Mapping the different theories of the case in the medical freedom movement
Who exactly is directing the psyop or is there no puppet master at all?
When the Khmer Rouge overthrew the U.S.-backed government of Cambodia in 1975, nobody knew who the Khmer Rouge leaders were — for TWO YEARS. The leaders just called themselves “Angkar”, roughly translated as “The Organization” or more colloquially “The Brotherhood”.
The last three years have been kinda like that. Governments throughout the developed world moved in lock step, no longer made sense (nor followed science), and appeared to be responding to orders from above. In spite of the complete failure of the official Covid response, this pattern continues with no lessons learned and few course corrections. In the medical freedom movement we have been trying to figure out what happened ever since. We are thousands of detectives trying to piece together who the criminal masterminds are.
Now there are about eight or ten different theories of the case about what is happening and who is leading it. In this article I will try to map these different narratives and in the replies I’m hoping that you will help to improve and refine them. There is overlap between these different claims, it’s more of a Venn Diagram, I’m just trying to think through the different major themes.
This is Pharma attempting to take over the world
Central claim: Pharma already had a lot of power and then the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act gave them absolute power which corrupted them absolutely. On the eve of the pandemic lots of blockbuster drugs were coming off patents, they needed to keep their fat profits going, and global iatrogenocide accomplishes that goal. Pharma runs everything — government, media, academia, science, and medicine.
Strengths of this approach: This is the Occam’s Razor answer. Yes there are other players who have taken advantage of the crisis, but Pharma is the quarterback and has been since the 1980s.
Weaknesses of this approach: Why were 5G towers rushed out during the lockdowns? Why was the CIA at the table during the pandemic planning exercises? Why was there no resistance from any other industry, sector of civil society, or first world government? We know Pharma is powerful, but a psyop on this scale would seem to require many additional partners.
Chief proponents:
• Many parents of vaccine injured kids
• Children’s Health Defense (sometimes, see below)
• The Highwire (sometimes, see below)
• Lots of Substackers including me
This is a global takeover by 10 cartels who seek to impose fascism throughout the developed world
Central claim: Yes, Pharma is evil. But the Covid psyop is so much bigger than this one industry. What we are witnessing involves coordination between Big Pharma, Big Finance, military contractors, Big Energy, Big Food, Big Chem, Big Wireless, Big Media, Big Philanthropy, and Big Tech/Big Data to implement global fascism.
Strengths: These oligopolies have all gotten rich during the pandemic and they coordinate at Davos, the Allen & Company Sun Valley Conference, and daily in private. Our political system is run by these cartels.
Weaknesses: The pandemic and the failed response pose enormous threats to global capitalism from supply chain shortages to inflation and the possibility of economic collapse. Every industry except Pharma is potentially hurt by this. Even if Bill Gates wants depopulation, the profits at these other industries depend on population growth and a population healthy enough to work and buy things.
Chief Proponents:
• Children’s Health Defense
• The Highwire
• CJ Hopkins
• Lots of Substackers
This is a Communist Plot
Central claim: The Covid psyop is led by the Chinese Communist Party. Western billionaires including Bill Gates, George Soros, and their lackeys (Klaus Schwab, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus) love the CCP model of constant surveillance and totalitarian dictatorship and seek to force/trick western governments into adopting it.
Strengths: One can make a strong case that China is indeed leading the psyop. The iconic photograph from the early days of the pandemic in Wuhan makes no sense (no blood, when people fall they don’t land in a perfect sleeping position on their backs). In retrospect it appears staged to generate maximum fear. For the first few years of the pandemic China did well (factories stayed open and supplied the world, and they had relatively low Covid infection and fatality rates). China faces internal pressures and external threats and perhaps Covid was a way to solve those problems without an official declaration of war.
Photo credit: Héctor Retamal/AFP
Weaknesses: It seems to me that “billionaire communists” is an oxymoron. I come out of the political left and the left does not exist anymore — nearly all of the former left are corporate fascists now. The Democratic Party is entirely transactional and does the bidding of its largest corporate donors. China is properly understood as an authoritarian capitalist or totalitarian capitalist country — communism was just the old branding before the market reforms of the 1980s. So this is a “global communist takeover” led by no actual communists? Also, at this point the best evidence points to the University of North Carolina as the source of SAR-CoV-2 so it’s possible that China was an unwitting accomplice.
Chief proponents:
• Naomi Wolf (who is careful to pin the blame on the CCP not communist ideology per se).
• Lots of people in my replies.
