The story of my Substack
and the story of my involvement in the movement over the last several years
This week marks the 1-year anniversary of my Substack! In this article I want to share a bit about my journey over the last few years, explain how I ended up on Substack, and offer up a few ideas about the future.
In 2019, I had 323 followers on Twitter. I had just finished my Ph.D. and Pharma was pushing vaccine mandate bills in states across the country. I knew the Pharma playbook from my five years of research into the industry so I had a unique perspective to add. But I had no money so I could not fly to help people in these states. So I started pounding politicians on Twitter instead.
I pioneered a method of direct lobbying via Twitter. This was when Twitter was still the Wild Wild West before all of the censorship and shadowbans designed to protect the cartel. I built lists of every Democratic state Senator and Assemblymember in key states and messaged them regularly. Also, I set up alerts so that anytime they Tweeted, I’d be the first to comment — with our talking points and links to key books and documents.
I often linked to J.B. Handley’s How to End the Autism Epidemic and included a giant picture of the book in the reply. My strategy was, win or lose, we are going to use these politicians to sell a lot of books for the movement.
Then, to my surprise, the strategy started to work! Allies in the movement found me and started adopting my strategy. Soon politicians’ tweets were filled with replies 10-deep from the medical freedom movement.
My followers soon swelled to 3,000. When I got in arguments with tweetiatricians (white coat mercenaries paid by Pharma to harass moms of vaccine injured children on Twitter) my new friends and allies got my back.
With warrior mamas and dads lobbying on the ground and air support on social media we defeated a mandate bill in Colorado, then we defeated a mandate bill in Oregon, and in the summer of 2019 we were on the verge of defeating SB 276 in California.
Then Pharma decided to play dirty. I assume that they brought in Black Cube or some other private intelligence agency to implement a full psyops campaign. Next thing you know, some nutjob livestreamed a confrontation with state Senator Richard Pan on a sidewalk in Sacramento. We’ll never know if this guy was a paid actor, some MK Ultra patsy, or just some mentally ill person who decided to volunteer to help the cartel, but the whole incident felt contrived.
Pan rushed to the floor of the California Senate to describe the incident and to denounce mothers of vaccine injured children (who of course had nothing to do with the shove) as “terrorists”. Pan’s performance was reminiscent of old newsreel footage of Joseph Goebbels whipping the crowd into a hateful frenzy. Elected Democrats (and even a few Republicans) in the chamber ate it up and gave Pan a standing ovation. They seemed relieved that they suddenly had political cover to betray their constituents and take care of their biggest donors.
A few weeks later SB276 passed and the vaccine injured governor who somehow exempts his own vaccine injured kids from shots, signed it into law. Today any kid missing a single shot from the grotesque CDC vaccine schedule cannot go to school in California. Even worse — medical exemptions to vaccination are now illegal which contradicts a century of best practices in medicine. California is now a fascist state.
NY fell to the fascists soon thereafter in spite of a valiant campaign by thousands of warrior mamas in the state.
This started a flood of medical refuges who had to flee CA and NY to move to red states including Texas, Florida, and Idaho, so that their kids can go to school. Both CA and NY lost a Congressional seat in the most recent census because of population declines (Texas gained 2 seats and Florida gained 1 as a result of population increases).
In 2020, the Battle of Trenton, NJ showed that we could win in a deep blue state. 10,000 parents outside chanting in a snowstorm and the extraordinary leadership of Assemblymember Jamel Holley on the inside showed that warrior-mama-people-power could defeat Pharma.
I was on The Highwire on January 16, 2020 talking about my research on the costs of autism and that was my coming out to the world as an abolitionist who opposes these useless deadly products.
The next battleground was Colorado, again, as Pharma cued up another bad mandate bill. We liked our chances there given that it was a purple state and we had 5,000 activists on the ground.
