Thinking Points, March 19, 2022
Existential gambling, 1984, Stand For Health Freedom, bougiecrats, World War III, the pivot, a kid named Internet
Here are my latest thinking points:
Spot on

And the limited data that did exist showed a 42% increase in all cause mortality (heart attacks) in the treatment group and yet they proceeded anyway.
Rochelle Walensky’s actual job description
“To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which canceled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them… To forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again… that was the ultimate subtlety.”
—George Orwell, 1984
Like all good bougiecrats, Dr. Walensky does this all unconsciously. If Republicans retake Congress in November, she’s toast.
Total home run by Stand For Health Freedom
This video is amazing. It’s a compilation of the most gobsmacking statements from the FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee meeting discussing the Pfizer’s application to inject mRNA into kids 5 to 11. Nearly every member expressed serious misgivings — and then they voted to approve it anyway. I saw all of this happen live and it was horrifying. To distill an eight hour meeting down into four minutes must have taken weeks of editing. Please share this with everyone. Substack does not allow me to embed video yet (a player is in beta) so I will link the image below to the Odysee site (just click on the photo to be taken to the video):
I’m haunted by this social media post by a friend
“Annihilation is my love language” she wrote. It was a provocative, smart, and nuanced post — about trauma, abuse, addiction, pain and ways to transcend all that through meditation.
The sentence has stuck with me because I think it describes far more than just her experience. The reason I am so fierce in my critique of bourgeois culture is because that is the world I come from. Those are my people and I know what that journey is like. Annihilation is definitely their love language.
I went to Swarthmore College for undergrad. Depending on the year, it is ranked as the #1, #2, or #3 liberal arts college in U.S. News & World Report and has been for decades. And it is the unhealthiest place on earth. Everyone is engaged in some form of self-annihilation. The vast majority of students engage in cult-like sleep deprivation and push themselves to the brink of collapse. It’s not even clear why. I imagine initially it was in pursuit of a goal. Then it just became about winning/domination. And then the pain in pursuit of winning became the point. The women starve themselves. Sexual violence is rampant. More than 25% of students end up needing psych services over the course of four years. Self abnegation is the defining ethos of the place. It’s like a Jordan Peele horror movie satire of white culture come to life.
And now the “annihilation is my love language” people are running the country (unlike my friend, they never seem to reflect upon nor transcend this pathology). Outcomes don’t matter, what matters is the totalitarian effort. What matters quite frankly is the pain. After decades of self denial and self-flagellation, these people are mystified and pissed off if anyone refuses to participate in their self-inflicted genocide. It’s not just 50 years of neoliberalism, with its ruthless focus on efficiency, that has destroyed America. It’s more than that. It’s that for these people, pain is love, annihilation is love, disease is love, iatrogenic death is love.
The people making us sick are themselves sick.
That’s why it’s so hard to talk to these people. We point out the facts and they say, with tears in their eyes, ‘but can’t you see, we are poisoning everyone because we love them so much!’
The penny dropped for me after reading this article by Bret Stephens
This Is How World War III Begins
The usual date given for the start of World War II is Sept. 1, 1939, when Hitler invaded Poland after the signing of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. But that was just one in a series of events that at the time could have seemed disconnected.
Among them: Japan’s invasion of Manchuria in 1931. Italy’s invasion of Abyssinia in 1935. The remilitarization of the Rhineland in 1936 and the Spanish Civil War, which started the same year. Anschluss with Austria and the Sudeten crisis of 1938. The Soviet invasion of Poland weeks after the German one and Germany’s western invasions the following year. Operation Barbarossa and Pearl Harbor in 1941.
The point is, World War II didn’t so much begin as it gathered, like water rising until it breaches a dam. We, too, have been living through years of rising waters…
I read those paragraphs and it all just clicked for me. World War III began in 2015 with the murder of Dr. Jeff Bradstreet — the best autism doctor in the country, raided by the FBI and then, shortly thereafter shot in the chest with a shotgun and thrown in a river. Dr. Bradstreet’s murder was followed 10 days later by the passage of SB277 in California. Pharma now had the model that they would take nationwide with vaccine mandate bills in every state and then worldwide under the guise of coronavirus.
Writing this, it occurs to me that we are being played right now. The restrictions are coming down much more quickly than anyone expected. On our own, it would have taken us two or three more years to achieve this. Pharma still owns the system. The restrictions are coming down in a matter of weeks because Pharma gave the order. The question is why? Of course Pharma wants Dems to win the midterms to prevent an investigation that would cause everything to unravel. But the sudden totalitarian retreat feels like a set up. If a new wave comes during a period of intense restrictions then those in power get blamed. If a new wave comes shortly after restrictions are lifted, then we get blamed, and they come for us even more aggressively than before. That second scenario seems more likely to me. God I hope that I’m wrong.