• Lots of Republicans who don’t understand the difference between the various forms of totalitarianism and just call all of them “communist” (while fascism is rarely mentioned).
The puppet master is the banking industry
Central claim: Banks/governments have taken on too much debt, China wants to replace the dollar with the yuan as the global reserve currency, central banks want to replace private crypto with their own Central Bank Digital Currency, the hegemonic American/European financial order needed a major crisis in order to reassert control.
Strengths: Yes, all of those things are happening. Big banks always want to swallow smaller ones and grow their market share and profits. Central Bank Digital Currency is such an incredible threat to popular resistance that if enacted it will soon eclipse all else. Banks/financial institutions have been directing global colonialism and conquest for 500 years, perhaps this is just the new phase.
Weaknesses: It seems to me that this theory is what in political science we call “necessary but insufficient”. How exactly did the BANKS create and release a weaponized chimera virus in North Carolina and Wuhan? That’s not exactly in their wheelhouse (even if they contracted it out, that’s not in their area of expertise). The gain of function research was funded by government not private corporations. Yes, the financial sector is powerful but so are nine other cartels. And while the financial sector has the wherewithal to survive a downturn, in the long run it seems to me that a pandemic is bad for business.
Chief proponents:
• Catherine Austin Fitts
• Ed Dowd
When you follow the money it’s clear that this is a Department of Defense operation
Central claim: The Cold war is over, the war on terrorism is waning (and no longer captures the public attention), the defense industry needed a new war to keep the revenue flowing and so they launched a bioweapon against us.
Strengths: This camp has RECEIPTS — actual contracts showing that all pandemic procurement including vaccines ran through DoD and some of these contracts pre-date Covid.
Weaknesses: The problem I have with this critique is that it actually makes sense to run pandemic contracts through DoD because it’s just so much faster and easier than any other government procurement process. And the people who run DoD are dumber than a bag of hammers and always follow orders — I cannot see them pulling off an operation this sophisticated.
Chief proponents:
• Sasha Latypova
• Mathew Crawford
• Katherine Watt
• Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
There is no puppet master per se other than capitalism. This is a story of perverse economic structures, misaligned incentives, and bureaucrats run amok. The base determines the superstructure. Evil, unfortunately, is banal.
Central claim: We all want to blame some boogieman (or in my case, bougieman). That’s not how systems usually work. There is no central coordination, no grand scheme, no global conspiracy. This is a story of economic structures, misaligned incentives, and earnest bureaucrats who never ask normative questions. The Covid psyop is just a lot of people focused on advancing their own particular short-term interests and sometimes things turn out horribly which is what’s happening now.
Strengths: Global conspiracies are difficult to pull off. Some insider would spill the beans. Those who studied the last holocaust, Hannah Arendt and the Frankfurt school, found it banal, led by bureaucrats. Capital wants to increase itself, the bourgeoisie plays along, when profits dip the system goes to extremes, this has been happening for at least a century, perhaps for millennia. My former friends who went fascist did not receive orders from anyone in particular, they just internally felt that total compliance with “authority” was the right thing to do.
Weaknesses: They planned the pandemic right out in the open with Gates, the Chinese Communist Party, and CIA all meeting together. The things they wargamed actually happened. Bureaucrats are slow. They never could have pulled off the extreme speed, coordination, and Fifth-Generation Warfare that we have seen over the last 3 years.
Chief proponents:
• Eugyppius
• Giorgio Agamben
• Me (sometimes)
There is no such thing as a virus. Terrain (and lifestyle) explain everything. This is all one giant hoax (as is all of virology).
Central claim: Everything you think you know about viruses, epidemiology, health, and illness is a lie. Bad lifestyles explain poor health. There was no pandemic.
Strengths: I think it is true that viruses do not work the way that allopathic medicine claims that they do. Human “genes” don’t either (but that’s a story for another day). And lifestyle plays the biggest role in health. One should stay away from party drugs.
Weaknesses: This theory seems overdetermined. To my mind, the best theory of health is Terrain Theory AND Germ Theory not Terrain Theory OR Germ Theory. Sexually transmitted diseases show us that viruses are real. Not everyone is on poppers.
Chief proponents:
• Alec Zeck
• Tom Cowan
• Andrew Kaufman
There are Larger (Human) Forces at Work
Central claim: Old money, hidden institutions, Rothschilds, and worse are directing the action.