Colorado Health Choice Alliance flew me in (along with several others) and we did gorgeous old fashioned political organizing — building bridges to black churches, the NAACP, and teachers. I worshipped in Baptist and Pentecostal churches on Sunday and learned from parishioners about the widespread vaccine injury in the congregation. It was clear that we were already in the midst of an iatrogenocide from the CDC childhood vaccine schedule — and that kids subjected to lower quality Vaccines for Children shots were being harmed at a higher rate than children covered by private insurance. The Washington Post later wrote a front page above-the-fold hit piece on our campaign — which tells us that we were right on target.
Then Covid hit.
As you know, the airwaves were filled 24/7 with fear-based Pharma propaganda. Pharma opened their checkbooks and just straight up bought legislators, pastors, and the media. In 2019, we faced 10 Pharma lobbyists in the battle of Colorado. In 2020, we faced 125. After the fright of losing in New Jersey, Pharma just decided to spend whatever it takes and it became nearly impossible to meet with legislators face-to-face because of Covid lockdowns.
Pharma started to run the table — Virginia, Colorado, Connecticut — any legislature that stayed open was there to do Pharma’s bidding and collect Pharma campaign cash in state capitols that were now devoid of the demos (the common people).
By this point my Twitter following had swelled to 33,000. I could generate 100,000 impressions even on a bad day and if I was having a particularly good day I could reach 500,000.
I generated 50 million impressions on Twitter in 2020 from speaking simple truths about Covid, the corruption in the pharmaceutical industry, and the capture of our government. So even while Pharma owned the gatekeepers, the market for the truth was and is huge and growing.
This was clearly intolerable to the cartel. I started getting shadowbanned frequently and Twitter set up ways to protect politicians from hearing from the people.
In early 2021, I averaged 2 million views a week — on track for 100+ million views a year. In February, I received a lifetime ban for this retweet about how Fauci blocked access to the antibiotic Bactrim during the AIDS epidemic — just like how he is blocking access to hydroxycholoroquine and ivermectin now:
Banned from Twitter, I moved my messaging operation over to Instagram. I started by blocking a couple of old friends who always replied to my vaccine safety posts with “well actually” pablum straight from the pharmaceutical industry. My Instagram followers went from 2,000 to 28,000 in the space of just a few weeks. Of course this was intolerable to Lizard Boy and the cartel so I soon experienced shadowbans of indeterminant length that reduced my reach to just a few hundred people.
So I moved my messaging over to Facebook (I know, I know, they are owned by the same people). I had long tried to keep my vaccine messaging on Twitter so as not to alienate my old friends on Facebook. But that was a luxury I could no longer afford. Once again, I blocked a couple of old friends who always wanted to play devil’s advocate and responded to a long cue of friend requests. My friend list swelled to 5,000 and I gained another 6,000 followers on top of that. But the Stasi censors on Facebook started suspending my account for up to 30 days for factual posts about the pandemic.
I needed a place to park some of my best writing online and so I set up a Substack. I never really intended to use it. My first couple of posts got 10 or so likes and I figured that was that.
And then a curious thing happened.
In October of 2021, Children’s Health Defense sent out an email from RFK, Jr. stating that if the FDA approved the Pfizer Covid shot for kids 5 to 11, the shot would kill 105 kids for every 1 saved from the virus. That number felt a bit high to me. So I went over to Facebook and asked the question as to whether anyone knew the reference in connection with RFK Jr.’s statement. FB promptly banned my account for 30 days — for simply asking a question!
Banned from Twitter, shadowbanned from Instagram, and suspended from Facebook, the only online media channel I had left was Substack.
A dear friend with ME/CFS had recently introduced me to iodine, and my brain was coming back in a big way from the fog that I had struggled with for years. So I decided to build my own estimate of the risks and benefits of the Pfizer Covid-19 shots in kids 5 to 11 with what little data we had from the manufacturer.
