Toby, unfortunately, I don't think this is "...the biggest public health mistake in human history...", I think this is intentional.

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Appears so.

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But why make it so obvious? They did try to hide the concentration camps a bit..... It's as if raw Evil has simply been unleashed.

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Hubris? Maybe they think enough will fall for it? Initially most did. Israel is a great "canary in the coal mine" for more than Pfizer. As a society it is sad but interesting to watch.

9.3 million people, 7.8 were eligible for the first two shots and 6.7 took it (86%) so 1.1 refused (14%). Another 1.5 refused (22%) the third shot (and promptly lost all rights) so 5.2 (78%) are still going along with it. How many will refuse the already announced fourth shot?

Walking away from a cult that you are in is beyond most people. Good luck everyone.

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for a third of us , it is obvious...for the rest , not so much.

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Psychological blind spots, mass mind control, peer pressure, pride, shame, fear, inability to believe in the scope of the conspiracy (because that means they have always been fools and have no hope)

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Time to ask: "Who would do such a terrible thing?". Who indeed.

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Big pharma and their shareholders have been experimentally vaxxing people for over 100 years now, as if sociopathy is a genetic trait. Sacrificing people for money through various types of false flag wars is their MO.

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Fauci and many others. It's been monetized by the "usual suspects". Awful situation, but we have to react if we want to save the best aspects of Western Civilization.

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we better hurry the hell up, we just keep talking about all the nuances of the virus and identifying culprits

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W.H.O. would. W.E.F. would. All pharma would. All globalists elite would. For reasons of monetary profit, deepening, widening control, and immediate population elimination and sterilization.

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It's no wonder they're so hell-bent on eliminating the control group

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Yep. The dam is breaking and they are trying to plug the holes with bodies.

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Great analogy. If you haven't sampled Gail Tverberg's work yet I encourage you to do so. She's at the head of the class on energy. OurFiniteWorld.com

Thanks for the bit about caregivers, we're neck-deep on that for the last 4 years.

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Thanks for this update, Toby. I'm watching this data closely myself.

And yes, for Fauci and his ilk, it is all about eliminating the control group now. They have no other good option. It's also not the first time they've done this. You can read more about that in my three-part series:

Fauci's Glaring Cohort Problem and Why He Needs Your Kid Vaxxed


I hope and pray that, in the end, there will be enough of us unvaxxed holdouts to make up a sizeable control group, because a vaxxed vs. unvaxxed comparison of health outcomes is the only way to show what's really happening with these vaccines.

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I walk our dog past the elementary school playground a block from our house. I am go during recess so I talk to the kids through the chain link fence. Our sons went to this school. I love seeing their innocence, their coltish high jinks, and how they love our dog.

Next week the County is permitting a covid clots-for-kids clinic to set up there at the school. I'm nearly frantic at the thought that these little souls will be tossed to the sharks by their stupid parents and venal school board. The state of Maryland doesn't mandate these toxshots for anyone but I know some parents are going to fall for it. Same reasoning as pushing Varivax at kids. Parents might be inconvenienced by kids quarantined at home.

This is like watching babies get thrown to Moloch and I'm so livid and afraid.

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It’s been a banner year for Moloch

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Wrench their gears. Do whatever it takes. Anything to disrupt the supply chain or distribution or use your imagination. Just don't publish your activities on substack or anywhere.

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Nice piece. Those of us with our eyes open knew they were going to do their damnedest to eliminate the control group when the news came out that the "official" test's control group was invalidated by . . . giving them all the vaxxine. That was the tell.

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Thank you. And yes, you are right, the "tell" was when all three vaccine makers broke the blind and gave their control groups the vaccine. Imagine how corrupt the FDA has to be to allow this to happen, or perhaps even encourage it.

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I thought it was criminal. Was I misinformed?

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Look how long it took for three papers on this for children 😭 But I am willing to hold out forever.

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This is why I write Vax=Genocide on every Federal Reserve Note I get with a sharpie. Spread the message.