Really smart take from Charles Eisenstein
Anatol Rapoport’s rules of constructive argument and debate state that:
You should attempt to re-express your target’s position so clearly, vividly, and fairly that your target says, “Thanks, I wish I’d thought of putting it that way.”
Easier said than done of course. But that’s exactly what Charles Eisenstein does in the first half of this article as he summarizes the views of Gates, Schwab, and the techno-financial elite:
But I’m most fascinated with the second half of the article where he begins to describe the pivot that we must make as a society if we are to survive.
This section is transcendent:
If we are to take a different path, we cannot merely resist the techno-totalitarian agenda; we must offer a different conception of progress, which requires a different story of our origins, purpose, and destiny. That, in turn, rests on a different understanding of our place in the universe and even what the universe is, what is real, how it all works….
The reductionism that collapses complex problems into simple narratives (particularly good-versus-evil, hero/villain narratives) shares a deep kinship with the scientific reductionism that is at the heart of the technocratic agenda. Technologies of control depend first on data — the translation and reduction of the world to numbers, to symbols, to bits of information. Suitably measured and catalogued, these fragments of reality can then be arranged in the image of the controller’s design….
These scientific intuitions are obsolete. Quantum acausality and observer-dependence, followed by system theory’s emergent phenomena, should have put to rest the conceit that we can some day achieve perfect knowledge or perfect control. Meanwhile, the practical results of the astonishing technological progress of the last century have failed to meet its utopian promises.
Indeed the astonishing technological progress of the last century has resulted in genocide over and over and over again. The Germans and Japanese before World War II and the U.S. before Covid were the most technologically advanced societies on earth and they regressed into grotesque totalitarian barbarism in the space of a decade.
(The Apprentice’s Sorcerer is an attempt to explain how that happens, but I’ve never been able to make it past the first few chapters.)
Eisenstein’s point remains though, “we must offer a different conception of progress, which requires a different story of our origins, purpose, and destiny.”
This wins the internet today 😂

Blessings to the warriors. 🙌
Prayers for everyone working to stop and transcend Pharma fascism. 🙏
Please keep contacting the FDA to tell them to reject Pfizer’s application to inject mRNA into kids under 5. 📣
In the comments, please let me know how you are doing and what’s on your mind.
(As always, please let me know if you spot any typos!)
What's on my mind...? It feels like very little. My fatigue has kicked up, aggravated by the time change, starting my seasonal 14 hr/week (that's all I can handle) job. My sleep has been trashier than usual this week.
Some years back...2005...I spent 3 months in post-war Bosnia and Herzegovina. It was my first trip to Europe. I had my three youngest children with me, and joined my husband, who had already been there 6 months.
I enjoyed the time. It was very interesting, but also alarming. My take-away from the trip was that the veneer of civilisation is very thin.
I was a small child in 1970 when our Prime Minister declared the War Measures Act. I suspect the only reason I recall the event is because my father, in the RCMP, was called out.
I rolled my eyes when Covid appeared. I was not afraid for one minute.
Within about a month, I picked up on the Trojan Horse aspect of the situation. Now, I am afraid.
When the trucker convoy started, I began having flashbacks to October, 1970. And them our Little Prince did as his father had done. Our equivalent to martial law was imposed.
The veneer of civilisation is very thin.
I cannot forget that.
It has been a long, strange trip. Are we there yet?
I have been thinking and studying everything I can digest about technocracy. What is depressing to me is that fascism has been successfully rebranded as a private public partnership. Most business leaders in the western world bend the knee to the Chinese technocrats as they are the role model that our overlords are leading us to. The Size of the Chinese market makes businesses surrender ethics and principles.
Freedom is the new F-bomb. Surveillance and data mining is how progress is created today and Silicon Valley has become the new ruling class.
I was an outlier before COVID. Now I’m so far off the chart because I still define sanity not by authoritarian edicts but through reason, logic and the values I learned as a kid.
I’m not exactly sure how to right this ship.
It seems that a very large part of society has always had a soft spot in their heart for communism. The danger as I interpret it is that freedom has been maligned as primitive and dangerous, while authoritarians armed with data remind us regularly of their goodwill and positive intentions. Facts and results are a distant second place to virtue signaling.
What’s the difference between Putin, Trudeau and even Biden? Truth exists even if the propagandists ignore it. It is easier to ignore current events today when the media cannot be trusted in even the smallest matters.