Strengths: Throughout history the most unscrupulous and wealthy families have financed both sides of wars. The Panama Papers show that most wealth in the world is hidden and difficult to trace. Swiss banks and numerous tax havens around the world mean that we have no eyes on the most important financial transactions. It seems likely that people with extreme wealth will use it to shape the world to serve their interests.
Weaknesses: I am uncomfortable though that this is an “argument from silence” — because we cannot see their actions therefore they are the ones in charge. And what’s their motivation? They already have more wealth than they could ever spend. Are they just getting joy from the carnage?
Central proponents:
• Few people attach their names to this one but it is often mentioned in conversation and replies online.
There are Larger (Non-Human) Forces at Work
Central claim: We are fighting evil itself, Satan, extraterrestrials, or some other dimension of existence that is directing the action.
Strengths: We are certainly in the midst of the greatest evil since World War II. The glassy-eyed looks we get from the true believers and their inability to have normal conversations looks like demonic possession. The Netflix series Ancient Apocalypse has already dramatically rewritten our understanding of ancient history. Physicists are always going on about other dimensions (although calamities such as mask mandates seem distinctly human-made).
Weaknesses: It’s non-falsifiable so we’ll likely never know for sure in this lifetime. Humans are really good at messing things up all by themselves. I worry that blaming external forces prevents a more robust examination of the flaws in human nature and how we should respond to them (although I know that for many people, the concepts of sin and even Satan help them to address their own human frailties).
Chief proponents:
• Many Christians in the movement
• Naomi Wolf
• Lots of people in the replies to my article “Fighting the spiritual battle on the spiritual plane”
Now I would like to turn the conversation over to you.
• Do I have the central tendencies right?
• What categories would you add or subtract?
• How would you refine some of these categories?
• Who would you add, subtract, or move from these various camps?
• Where do famous Substackers el gato malo, Robert Malone, Peter McCullough, Alex Berenson, Steve Kirsch, Emerald Robinson, and Mark Crispin Miller fit, or not fit, in this map?
Update: I would like to add two related theories of the case.
It’s not 10 cartels per se (although that may be the vehicle) it the global ruling class, the plutocrats. This gets much closer to the CJ Hopkins’ theory of GloboCap. The ruling class has grown tired of competing for resources and dealing with nuisances like elections, rule of law, and democracy. Also, it’s not just poor people who frighten them, they don’t like the middle class much either. For them, a world where 8 billion people have rights — to breathe, eat, work, vote, and live — is a nightmare. Thanks to the extreme concentrations of wealth and several high tech inventions, they now have the ability to implement High Tech Fascist Neo-Feudalism, they think that this is the superior form of government (because it recognizes their inherent superiority), so that is what they are implementing (with the help of the bougiecrats).
And then related to that, one can make a strong case that…
This is just straight up genocide, eugenics, depopulation. The plutocrats hate us, they want us gone, they want the planet to themselves, they like killing people because it makes them feel like gods, genocides have happened throughout human history, it seems to be a flaw in human nature whereby absolute power corrupts absolutely (everyone has this flaw but not everyone has the ability to act on it), so it’s happening once again. Not complicated. The thing that the plutocrats value most is power over others and now they have the means to implement that worldwide through iatrogenocide.
Blessings to the warriors. 🙌
Prayers for everyone fighting against the iatrogenocide. 🙏
Huzzah for everyone building the parallel society our hearts know is possible. ✊
In the comments, please help me improve this map by answering any or all of the questions above.
As always, I welcome any corrections.
Look what happens though to the collective consciousness through entrainment. Look at this powe
We have the power
Toby, Thanks for putting this together, and for your balanced way of looking at things.
I think the bankers and all of their corporate and government partners are the drivers, as they have been since the turn of the 20th century. The The Killing of Uncle Sam by Rodney Howard-Browne. The same class of people also gave us the CIA, whose foray into the drug business has demonstrated the base nature of all of this.
When you wonder about how some of the business partners of the elites might be concerned about an economic downturn, recall that the banks contracted credit in the late 1920, bringing on the Great Depression, and enabling them to buy up the existing economy on the cheap. The rapid rise in interest rates happening right now, in the setting of a debt-burdened economy, may well be the same thing. Chase just got a sweet deal on First Republic, for example. I think from time to time, the globalists want to buy up everything, so they like a little economic collapse.
This cabal has been talking about depopulation for a long time, but i suspect not all of the elites are into that. They're just going along for the profit ride. On the other hand, they don't care who gets hurt. See 9/11.,/video/VHUPcsBrLSJL/ Or any War that they instigate.
We must dismantle the FED for starters.