Great essay. Turning our cells into miniature concentration camps is knock-me-down brilliant. Glad I found you.

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I think the Left was silent in large part b/c they wanted to oust Trump and b/c the left is a bunch of sheep/gorupthinkers.

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Toby, this kicks ass. Thanks for writing it.

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Thank you, Mark!!! 🙌

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Love your analogy- it's spot on. Every one of these so-called experts, deep down, knew the truth of what was happening, exactly as you've described it. But they had too much to lose, and so decided to join the side of tyranny. Then their minds worked furiously to justify their cowardice. Taleb just blocks anyone who calls him out. He says now that now, in hindsight, of course mistakes were made. But he knows, as do all of them, that the truth of the last three years was plain from almost the beginning.

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Thank you. But as a working class woman who never made it into the PMC, let alone academia ( my 2 older siblings, oddly, did, into PMC), I was disappointed but not all that surprised. Academic leftists talk a good talk, but they love them their perks from living off investment incomes every bit as much as some Right-wing donor does. They figured out fast where the money was, and behaved accordingly. It is odd how - poof! - neoliberal only seems to apply to the developing world. Next this crew is going to hector us about climate change. The earth is being changed by humans, but their solutions are as great an anti-life horror show as the problems they decry.

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Maximilian Forte, Canadian anthropologist wrote the best book on US regime change in Libya and has kept it real during Covid.

See his Substack, Disaster X

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Thank you!!! 🙌

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I know what mean about you can't leave it alone but it is good you can't leave it alone. It is too important to forget what has happened and has happened for many decades but we could not see it but now we see it. We cannot forget.

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Thank you for the education Toby. I ve never given much time to understanding all the different genres of thought but incoherence whichever camp it comes from is an easy spot for any individual honest with themselves.

I m writing from Scotland where i ve lived as part of the Findhorn Foundation and Community for the last 17 years. Here there was little to no questioning of any of the covid 'guidelines' and the spiritual teachings of the founders to trust in inner guidance and Nature's principles veritably flew out of the window with lock down. It now prides itself in being an ecovillage with representation in the UN and is hastily making use of any central funds coming its way to make it a leading model of a carbon neutral 20 minute village by 2030. Green washed and deadened by a hierarchical management structure even while attempting to profit from identifying as a community. Heart breaking.

I quote you here Toby with the sentence from another post that got me writing to you just now, with one addition to your quote in capitals:

"We cannot allow ourselves to ever be led again because power corrupts and even the most radical theorists, once they gain a bit of fame, eventually become absorbed into the genocidal system. No leaders, no institutions. Individuals, families, REAL communities, nature, and spirit are the way.

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Thanks a lot for your thoughts on the "plandemic": blinded by design and or default or the devil disguised as saviour... Me as an astrologer saw this Crisis ("health crisis ")coming in October 2019 .. The Saturn/Pluto conjunction which occurred on the 12th of January 2020 and triggered the "pandemic" represents on the one hand the "Deep State " and also "the structures of evil". When the attacks of 9/11 happened in Sept. 2001 we had a Saturn/Pluto opposition ...... The configuration of these two planets always goes hand in hand with a power grab and immense control. A main keyword is "collective captivity "or the "prison planet has opened finally". The "PCR test pandemic":We just had a normal cold and flu season in the last three years.........No PCR testing.... no "pandemic" it is that simple .... Every year there are people who have a severe cold or flu ... that is just a normal thing... one has not to reinvent the wheel .. testing positive for cold and flu viral material can be arranged every year simply by starting testing..Humans carry their whole life viral material with themselves like intestine bacteria or germs that is just a normal state of being ... it is nothing "problematic" or "pathological". All people who tested positive for "Corona" regardless if they had symptoms or not were labelled as "Corona cases "and that procedure was and is a total fraud. If only people with severe symptoms would have counted as valid "Corona cases " the WHO and the governments around the world would not have been able to declare a "pandemic "... And the Corona virus is a cold virus which causes in most cases a simple cough and which is only dangerous for people with serious preconditions for the most part .

Anyway thanks a lot and greetings from Vienna to the US

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Thanks for understanding the problem is the establishment attempting to control We the People. The establishment is indeed using utopian concepts espoused by socialists to put left vs right, but one also should look at history: socialism has never worked were it was tried because utopia on Earth isn’t possible.

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Thank you!

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So beautifully said. Thank you!

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Wow. I’ve been away from academia (ex-Philosophy major, Religion minor) for decades-and the righty or libertarian media that I pay attention to has me convinced that it’s not a place worth my attention... but this brief piece started off by catching me up, then proceeded to delight me. You sound like a man ready to make the jump from liberalism to something better! Personally, I can no longer distinguish where the logic in my opinions and reasoning on any issue diverges or strays from my Christian faith, but both libertarianism (lowercase, classic sense) and conservatism will welcome you with open arms, regardless of your faith!

The loss of trust in any respected speaker/thinker/writer tends to be difficult to face initially, but as you suggest it is also quite liberating. To paraphrase the Bible (and quote Dylan), “Ya gotta serve somebody,” and it’s my sincere belief that every person who has ever lived has had at least one god; be it self, money, significant other, ideology, or a more formal deity.

I could ramble on about a great many things, but instead I’ll just thank you for sharing your excellent observations, and recollections of Michi! Do you happen to have any pics? 😁

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Thank you Toby for your insightful perspective! I love your Michi story -- a powerful parable. And many interesting comments from your well-informed readers!

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Whitney Webb, she lives in Chile, I don’t think she goes by left or right, but left, a true left, is anyone who’s for human rights, for factual reporting, anti-fascism, and so on, so I think she’s a voice for the people! And her book on CIA blackmail should be flying off the shelves.

I wonder if Chomsky would read your article… I don’t think he’s controlled opposition like many shout, but he’s been completely taken over by the MIT “left” millennials since Syrias conflict; some could say to me that’s the definition of c.o., it’s just that I think you need to be aware you’re such for that to be so, c.o. Is a sort of Trojan horse, a willing participant, Chomsky simply lost his edge due to senility; that he’d believe and fall for our propaganda after denouncing decades of our false flags and colonial wars, is truly mind boggling!

Klein was never a sincere person to me, I always felt she was a Zionist and fake left. She’s super rich and privileged!

Glen Greenwald is half way there; he doesn’t fully say it, but certainly admitted and protested to the massive censorship of dissent … he’s denouncing many aspects of their doing, the problem is that in Brazil people were not aware of our discoveries and traumatized by Bolsonaro and the evangelists… if he tells them it was all a fake pandemic, they might attack him as sold out and fascist…

That’s the interesting aspect of all this, is that the fascists manipulated the notions of even who’s a fascist, there’s no political left, only 2 faces of a fascist (right)… and so many still don’t realize…

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