A decentralized economy that places value on the needs of the individual. And it rewards any and all who wish to contribute their skills and talent even if it’s simply the ability to make others smile and feel worthwhile. Our greatest asset is our love. In place of a pyramid with an all seeing eye, our currencies will be covered with hearts and pictures of those who actually cared about life on earth.

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You only need genetic testing once. I think everyone should have genetic testing for mutations so that they know how to help themselves. Some mutations can be devastating but really easy to remedy. Such as methyl folate for the MTHR mutation. Simple fix

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Can’t figure out how to edit. That should be MTHFR gene. Not MTHR

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Regarding #10

False flags

Will be a thing of the past.

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JFK JR OUR Only HOPE!!!!!!!!

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THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Hey Toby I really enjoy your work. My wife is an RN who left traditional medicine before C19 because she saw what was happening.

For my own part I’m semi retired and started getting back into music in 2020, then my songs started becoming focused on the issues you’re talking about.

I’ve got dozens of songs ready for this movement but it’s been really difficult getting heard. I know you’ll appreciate them, give a listen here:


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This article is quite intense and takes a starkly critical view of current health policies and practices. It's clear the writer feels passionately about what they perceive as the detrimental effects of vaccines and related policies, painting a dystopian picture of what they believe lies ahead if these trends continue unchecked.

It's quite a departure from mainstream views on healthcare and vaccines, touching on issues like chronic illness, media narratives, and even the role of artificial intelligence. The proposed alternative future is equally ambitious, advocating for a complete overhaul of medical and agricultural practices, and a significant shift in societal and economic norms.

But here’s the question: How realistic do you think these proposed changes are, given the current political and societal landscape?

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We already have seen the presidencies of the two-party pics running for office--again. Do you like their legacy? If so, vote for them again.

If you want change, vote for RFK Jr. and be part of a heathier future.

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Chronic illness has a connection with the stuff in our food way before Covid vaccines… I know, I have one and it makes sense. The anger needs to be directed towards those corporations just as much if not more

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Very eye opening…also Melinda left the foundation as of June 7th.

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It is remarkable how polarized our society has become on simple matters of fact. In my view, progress will rely on new methods of communication - beyond the direct-propaganda-implantation model of Google, NYT etc - new methods of establishing trust etc - somehow allowing for unprocessed reality.

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I'm not much of a believer in political wins but I do believe in not giving up and not giving in. So in my book, you win every day.

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Jun 20Liked by Toby Rogers

(Adding that if the good path is taken, RFK, Jr will become president, and in addition to stopping US involvement in bioweapons and restoring honesty to science and medicine, the tidal wave of tragedy from drug addiction will be far less. The 44-minute film "Recovering America" is so inspiring ... Imagine a presidential candidate that travels around actually Listening, not for show but for honest curiosity, because he wants to Learn what's working to bring drug addicts back to life. Someone who has gone through is own struggle of addiction, shares what helped him, but doesn't stop there. Who wants to know how to help millions of people in ways that can practically work ...

Government can help direct resources to Quality treatment programs, like wholistic facilities that recognize everyone is individual .. like therapeutic horse farms ... while the government does not belong micromanaging them. On one hand it seems impossible to care for the growing masses of people falling over themselves on the city streets and parks, there are so many. But as each person is lifted up, they want to bring others out of the mess, too.

https://rumble.com/v51unwr-recovering-america-a-film-about-healing-our-addiction-crisis.html - Beautiful film. Not all beautiful, but very hopeful, things that are already happening. Some of these endeavors fund themselves, like with moving companies staffed by healed former drug users, being paid a living wage.

But if the president of the United States made it a priority to listen to, support, encourage, and grow, the kind of addiction help that has actually worked ... That would be a very good fork in the road ...


Also this discussion is worth listening to, at the premiere of the film. Wise people who have experience living and coming out of addiction, & Dr Drew, with important medical knowledge. ~ https://rumble.com/v51tbhn-health-policy-roundtable.html

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Jun 20Liked by Toby Rogers

This just got published:


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Where the hell are all of you critical thinking people? I feel quite alone IRL,

I agree with everything you’ve written, but I’ve lost 80% of the people I love, because I questioned everything that was going on. I actually lost my dear sister to suicide this Feb because of the effects of her second booster. I was a liberal dem so of course all my caring friends did it for others and I was deemed a selfish, superstitious Trump supporter! WTF?!

So is there any hope? Has anyone apologized or reached out from the other side?

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I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm in SoCal. The Weston A. Price Foundation conference is a good way to find your tribe. https://www.wisetraditions.org/ Medical freedom conferences in general are uplifting. What state are you in?

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I hope and work toward the second scenario you iterated. However, I fear the mass populace (doctors included) are in complete Stockholm Syndrome mode when it comes to western “medicine” and its pharma-pimps.

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I love what you have to say. But there is no human solution to our problems. It’s human solutions that have brought us to the edge of the abyss. Maybe we are already in the abyss but just refuse to acknowledge it. If we don’t allow God to lead the way out of the darkness then there is absolutely no hope for us and our earthly future. God first. Then everything you said.

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