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Fascinating paper! The conclusion is a bombshell to say the least...

"Our estimated US national average VFR of 0.04% is 20-fold greater than the CDC reported VFR of 0.002%2, suggesting vaccine-associated deaths are underreported by at least a factor of 20 in VAERS. Interestingly, our estimates of 133K to 187K [US] vaccine-related deaths are very similar to recent, independent estimates based off of US VAERS data through August 28th, 2021 by Rose and Crawford (21)."

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Brilliant analysis Toby! Still trying to mentally unpack the stat that 117 vaccinated kids die for every childhood covid death vaccines prevent.....

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In children ages 5 to 11 the risks of coronavirus are infinitesimally small (so it's nearly impossible for the vaccine to generate benefits) and they seem particularly reactive to the vaccine (heart inflammation especially).

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my child came home mad and teary eyed from school ( he is 11 ) that he is the only child in his grade not getting the shot. and how excited everyone is and he feels left out. The psychological pressure is enormous but then try to navigate the tweens emotions and reasoning :( everyone is getting theirs this week. My kid has enlarged lymph node today and not sure if it could be effects of shedding. Anyway he is smart and we had covid back in January so that is the card I am playing with him and he understands but damn it is hard to be a kid especially at the age when social fitting in matters so much.

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Imagine being excited to get an injection. History books will not be kind when they write about this era.

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Be very careful that they do not give him the shot without your consent. That's happened, incredibly. They have bribed children with pizza.

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I shared via Twitter…we’ll see if I get shadow-banned or booted off the platform. Like we used to say in high school for any situation that could potentially rile TPTB: “Fuck ‘em if they can’t take a joke.” (c. 1985)

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I've started calling the "elite"/"TPTB"/"the oligarchs"/the "Deep State"/"Establishment" the parasite class. It is by far the most apt name for them. I suspect they really hate it when we call them out for what they are. The only reason they have ANYTHING is because of us.

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I always struggle with what to call them. The “parasite class” works for me! 👍🏼

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I call them "organized crime"

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Organized crime had some morals and rules. Call them "Evil".

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Which is the correct way to look at the various cartels that own our government. Banking cartel, Medical cartel (Pharma is the godfather), Military Industrial cartel, Intel cartel (CIA+), Media cartel, Tech cartel. The last 2 are mostly under the control of the Intel cartel.

Now how do we get them to kill each other? Hmmmmm.

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My personal favorite comes from the great Catherine Austin Fitts: "Mr. Global."

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Great work as usual Toby.

"the only reason we don’t see an increase in all-cause mortality in people over age 65 this year is because so many of them were already killed last year when Blue State (and some Red State) governors, under the direction of the CDC, seeded long term care facilities with coronavirus positive patients"

It's fascinating (and disgraceful) that two of the prime offenders of this crime - the UK's Matt Hancock and Governor Cuomo - both got removed because of sex scandals, thus taking them out of the public eye and apparently absolving them of, bare minimum, mass-manslaughter.

Hancock was offered a cushy job at the UN recently (no surprise) just like the war criminal Tony Blair. Unfortunately for Hancock, he wasn't able to take the role due to a technicality. But I think this demonstrates just how absolutely evil the parasite class are. If you do their bidding and kill lots of people, you get rewarded.

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The diabolical, fail up. 🤦🏻‍♀️

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You nailed it Andrea. These people are useless at their jobs but always fail upwards. It's likely because they are members of Common Purpose or other cults/secret societies (I know this sounds nuts but it is real).

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2233681/Leveson-Inquiry-Mail-dossier-raises-disturbing-questions-influence-quasi-masonic-nexus-people-know-best.html - this article is a tour de force of investigative journalism and shows what Common Purpose are

https://commonpurpose.org/ - yes these lunatics really exist ;)

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Yes! I remember watching Brian Gerrish videos about that group…that man did his best, but few listened.

