Thinking Points, December 12, 2022
Reckless, invisible, FB ban, Stasi, everywhere & nowhere, bougies bluffing, capital devours its own, political philosophy, nightmare, tradeoff, Gates is at it again, FLCCC, reindeer racing train
Here are my latest thinking points:
Why would you be so reckless?
People who get Covid shots are rejecting 13 billion years of evolution in favor of one day of corporate Frankenstein f*ckery.
Invisible totalitarianism
The utter genius of fascism this time is that no one had to choose it. You didn’t need to don a uniform or join a party. One day everyone just started to obey, because of The Emergency™️. And the rupture with the past (where Constitutions and critical thinking were considered essential) was never acknowledged.
I received a 30-day ban on Facebook for this post (that you saw in my last article)
Tony Fauci’s legacy:
• Blocked access to safe & effective Bactrim to promote toxic & deadly AZT.
• 4x increase in chronic disease on his watch.
• Brazil microcephaly disaster caused by Big Chem turned into $2 billion windfall for Big Pharma.
• Blocked access to safe & effective hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin to create trillion dollar market for toxic & deadly GMO mRNA.
• Created SARS-CoV-2, SIDS, SADS, turbo cancer; and myocarditis, strokes, & heart attacks in kids.
• Normalized the mass poisoning of an entire society over the course of his career.
The censors at FB never explain what exactly they disagree with. They just mention amorphous, could mean anything, “violates community standards.” But the standards of their community, apparently, are all about covering up the iatrogenocide. So.
Nothing says “Safe & Effective™️” quite like censorship
A product that works so well that it requires a vast global Stasi censorship network to cover up the fact that it doesn’t work really at all.
Everywhere and nowhere
One weird thing about living in a genocidal culture is that it is simultaneously everywhere and nowhere. Our entire economy is built around the (iatro)genocide at this point. But it’s the one thing that no one is allowed to talk about.
Participate in the (iatro)genocide and you will be lauded as a hero. Question any of its tenets and you will be banished.
Paul Farmer, Richard Trumka, Taylor Hawkins, Oveta Fuller, Grant Wahl, (and hundreds of thousands of other Americans) dead. Heroes!
“How did they die?” Banishment.
You're just supposed to go on about your business like nothing is happening (be happy! be productive! how to overcome procrastination! didja see the new tiktok dance move!?) But all around you are signs of the complete moral, intellectual, and physical collapse of our society.
If you are well-adjusted to this madness you are insane.
They are only fooling themselves
The people who didn’t do the reading and just made up a bunch of nonsense in school are the same people who didn’t do the reading and are making up a bunch of nonsense in public health. It’s like they got so good at bluffing that they came to believe their own noise. Pharma makes great use of these know-nothing social climbers.
The war this time
What’s strange and unique about Covid is that in 2020 developed countries throughout the world declared war on their own citizens at the behest of capital. Previously, wars were directed against an external “other” in order to capture markets/natural resources. Now capital is mining the bodies/cells of anyone with any wealth to generate profits for itself.
In a previous era, capital would use nationalism/racism to generate hate against an external other as the accelerant for war. Now capital uses fear of viruses to generate hate against one’s own body and cells (and neighbors and family members). In both cases the result is carnage for the masses and great wealth for the architects of the plan.
My political philosophy
I just want the government, and the corporations that own it, to stop trying to kill everyone with their toxic junk science.
What a nightmare. Nearly all of my former political heroes have embraced fascism. They have no insights into the current conjuncture and no capacity for self-reflection. If capital can so easily fool the fiercest critics of capitalism then it is a power beyond devils and demons.
At some point we have to come to grips with the fact that bougiecrats are fine with lots and lots of people just dropping dead from the shots. That’s a tradeoff (massive human sacrifice to alleviate their irrational fears) that they are willing to make.
“Catastrophic Contagion”
They are just straight up telling us what they are going to do next.

Follow James Roguski for more details.
FLCCC is amazing
What you need and want in a pandemic is for frontline doctors to use their own best judgement and consult with each other to figure out what works. That’s the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC). They have developed protocols for Prevention, Early Treatment, Hospital Treatment, Long Covid, and Post-Vaccine (injury). This is the stuff that actually works, developed by front-line doctors who put the well-being of their patients ahead of ideology or personal profits. Please share these protocols with anyone who needs this information. (I’m surprised by how many people don’t already know about the FLCCC protocols. I did a quick post about this on Instagram and got more than 400 replies from people asking for the link.)
Your moment of Zen
Reindeer races a train (no sound). I just love the way he runs with his chin held high!
Blessings to the warriors. 🙌
Prayers for everyone fighting against the iatrogenocide. 🙏
Huzzah for everyone working to build the parallel economy our hearts know is possible. ✊
In the comments, please let me know what’s on your mind.
As always, I welcome any corrections.
Serious question: How are y'all dealing with the truth gap in your community?
How do you break it to your neighbors and close friends that their mask does not work? That they are caught up in a mass formation? That they are the victims of a military-grade psy-op? That they have poisoned themselves?
The truth gap is so wide now I'm not sure it's bridgeable. I'm just the crazy neighbor with a tin foil hat now.
Enterovirus will not work as a global pandemic, because it primarily affects children.
We (society) don't care about kids dying. I mean, obviously. AAP: Proudly killing your kids since 1986™.
Covid messaging was all about adults, especially boomers and seniors. The same boomers who are CEOs, department heads, university presidents... the decision makers. They were told the virus "targets" them, the media terrified them, many of them have PTSD from all the fear porn.
Despite all the media analysis of "anti-vax MAGA people", the primary predictor of vaccine uptake is age. The older you are, the more likely you got the jab. That was true in red states, blue states, everywhere.
And, despite all the virtue signaling about "protecting others", what they really wanted (as Alan Dershowitz eloquently explained) was to hold people down and force a need in everyone's arm, to "protect grandma" and the older members of society.
*(Of course some of biggest pandemic heroes are boomers, Peter Mccullough, RFK Jr, etc, but they're the exception not the rule)