Thinking Points, July 25, 2023
Moloch, Paul Kingsnorth, CBDC, pediatricians, dystopia, Batman, power, CERN, instinct, risk, werewolves, disinformation, cross posts, siblings
Here are my latest thinking points:
The relationship between bougieness and Molochianism
In order to start worshipping Moloch, one does not have to do anything. Just go with the flow, try to fit in, and next thing you know, you’re justifying child sacrifice and hating on healthy people. People don’t choose Moloch, they choose bougieness and slide into Molochianism.
This essay by Paul Kingsnorth is amazing
I take the collapse for granted. I am done writing about it. Instead, I want to follow my intuitions about what the new faith of the Machine age is going to be, and I’m going to write about a wild Christian response.
Central Bank Digital Currency is not digital cash. It’s a global slave system.
Pediatricians never warn parents about this
Think about what the CDC’s grotesque vaccine schedule does to the relationship between parents and their children. The kid does not know what’s going on. Yet every few months the parents offer up the child to strangers who inflict pain with sharp metal objects while smiling, laughing, and saying “it’s okay,” “you’re a champ.” The shots can cause fever, digestive problems, seizures, and worse for days, months, or even years. The parents go through this Molochian ritual over fifty times. The child has no words to express what’s happening. The child cannot possibly give consent. The psychological scars from this betrayal are permanent and the child learns to never trust the parents again.
The normalization of dystopia
The Covidians are a new type of psychopathic citizen:
They are fine with 2 to 20 heart attacks at every big pop concert.
They are fine with 30,000 to 3,000,000 deaths from the clot shots in the U.S. alone.
They think they have a responsibility to censor and jail critical thinkers.
No amount of data can change their minds.
They would much rather live in a normalized dystopia than turn and face the truth.
The Batman election
2024 is really the Batman election. It’s the supervillains who killed 7 million people: Donald Trump & Joe Biden vs. the two heroes who did the most to stop them: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. & Ron DeSantis.
Power does strange things to people
In the U.S. the 3 branches of government are:
• Military contractors (Raytheon, Lockheed Martin),
• Institutional investors (BlackRock, Vanguard), and
• Pharma (Pfizer, GSK, Merck).
In the past, the left was opposed to all three industries. Now their values are completely aligned.
The “pole switch” on the political left from:
anti-capital, &
pro-capital, &
in the space of just a few years,
is one of the strangest phenomena I’ve ever seen.
The CERN theory
I think the Large Hadron Collider at the CERN lab in Geneva took us into a parallel universe where dogs are cats, men are women, up is down, left is right, lies are truth, illness is health, fascism is freedom, and cartoon villains run the world.
Instinct > rationality
People do not rationally choose to believe X, Y, & Z.
They instinctively, instantly, and subconsciously already believe X, Y, & Z and then only later apply rationality to try to come up with a reason.
This is incredibly important to understand.
When people are espousing X, Y, & Z, engaging with reason won’t work (because that’s not how they arrived at their position in the first place).
Try to figure out the instinctive, instant, and subconscious need that is being met for this person by believing what they do.
So with vaccines, people believe wholeheartedly in deadly junk science because it makes them feel smart, feel like a member of the tribe, and subconsciously they believe that by participating in this quasi-religious rite they will live forever.
These are incredibly powerful drives. So give them a way to meet those needs without participating in self-inflicted genocide.
Actual religion (and/or meditation, philosophy, prayer), the medical freedom movement, and alternative (functional, integrative) medicine meet all of those deep subconscious needs better than the mainstream, corporate, iatrogenocidal path.
The adult conversation we were not allowed to have as a nation
Posted by Dr. Scott Jensen — four doctors, six minutes, discussing the actual observed risks of Covid by age. So straightforward and yet the mainstream media absolutely forbade anyone from having this conversation for three years.
Reflections on the hearing of House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government
Watching Robert Kennedy, Jr. try to save the Democrats from themselves is wild. He’s trying to speak to that “still small voice” inside their hearts that remembers liberalism. But the wolf that Dems have been feeding for the last few years is fascism.
It’s like watching a werewolf movie & RFK Jr. is the priest trying to perform an exorcism to save the townsfolk from these bloodthirsty beasts. We’re all cheering for him but the werewolves ain’t happy about it.
“Disinformation” is just speaking truth to power
In 1943, when Hans and Sophie Scholl handed out flyers at their university in Munich explaining that the war on the eastern front was not going well, they were stating a fact that everyone knew to be true. The Nazis considered this disinformation and executed them.
Over the last 2 years, when Robert Kennedy, Jr. explained that Covid shots were poorly tested, do not stop transmission, and come with horrendous side effects he was stating a fact that everyone knew to be true. The Biden administration considered this disinformation and ordered social media to deplatform him.
It’s not complicated. The people speaking difficult truths are the good guys. The officials fuming about “misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation” are the bad guys. Censorship is the last refuge of scoundrels. We shouldn’t have to explain this to anyone, but here we are.
Some love from across the internet
Children’s Health Defense republished my “Community Microbiome” article.
The Brownstone Institute republished my “Spectacle of Covid” article.
Jeff Childers at Coffee & Covid republished my observation that Benjamin Netanyahu’s heart disease is probably evidence of vaccine injury.
Your moment of Zen
I love everything about this clip. On July 15, Markéta Vondroušová became the first unseeded player to win the women’s Wimbledon title. But it was the reaction of her sister that moved me to tears. May we build a movement where we all love each other like that. (Please click through to watch it on IG with the sound on.)
Blessings to the warriors. 🙌
Prayers for everyone fighting to stop the iatrogenocide. 🙏
Huzzah for everyone building the alternative society our hearts know is possible. ✊
In the comments, please let me know what’s on your mind.
As always, I welcome any corrections.
You put into words what I felt about CERN. Thank you. I just watched your interview with CAF on Solari. You are in the world with us. You are a brilliant star.
I love this 🥳