Every step was designed to inflict maximum harm
That's how we know that they wanted this to happen
What’s striking about Covid is that every step was designed to inflict maximum harm:
Splicing HIV into a coronavirus (who even comes up with an idea that sinister!?).
Blocking access to hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin.
Removing NAC from the shelves.
No early treatment.
Respirators that kill 90% of patients.
Seeding nursing homes with Covid+ patients.
Blanket “Do Not Resuscitate” orders for the disabled.
“15 days to flatten the curve” that slowed the rate of natural immunity.
Closing schools for two years.
Masks that reduce oxygen.
Shutting down gyms to reduce exercise.
Keeping liquor stores open while closing the churches that host AA meetings.
Closing hiking trails, beaches, and parks thus preventing people from getting vitamin D.
Remdesivir and Paxlovid that are expensive, useless, and deadly.
The most toxic and deadly vaccines in history on a new platform that will never work.
Billions of dollars spent on propaganda to convince people to accept every step of this nefarious plan.
Firings, censorship, and blacklisting of critical thinkers.
Actual science was always ignored. Every action by government for four years degraded the health of the public. Covid is a world war, launched by the ruling class, against humanity.
Blessings to the warriors. 🙌
Prayers for everyone fighting to stop the iatrogenocide. 🙏
Huzzah for those who are building the parallel society our hearts know is possible. ✊
In the comments, please let me know what you would add to the list above? When did you realize that Covid is intentional?
As always, I welcome any corrections.
I knew from the beginning that this supposed Covid 'epidemic' was a fraud.
I worked in San Francisco when there was an AIDS 'epidemic'. Fauci told those with AIDS that they would have to wait for the HIV vaccine and could not use alternatives. I watched my engineers who were gay drop like flies because Fauci would not let them use alternatives. The saying at thqt time was 'Fauci lied, people died.'
There is still no HIV vaccine. HIV is a retrogressive virus that many carry for years unknowingly. It takes something like HPV to activate it. I asked why the prostitutes, many of whom had HIV, did not get AIDS.
Fauci created the template then that he used for the Covid scenario. So I did not buy what Public Health was telling the public and tried to tell my friends what had happened previously with Fauci but they still fell for the narrative and got the vaccine but not the boosters.
People need to start thinking for themselves and develop critical thinking skills.
Add "social distancing" to the list. Keeping people apart was paramount to the destruction. Shut down and kill small business, do away with any independent producers, shift all of the profits to mega corporations. I am in the special events business for over 30 years. Our small business was annihilated.
I knew in early March 2020 right after our last event, the absolutely eerie empty streets, then the fear from people when you did see them. I refused to mask up. (except once when I had to fly) People would literally duck and run from my face! I would just smile. Once a woman asked me how I could not wear a mask, I answered, "I am not afraid".
I was just sick when I saw the lines of cars to get the injection fraud, with ambulances standing by. People lost their ability to think due to the fear.
I am grateful to my mother, RIP, for her guidance in not trusting authority or anything blindly. She taught me well to think for myself.