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UK Column is amazing. Please watch them. They do their best to tone down the conspiratorial nature of what they are saying but it is clear what they mean. And things have only gotten a whole lot worse.

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Iain Davies writes for UK Column and is one of the best writers out there: https://in-this-together.com/

For an example of the absolutely egregious behaviour of our so called "regulators" check this out:


Man cures terminally ill people from cancer, MHRA (UK regulator throws the book at him (my words) "cancer research charities" ask for more money.

If you give another penny to a "cancer research charity" you should be ashamed. Every scientist and doctor who finds cures for cancer gets struck off, proscribed and/or jailed.

You are giving money to organisations that have failed for eighty years. If those were businesses they would have gone bankrupt decades ago.

From Sovereign Man's latest newsletter:

"For example, CNN recently ran headlines stating, “2% of Elon Musk’s wealth could solve world hunger, says director of UN food scarcity organization.”

The article’s sole source of information is the director of the United Nations’ World Food Programme (WFP), who wants billions of dollars more for his organization.

He was the sole source of this “news” which CNN presented to the public.

Elon Musk replied on Twitter: “If WFP can describe... exactly how $6B will solve world hunger, I will sell Tesla stock right now and do it.”

Of course the WFP could do no such thing, because in 2020, it raised $8.4 billion... yet somehow didn’t manage to solve world hunger.

But nobody at CNN bothered to ask any questions or do any independent analysis to come up with this conclusion on their own.

That’s because they have a clear, anti-capitalist agenda. Like Napoleon, they’re only interested in guiding public opinion, not providing objective information.

And I’m sure it’s just a wild coincidence that they ran this story right when a proposed wealth tax is floating around Washington DC, i.e. the sort of tax that would take more money from people like Elon, and hand it over to bungling bureaucrats.

The WFP is actually a great example of why more taxes are a bad idea.

Despite having a budget of $8.4 billion PER YEAR, they can’t make a dent in global hunger. In fact the problem is getting much worse.

According to the WFP’s own statistics, the number of undernourished people grew from 650 million in 2019, to 768 million in 2020.

It also turns out nearly half of the WFP’s annual budget is spent on cushy salaries, travel, and expensive ‘consultants’.

Only about $4.5 billion goes to actual food purchases, or to cash transfers that are supposed to go towards food purchases.

But here’s the thing-- poor countries tend to be run by corrupt dictators. And those corrupt dictators find ways to plunder the system.

They steal the cash and sell off the food, keeping the money for themselves while people continue starving.

Even here where I live in Puerto Rico, a number of corrupt politicians notoriously stole emergency funds and humanitarian supplies after 2017’s Hurricane Maria.

This sort of theft even happens in the US. So of course it’s going to happen in impoverished countries. Duh.

Yet the WFP seems oblivious to this reality.

In fact the organization’s most recent annual report contains a glowing assessment of its own performance, despite obviously worsening hunger.

The report is honestly hilarious as they consistently rate themselves as ‘green’, i.e. the highest possible rating, regarding their strategic priorities and management. It is truly an orgy of self-love.

They’re clearly not interested in getting better; they already think they’re doing a great job NOT fixing global hunger.

In fact, worsening global hunger is a GOOD thing for the WFP; it ensures that their budget will keep growing."

I hope you see how this scam works.

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Unfortunately, CDC provisional death counts do not reflect this assertion. I suspect the data is altered.

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Thank you for the heads up! 🙌 As I imagine you know, the CDC has fixers including Tom Shimabukuro who spend all of their time manipulating data to hide signals. That's why no one trusts the CDC numbers.

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Wow! Many have been predicting this for a while if you know where to look. They tend to have been removed from Facebook/Google/Twitter/etc.

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Substack. Where all the cool cats go when banned from Twitter :)

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Clearly some excess deaths are due to deferred care for other chronic conditions, and that will continue to be true for a long enough period to get swallowed up in the formula. Perhaps they'll inflate those and attribute some vaxx-related deaths to underlying chronic but non-critical DM2 or CHD

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Do you think the US military is keeping deaths/injuries unreported?

