Wow! Brilliant. As someone who believed I was left of centre, to be called a "Trumpster, far right racist, science denying redneck..." (we're Metis) has been an eye opener, to say the least. Your point about "robots" is well taken. Some of the Twitter feeds I stumble onto (docs no less) repeat talking points, and their followers all chim…
Wow! Brilliant. As someone who believed I was left of centre, to be called a "Trumpster, far right racist, science denying redneck..." (we're Metis) has been an eye opener, to say the least. Your point about "robots" is well taken. Some of the Twitter feeds I stumble onto (docs no less) repeat talking points, and their followers all chime-in, invoking parallels to the "Stepford Wives" ("souless androids") or "Invasion of the Body Snatchers." Thanks for contextualizing some of the insanity.
Wow! Brilliant. As someone who believed I was left of centre, to be called a "Trumpster, far right racist, science denying redneck..." (we're Metis) has been an eye opener, to say the least. Your point about "robots" is well taken. Some of the Twitter feeds I stumble onto (docs no less) repeat talking points, and their followers all chime-in, invoking parallels to the "Stepford Wives" ("souless androids") or "Invasion of the Body Snatchers." Thanks for contextualizing some of the insanity.