I started by reading the FDA’s risk benefit analysis of the Pfizer shot in kids 5 to 11 and was shocked by what I discovered. So I wrote up my findings in this article:
That’s how most of you found me — that article generated over 225,000 views around the world.
I followed that up with my own calculation of the Number Needed to Vaccinate to prevent a single Covid-19 fatality — and then calculated how many deaths would be caused by the vaccine as a result of the Biden administration’s stated goal of injecting all kids in that age group.
What I found is that RFK, Jr. was actually conservative in his estimate. I estimated that, based on the totality of evidence available at the time:
For every one child saved by the shot, another 117 would be killed by the shot.
That article generated another 100,000 views and my Substack quickly became a place where people turned for news and information about the pandemic.
I should add that the accuracy of my early estimate was recently confirmed by a comprehensive study led by an elite team of academics from around the world who found that the harms of Covid shots in kids are up to 98 times worse than the disease. That research team had the benefit of an additional year of data and they were looking at all adverse events while I was estimating the risk of death from the shots over a lifetime. Given the up to 3% myocarditis rates in young males as a result of these shots, unfortunately, my estimate is still on track to be correct over the long term. Thankfully not many parents are forcing their kids to get these shots so that is limiting the death toll somewhat (more on that below).
Pharma noticed that my Substack was getting lots of attention so they got USA Today, Reuters, and various Stasi censorship groups to write hit pieces on me. Getting hit is always unpleasant but it let me know that my work was on target. Even better — their claims were tinny and absurd. As a social scientist critiquing bioscience and medicine, I’m always worried that I might get some key detail wrong (so I check my work, consult with a wide range of topic experts, and always encourage feedback). But the waves of flying monkeys sent in by Pharma never found any errors in my calculations or modeling, they were just punishing me for questioning the narrative.
So I hit back and fact checked their attack pieces on me and used it to expand and deepen my critique of Pharma and the public health bureaucrats. Since then, Steve Kirsch has pioneered a method of recording on video any interview with a hostile reporter and then publishing it to his own Substack and Rumble channel. Poof, the narrative checkers went silent and stopped asking for interviews because when you actually get to watch the tape, it’s clear that these 20-something pawns of the cartel have absolutely no idea what they are talking about.
Pfizer announced on December 17, 2021, that its clinical trial in kids under 5 had failed. So it appeared that we had some time before the FDA would take up its application for Emergency Use Authorization. Instead the FDA and CDC launched a sneak attack on January 31, 2022 to authorize the Pfizer shot in little kids — with literally no data.
My initial reaction was, “Oh hell no!” so I dropped everything and put out the first call to action on February 1. It soon got picked up by some of the bigs — Stand for Health Freedom, the Weston A. Price Foundation, and Children’s Health Defense. We pounded the FDA and CDC with calls, letters, faxes, and emails for 10 days and on February 11, the FDA was forced to retreat and pulled the application — promising to bring it back in April.
Rather than demobilize, we kept the drumbeat going. I organized regular Tuesday night Zoom calls with 20 activist leaders to coordinate and amplify our message. We pounded the FDA and CDC throughout February, March, and April. On April 11, the FDA admitted that the Pfizer trial in kids had failed again and moved their review meeting back to June.
But this time the FDA, CDC, White House, and Pharma decided to go all in with Shock & Awe military tactics — 10 meetings in two weeks plus a massive PR push to authorize everything — Moderna in teens even though it causes myocarditis, Moderna and Pfizer in little kids even though the shots in that age group are all harms and no benefits, and the Novavax moth juice in adults (with a poorly understood adjuvant and no precautions taken to prevent the transmission of insect retroviruses). To cap it all off, the FDA scheduled a vote on June 28 to authorize an Orwellian “Future Framework” so that Pharma could skip clinical trials in perpetuity in connection with Covid-19 shots.