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Yes. The Woman who testified last week in front of Senator Johnson, said she was removed for grounding pilots.

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It would be interesting to compare the excess mortality in each country for 2021 to the rate the medical services were limited in 2020: elective surgeries, cancer screenings etc.

I'm saying this because in my country (Poland) we've been having a terrible excess mortality since last year's November. And it just keeps going. This year will be even worse than the last. At the beginning they tried to pass it out as COVID deaths, but it was just impossible: every patient being hospitalized has to be tested. And every death with positive test result was counted as a COVID death (they distinguish between deaths "with" and "from", even though they're not very transparent about their methodology). But some data scientists noticed that we didn't have excess mortality until our Minister of Health ordered the cancellation of the elective procedures and limitation of hospital capacity. Since then all hell broke loose. We even had heightened mortality in summer when COVID deaths were near zero. This is probably why the media ignore this topic like a plague.

There were many mechanisms of this disaster:

1) high overreliance on telemedicine, especially in the public healthcare system. Many people were not seen by their doctors which led to multiple cases of misdiagnosis. Even the media are now raising alarm about the dramatic increase of severity of cancer patients (including children).

2) artificial limitation of the hospital capacity. It messed up the system of quick response. Patients often had to be carried by ambulances not to the closest hospital but to the one that still had free capacity.

3) COVID testing and quarantine system. Sick people were left at home with no way of asking for help until their condition was critical. Elderly who lost their access to quarantined family members. Having to wait for the test result before admitting the patient to the hospital.

4) Patients who were COVID positive were all put in all-COVID hospitals in which the personnel consisted of a mixture of medical professionals. Many people who were not admitted because of COVID but just happened to test positive were denied the basic care for the issues that brought them to the hospital in the first place.

Especially in the 1st and the 4th aspect my country is a big outlier in Europe. But most countries had at least some level of disruption. And if we add to it things like heightened stress, growing alcohol consumption, growing rates of obesity and isolation wreaking havoc with our immune systems I feel like we created the perfect storm for excess mortality.

I'm sure the vaccines play a role here, possibly an even bigger one than we think. I'm not trying to absolve anyone, on the contrary - I feel like all of this puts our health experts and politicians in an even worse light.

Still, it's fascinating how attention those statistics get from the media. Especially coming from people who kept screaming "If it only saves one life..." last year.

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Holly sh!t! I think CaliforniaLost is right. This is genocide. They won’t allow the connection between the poke and the deaths to be made.

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Welcome to the club. I'm glad you figured it out - well done.

Just remember there are an awful lot of people like you and me and we will beat these scumbags.

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And wasn't it June of '21 when, after 83 (EIGHTYTHREE) Deaths of young, supposedly healthy soldiers dying inexplicably that Ft. Bragg stopped reporting those deaths? Have to wonder just how large that number of service personnel inexplicably dying has grown, (And, as I understand it, that was JUST Fort Bragg.)

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It's why I rewrote the Police song haha https://stoichastic.substack.com/p/song-death-is-in-the-bottle

Australia is an interesting case. I think we have the highest ratio of vax to cases anywhere, thanks to incredibly long and severe lock downs delaying the inevitable. Our stats look good for the vaccine but I realised earlier today it's because there are so few cases to actually test the efficacy.

Once we get proper viral saturation I think we'll follow England et al.

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"There's something happening here

What it is ain't exactly clear

There's a man with a gun over there

Telling me I got to beware

There's battle lines being drawn

Nobody's right if everybody's wrong

Young people speaking their minds

Getting so much resistance from behind

What a field-day for the heat

A thousand people in the street

Singing songs and carrying signs

Mostly say, hooray for our side

Paranoia strikes deep

Into your life it will creep

It starts when you're always afraid

You step out of line, the man come and take you away

We better stop, hey, what's that sound

Everybody look what's going down"

(Buffalo Springfield)

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