot live like this. Every time I hear of another person (especially the people who developed debilitating tinnitus after getting fuxxinated) who decided they cannot live with the constant screaming of tinnitus in their head, I say a prayer for them and thank God that I no longer have to live with the roaring tinnitus, at least. I will definitely get Liam's book. Thank you for another great stack.

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Toby Rogers

Donnah, Huge sympathies for your tinnitus suffering. I have just posted my experience here if it helps. Best wishes

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Mar 11, 2023Liked by Toby Rogers

If only Liam were here today to witness 2020 on…. and translate it. Although we do have some amazing journalist here on Substack that are thinking and making us think pretty darn deep! Thank you Dr. Rogers! Truly.

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Mar 11, 2023Liked by Toby Rogers

Oh. And I just bought Liam‘s book. Can’t wait to read it! I was so very sad to learn of his passing and the circumstances proceeding it. Thank you again Dr. Rogers for bringing him to my attention.

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Great post. Watched the video on Lies are Unbecoming and was like, “Yep, true.” Thanks for the links and the perspective.

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Mar 9, 2023Liked by Toby Rogers

Great insights in this book. One chapter in and I'm hooked. I just finished Spontaneous Evolution if you are looking for another great read. It's written by two authors, a biologist and a political theorist/humorist. Highly recommend if you want some nourishment for the soul.

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It's good to have permission to think, isn't it?

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Mar 8, 2023Liked by Toby Rogers

Thank you for sharing this discovery! The best part about substack. Added to my wish list. Which is so long as it is... but putting this one at the top. I’m hoping it will be helpful for my kids as well. I see the indoctrination only getting worse at school and it concerns me.

Just a little mama brag: my oldest is taking philosophy at my request and thankfully sees the value of it. She needed a question about ethics with a personal connection. I challenged her to ask if the hated QR code was ethical as that had a direct bearing on her life for five long months and still affects our family travel. She finally got to pose it this week and it was sadly not chosen for further discussion (and a girl she already hates had the nerve to laugh at it), but the point is she wanted to break the taboo about discussing it and said so in her argument. I’m immensely proud that she made the effort to go out of her comfort zone and I hope this flexing of little muscles will give her the strength to keep questioning and reject just going along with what we are allowed to believe. I see this issue everywhere and it’s really distressing. I cannot raise my kids the way I was raised and that feels impossible sometimes. But this is how I try and overcome it. Seeing others do the same is very heartening. 🙏

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Wow. Just wow. Thank you, Toby for turning me, us, onto Liam Scheff. I'm halfway through the book and just blown away. Right?? What a game-changer, at least for most of us. The one that got to me most was the Big Bang and the electric universe. It just changed me like a bolt of lightning! I look on the world and the universe in a much different way now. Can't thank you enough.

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I had the same reaction. The book is extraordinary. It completely rewrites our understanding of the universe. But it's so straightforward. His arguments are a better fit for the known data. Just amazing.

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Mar 11, 2023Liked by Toby Rogers

Oh now I can’t wait to get my book to read this chapter specifically. I’ve watched every episode of “how the universe works” And always felt like how can they know when the big bang was, or if it was, if we can only see so far… I’m sure I will learn a lot from Liam. Can’t wait! So excited!

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I just read the chapter on the CIA. It was gut-wrenching to truly acknowledge what 'we' have done. Our 'freedom' doesn't really seem like freedom anymore. And when it does, at what price? Reading the succession of events over the decades puts Covid and the vaccine rollout in perfect perspective, not to mention the ugly, obscene CIA goings-on in the Ukraine.

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Navyo, If you think that is bad... I've just read Nazi Nexus by Edwin Black: about how American corporations facilitated the Holocaust. All the big names are there; IBM, GM, Ford, Kodak, even Coca Cola.

Once you open the box and start looking... Now, I just have to read Scheff - no choice. I already feel alienated from the wider world, may as well continue: you can't unknow once you know.

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Yes, I'm aware of all the big names and the Holocaust (and Hitler et al). I'll check out Black's book. Once you see, you can't unsee.

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Mar 11, 2023·edited Mar 11, 2023

I’m looking forward to receiving my book. But I have a feeling this particular chapter is going to make me sick

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Toby, did you know that Liam was in the process of writing a new book? I was watching his old stuff on YouTube, and he mentioned this many times in his videos from 2016. I find it strange that he said nothing about it in his "Final Note" / blog post. Also, writing a book requires strength and motivation, so his suicide story is quite suspicious unless his health indeed deteriorated in a short period of time.

Link to his YT channel: https://www.youtube.com/@liamscheff/playlists

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I did not know that. What an extraordinary loss. I saw one post that his death was triggered by a dental visit gone wrong!? Everything about his passing is troubling and does not make sense.

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Mar 9, 2023Liked by Toby Rogers

FWIW, my wife has tinnitus that seems caused by dental work related to an implant and subsequent crown. The tinnitus happened after the crown. She's in her 60's, no such problems ever before.

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