We threw everything that we had at them because we knew that this is iatrogenocide. Medical freedom activists filled the inboxes of every VRBPAC and ACIP member with over 1 million emails. I reviewed every risk benefit document that was released by the FDA and reported on all of the meetings. In the end, the FDA and CDC completely abandoned science and bowed down to worship Moloch. I have tears streaming down my face as I write this because it was like watching the American equivalent of the Nazi Wannsee Conference (that approved the Final Solution) in real time.
As soon as the meetings were over, the Biden administration announced an advance purchase order of $3.2 billion for shots that would completely skip clinical trials — and it was clear that the only thing any of these people care about is money (well, they seem to like power, control, and killing people too).
That seemed like our darkest hour. But when we push back against the criminals at the FDA and CDC, we end up educating the public about the dangers of these shots.
The demand for these shots has collapsed:
Only 30% of kids 5 to 11 have gotten 1 shot, and 1/3 of them do not return for the second shot.
Only 7% of the public has been dumb enough to get a second “booster”.
Less than 5% of parents of kids under 5 have been dumb enough to go in for the shots that King Herod would have loved. In some red states the demand for little kid Covid shots is less than 1%.
The demand for the new reformulated shots that were only tested in 8 mice is in the single digits.
The market demand for each new vaccine campaign lasts about two weeks (as the hypochondriacs get their fill) and then flatlines to zero (just like many people who get the shots).
We didn’t have the votes inside these corrupt agencies to stop the authorization of these shots (powerful committees with just 15 members are sitting ducks for regulatory capture). But millions of Americans have gotten the message and walked away from the iatrogenocide. Over the last year, the medical freedom community has become the majority.
Writing on Substack has become my favorite thing and I’ve reached a number of milestones.
Over the last year, I’ve written 149 articles. I mostly write about how vaccine injury is changing our society — from pop music to philosophy to politics and economics. My calls to action generate tens of thousands of emails, letters, and phone calls to government bureaucrats and elected officials. In everything that I do, I’m trying to channel what we all are experiencing and speak simple truths to counteract the insanity of the cartel. My goal is to figure out how this corrupt system works and how to dismantle it so that we can build the better world our hearts know is possible (hat tip to Charles Eisenstein for coining that brilliant phrase).
One of the most striking things about writing on Substack is to realize how much I was unwittingly self-censoring when writing on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. In the free speech oasis of Substack, I’m now doing the best writing of my life and I’ve found a narrative thread that makes sense to me and hopefully others as well.
I now have over 21,000 free subscribers and over 500 paid subscribers. I believe that it is unethical to keep potentially life saving information behind a paywall during a pandemic so I make all of my writing available for free. My paid subscribers are what make it all possible. Thank you!!!
If you were thinking about becoming a paid subscriber, now would be a celebratory time to do that. 😊
A few weeks back, I was briefly in the top 50 Substacks in the world in the category of Politics — often trading places with the legendary Mark Crispin Miller and the world-renowned environmentalist, Bill McKibben. But the competition on Substack is intense so now I’ve slipped down into the mid-50s. Publish or perish indeed.
My doctoral thesis, the Political Economy of Autism, that started me on this journey, has now been downloaded over 69,000 times. It’s #14 all time at the University of Sydney and the most downloaded thesis in the history of my department. I’m hoping to reach 70,000 downloads by the end of the year so if you haven’t already read it, please check it out, and if you have read it, please share it with friends and family.
I’ve done far more podcasts than I ever thought I would:
• Right on Point with Wayne Rohde (July 2, 2020, August 30, 2021)
• Wise Traditions podcast (November 6, 2020).
• Colorado Health Choice Alliance (November 11, 2021).
• Unbreaking Science with James Lyons-Weiler.
• Refuge of Sinners (June 2, 2022).
• Steve Bannon’s War Room (June 22, 2022; June 23, 2022; June 28, 2022).
• The Robert Scott Bell Show (January 25, 2022).
• Steve Kirsch (June 14, 2022).
