Ezra Klein has a loooong article in the Sunday NY Times titled, “Can Democrats Find a Winning Message?” It details a battle within the Democratic Party between two rival groups of pollsters — the Popularists (led by David Shor) and the Wokesters (led by the BLM, MeToo, climate change, and immigration reform crowd). Like nearly everything Klein does, the piece is well-written, meticulously researched, and almost certainly wrong. I’ll briefly summarize the argument and then (*ahem*) explain why it completely misses the mark.

Democrats are very worried about the 2022 midterm elections and the 2024 Presidential election. Almost all of the modeling by various pollsters shows Democrats losing the House and Senate in 2022 and then losing even more seats and the Presidency in 2024.
There are a number of theories as to why Democrats’ grasp on power is slipping. Foremost among them is that the Democratic Party does not represent the working class anymore. Democrats are now a technocratic party that represents college educated people. But with only 1/3 of the U.S. population having a college degree, that’s not enough to build an electoral majority. In the past, Democrats could count on support from the working class — primarily unionized factory workers. But when Democrats led by Bill Clinton became free traders and started sending U.S. factory jobs to Mexico via NAFTA and China via its entry into the World Trade Organization, the working class turned on the Democratic Party. Because these voters (along with traditional Republicans) are concentrated in smaller and rural states that are overrepresented (relative to population) in the Electoral College and the Senate, they provided the margin of victory for Donald Trump in 2016 and will likely hand the Congress to Republicans in 2022.
Democrats want to try to find a way to reverse this looming electoral tsunami that threatens to lock them out of power for at least a decade. This has led to a clash between two rival groups of Democratic pollsters. The Popularists (not to be confused with Orange Man Bad Populists) argue that the way to win elections is to poll voters relentlessly, figure out what’s popular with them, and only talk about the popular issues. Pretty obvious and not really that controversial. But it’s a strategy focused more on messaging than anything else — as if Dems’ biggest problem is only how they talk about issues (this is very post-modern and stems from a generation of Democrats studying Foucault in college).
But the Popularists are opposed by a different group of pollsters who are labelled the Wokesters (a term they hate) who argue that the purpose of both policy and messaging is to change the minds of voters by doing what is “right”. The idea is — who cares if defunding the police, relaxing immigration laws, and mitigating climate change do not poll well. They are the right thing to do and when you do the right thing people will eventually recognize that and come over to your side. It’s this sort of social justice paternalism infused with ruling class superiority and “nudge” behavioral economics. Both rival groups of pollsters would surely dispute this over-simplification of their position. But it does not matter because they are both a million miles off the mark and not really worth discussing further.
My view: The Democratic Party is indeed going to get wiped out in 2022, 2024, and thereafter. But it’s not because of demographics nor their messaging in connection with race, immigration, or climate change. The Democratic Party is about to get wiped out because they only believe in one thing — Pharma Fanaticism. And this will lead to not just the end of the Democratic Party but to the end of the United States of America as a viable nation and the end of life as we know it on earth.
Here’s what voters actually care about. The U.S. spends a small fortune on education and yet has declining test scores and IQ. The U.S. spends more per capita on “health care” than any other nation in the world and yet has declining health (over 54% of American children have at least one chronic health condition). The U.S. spends $750 billion a year on Defense and yet the D.o.D. partnered with a Chinese bioweapons lab to develop chimera viruses that have killed more Americans than all foreign wars combined.
The reason the U.S. has such abysmal educational and health outcomes is because throughout the life cycle (from pregnancy through infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age) doctors pump our citizens full of known neurotoxins via vaccines. The reason the Department of Defense does not stop Fauci from sending U.S. taxpayer dollars to the bioweapons lab of our biggest military adversary is because the entire political system is captured by Pharma. The reason why the media does not say anything about all of this is because they are captured by Pharma. The reason why the Democratic Party does not say anything about the genocide is because the Democratic Party is wholly owned by Pharma.
