Here are my notes from Biden’s first State of the Union:
The SOTU is happening under Vaccine Apartheid that requires members of Congress to show their papers (proving vaccination or negative test) in order to be admitted into the hall. Many Republican leaders, including Senator Marco Rubio and Representative Thomas Massie, are not in attendance because they refuse to participate in this clearly illegal and unconstitutional requirement.
Biden appears less capable than he probably is because he slurs his words and he’s had so much plastic surgery that his face looks unnatural and does not move. Also, he’s really orange, just one shade lighter than Trump.
Democrats think that Keynesianism is a superpower that can get them through anything. But their luck has run out. Keynes offers no insights into the current era of Pharma Fascism in the U.S.
Replacing lead pipes is fine. But those same kids get loaded up with aluminum by their pediatricians.
“We’ll buy America.” He meant “American” but he kept saying the wrong word over and over again because teleprompters are difficult.
Manufacturing is a prop for politicians. Democrats and Republicans intentionally sent manufacturing jobs to Mexico and China for 30 years to crush the working class.
Can’t thank Richard Trumka for his leadership on manufacturing because he got murdered by Pfizer last year. So Biden thanked some labor leader who no one has ever heard of.
“The shortage in the supply of labor…” was the result of vaccine mandates that caused people to get fired or quit.
“1 in 10 Americans has diabetes…” including that kid you just used as a prop. Do you know what one of the leading causes of diabetes is? Yeah, that.
Merrick Garland, crooked smile.
The notion that corporate profit-taking is the root cause of inflation seems unlikely. Corporations always take as much as they can. We know that high energy prices are a huge factor in rising inflation and there is no plan to do anything about that.
Joe Biden is obsessed with “kitchen table conversations.” Young politicians should take note — that central motif has helped him win elections for 40 years.
“Test to treat. If you test positive for Covid at a pharmacy they will immediately provide you with free anti-viral medicines.” WAIT, HOLD THE F’ UP. So you’re acknowledging that the medical freedom movement has been right about the importance of early treatment for two years and the White House is just now catching on? Walensky, Murthy, and Psaki owe all of us an apology. Of course the Biden administration and participating pharmacies will provide the wrong anti-viral medicines but it’s a start.
On the topic of “vaccinating the world” he meant to say, “You cannot build a wall high enough to keep out the virus.” But he made a Freudian slip and said, “You cannot build a wall high enough to keep out the vaccines.” Indeed.
“Gun makers are the only industry in American that cannot be sued.” Who’s going to tell him about the 1986 Act? Cell phone towers and oil exploration on public lands also have liability protection. Weird that the President of the U.S. knows so little about the law.
This speech is not going to change Biden’s poll numbers at all.
The Congress and this country are so polarized.
The appalling outbursts by Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene appear to be evidence of vaccine injury as well. Make your case to the voters, if you cannot stand to listen to the President for an hour, that’s fine, just stay home.
Transgender, “I’ll always have your back.” That’s cool. But less than 1% of Americans are trans. The 50% of Americans who oppose vaccine mandates have been harassed, bullied, fired, starved, tracked, censored, locked in their homes, barred from family gatherings, and treated with vile bigotry by the Democratic Party and the mainstream media every day for two years. The fact that Dems do not get this and indeed celebrate Pharma Apartheid and Jim Crow is sickening.
Unity agenda:
“Beat the opioid epidemic.” 23 million Americans in recovery. That’s a lot. It’s yet another front in Pharma’s war against the American people.
“Let’s take on mental health. Especially in kids.” That’s cool. Suspend the vaccine schedule immediately, problem (mostly) solved.
Fake Facebook “whistleblower”, Frances Haugen, was an honored guest in the gallery with Jill Biden. Even more reason not to trust her.
Veterans come home with brain cancer. Yes, do something about burn pits. But why burn pits and not vaccines? “Presumptive U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs benefits to servicemembers in connection with nine respiratory illnesses.” Yes, that’s better than doing nothing. By the way, Marco Rubio is a co-sponsor of the bill, so it was a missed opportunity to emphasize bipartisanship — it would have been awkward to thank Rubio who was likely down the street at Applebee’s because Pelosi would not let him into the House Chamber.
“Let’s end cancer as we know it.” Great, abandon the vaccine schedule. You’ll reach your targets early at a cost of $0 to taxpayers.
ARPA-H Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health — “drive breakthroughs in cancer, Alzheimer’s, and diabetes.” I’ll solve that for you right now — abandon vaccines. Alas, ARPA-H is going to be yet another boondoggle to send taxpayer dollars to Pharma.
Literally 75% of America’s problem right now are caused by Pharma. Not sure why we cannot have that conversation.
I thought Del Bigtree’s alternative State of the Union was a total home run. Any politician who hopes to tap into the massive medical freedom voting block in the next election needs to pay attention to these words. (The video clip on Twitter starts at about the 25 second mark:)

Blessings to the warriors! 🙌
Prayers for Tamara Lich and the Canadian political prisoners. 🙏
Undermine the fascists everywhere and always. ✊
In the comments, please let me know what you thought of Biden’s State of the Union and Del’s response.
(As always, please let me know if you spot any typos.)
I didn't watch Biden's S.O.T.U. address because I forgot to get anti-emetics. Sorry, to say, I've become so jaded I can't help finding something disingenuous about pretty much everything he says (correctly). He's been scamming us for nearly 15 months and there's no reason to think he won't stop. After all, he's not running the show, the Deep State is, and he's just following orders to avoid assassination. Sock puppets rarely say anything worth hearing.
Hello Dr Toby.
I would like to invite you to read this article I wrote for France Soir.