• Against the Wind with Dr. Paul Thomas (July 13, 2022)
• Children’s Health Defense (June 29, September 2);
I find video podcasts difficult — there are just so many small details that are tough to get right. If there are any media coaches out there who want to work with me, I would welcome the help.
I also speak at conferences one or two times a year but my health situation sometimes limits my travels.
Everything I do is monitored by several Bougie Grifter Stasi Censorship Goons who report to the cartel. I believe that once all of the evidence becomes available through discovery, we will likely see that the Biden administration ordered Twitter to delete my account (as they did with Alex Berenson, Naomi Wolf, and so many other medical freedom accounts).
Where do we go from here?
It takes me 1 hour to write what it takes you 1 minute to read — on top of the 23 years of schooling and twenty years of working that came before that. A quick article (“Thinking points”) takes me 4 hours to write, longer articles can take 10 to 40 hours.
While I have broken several national stories over the last year, I’m not trying to be a reporter per se. I’m trying to develop the ideas and strategies that will enable us to overthrow the Pharma cartel.
My Substack is thus a hybrid — part news site, part revolutionary political advocacy group.
As an experiment, I’ve set up a dāna button. Dāna is a Sanskrit word for generosity. It’s my attempt to move from the traditional economy (based on contracts) to the gift economy (based on altruism). If you are already a paid subscriber and a particular article moves you deeply, you can use the dāna button to make an additional contribution (one time or recurring) if you wish. The button should take you to a pop-up window operated by Donorbox that makes the process quick and easy (with the lowest processing fees I’ve found).
I also plan to publish a collection of my best essays in a book, so stay tuned for more information about that.
Closing thoughts
I know my tone is often exceedingly confident. But upon reflection I think I’m overcompensating for the fact that this work takes everything from us. So I’d like to end on a more bittersweet note.
I love the movement so much. The community we have built here on Substack and in grassroots groups, lobbying days, conferences, and protests across the country is gorgeous. But we have all lost so much — and more suffering is ahead.
Many of you have lost loved ones to SIDS and SADS. Others have witnessed vaccine injury firsthand and have lived with it for decades. Speaking truth during a time of iatrogenocide means carrying the emotional burden for a whole society while being subjected to vile bigotry. I’ve lost several relationships, countless friendships, and beloved colleagues because I dare to point out the obvious truth that is right in front of us.
There are so many other things that we would all rather be doing. But the revolution calls us now to do everything we can to protect others from the cartel. I continue to like our chances — we have always held the better hand in this high stakes game to determine the future of the world. Pharma will always outspend us but we massively outnumber them and we’ve got science, logic, reason, rationality, evidence, data, health, nature, common sense, and love on our side. The Pharma regime is unsustainable and will collapse. The question is when.
The people who have done this to us are not going to go quietly. This only ends when we take power. So that is the task before us now.
Blessings to the warriors. 🙌
Prayers for everyone working to stop the iatrogenocide. 🙏
In the comments, please let me know your favorite article from the last year or anything else that is on your mind.
As always, I welcome any corrections.
Since I discovered your writing on Substack I've followed you and really enjoy reading your deep insight into the pharma cartel and their evil machinations. All I can say is, thank God there are people like you, who can educate and enlighten lay people like me. I've always had a deep distrust of the medical establishment and will do all I can to help bring it down.
Thank you, Toby Rogers, for your dedication to getting the truth out!
I only heard of you this year, but had a healthy skepticism of "warp speed" in early 2020 after hearing early warnings from Prof Dolores Cahill of Ireland. I was banned from both FB & Twitter, didn't go back when Elon bought TWitville, even though "invited" to return. Shared on Gettr until this year, my posts reaching almost zero reads or shares, ended that after 3yrs. Never was an anti-vaxxer until 2020. Now I wouldn't take one for any reason. I thank God for all the truth tellers! I'm so sad for all those still seemingly deaf to the truth. The truth always surfaces. Keep keeping on! I hope all readers who are able will support your work.
Thanks so very much!