According to the best data set in the world on vaccine benefits and harms every vaccine on the U.S. schedule causes net harms. But Democrats never examine the underlying data because the white coats leading the genocide are a key part of their technocratic electoral base. To question vaccines would be to question their largest donors and the elite educated core of the party (and the entire notion of “meritocracy”). And Dems are not willing to do that. So the Democratic Party does whatever Pharma tells them to do. Pharma’s business model is to maim the entire world so that they can suck all of the wealth out of 6 billion people and put it into their pockets and so this has become the business model of the Democratic Party as well. And then the Democratic Party uses their massive messaging machine to blame critical thinkers for their declining popularity.
Republicans thus should be able to win every election for the next 100 years. But most Republicans do not realize that they hold the winning hand. Hammering Dems for leading a genocide against the American people since 1986 via the vaccine schedule is a winning political issue. Instead both federal and state-level Republicans focus on dumb cultural issues — “open borders”, critical race theory, various conspiracy theories, and whatever the Orange Man is on about that day. At best those issues can get a political party to 50% of the vote. But blowing the whistle on Pharma’s genocide of the American people will get the party to 80% or 90% of the vote (because it turns out that most voters are anti-mass-murder).
Any Republican Governor who wants to get elected President should put out an arrest warrant for Tony Fauci, ignore the FDA and CDC (explain that they are staffed with criminals), and pass out free ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, and zinc to everyone in the state. But thus far they have not bothered to drain this two foot putt. Instead we get contradictory half measures and battles over masks and “exemption” rules when the real battle should be about stopping the Pharma genocide altogether.
So it’s anybody’s ballgame at this point. Whichever political party stops the Pharma genocide will be rewarded by voters for generations. But right now neither political party seems capable of strategic thinking or strong leadership. So the way forward very likely will be a popular uprising that wipes out both political parties and replaces them with people who respect personal sovereignty.
I’m not sure it’s a winning issue. The people who understand this are definitely a small minority (I’m guessing 10-20% of the populace). The masses are so indoctrinated and brainwashed. I see so many people saying how even though they’ve been irreparably harmed they “would still get the shot” or that they plan to get the second one “once they’ve gotten their new (vaccine-induced) illness controlled” or even asking for help for some new injury while going on about how in no way are they questioning the importance of vaccines and “please don’t let this stop anyone from getting one”. In the VA race polling, 67% agree with the Dem that mandates are the answer and that he’ll “do a better job at keeping them safe”. The race is close because of other issues but if it were just about pharma, he’d be the winner and blue governors see Pharma fascism as winning issues and what people want. And with Trudeau’s reelection, Newsome’s recall failure and McAuliffe’s likely win, it seems they might be right. The people get the politicians they deserve and even though it would give me some delight and relief if Dems lose as you predict, the problem won’t get better until the public can be reached and educated. After this year, I’m not sure they are reachable or educate-able.
I agree the with the point republicans could promote taking down pharma as a winning issue. But I am not sure there will ever be fair elections again unless massive change happens soon in the voters favour. As well unfortunately I think dems vs republican is an illusion of choice. A controlled op. Both are pushing the same global totalitarian agenda lead by the Davos set & central bankers. I don’t think it’s accidental but planned. Like you said on Instagram WWII continued. For example the Rothschilds are known to fund both sides of many wars including WWII. Catherine Austin Fitts explains how she believes at the centre of this whole COVID mess is the great reset agenda, the central bankers switch to a credit at the company store global digital type currency and humanity becomes clipped slaves. It sounds dark but we can stop it if we work together. First we have to stop building our own prisons. For example people often have bank accounts with the big banks instead of small locally owned credit unions or invest in the stocks of Pharmaceutical companies or worse work for these monsters. If we all just stop supporting these companies implementing the enslavement of humanity it stops. It’s not like Bill Gates or Claus Swab or any of the Davos elites know how to make their own coffee or fix a car or anything so we shun them and all of the companies involved in this genocide (majority shares usually owned by black-rock and vanguard) And we step by step build the world we want instead. Thank you for your writing I really enjoy reading it.