I'm not sure there's a complete answer to that, but there are things we can guess at. However, it is important to note that they DID last for hundreds of years; in some cases, up to a thousand years. So much longer than current political arrangements have lasted so far.
I'm not sure there's a complete answer to that, but there are things we can guess at. However, it is important to note that they DID last for hundreds of years; in some cases, up to a thousand years. So much longer than current political arrangements have lasted so far.
I'm not sure there's a complete answer to that, but there are things we can guess at. However, it is important to note that they DID last for hundreds of years; in some cases, up to a thousand years. So much longer than current political arrangements have lasted so far.
Or 60,000 years according to the latest research on indigenous people in Australia.