BREAKING: the Pfizer clinical trial in kids under age 5 has now failed TWICE
Pfizer and the FDA lied yesterday. They are not "waiting for more data." They have the data and once again it is terrible
On December 17, 2021, Pfizer announced that the clinical trial of its mRNA shot in kids under age 5 had failed. Rather than withdraw this product, Pfizer “amended” its clinical trial to add a third dose. So Pfizer kept the original trial going and subjected these little kids to yet another shot of genetically modified mRNA.
The drug dealers at the FDA said, ‘sounds great, let’s proceed with authorization even in the absence of data.’ That created a huge public backlash as parents rightly protested that the FDA should not approve a drug for kids that failed in a clinical trial.
Yesterday (Feb. 11, 2022), the FDA was forced to admit defeat and Pfizer pulled its Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) application to inject kids under age 5.
Pfizer and the FDA claimed that they were “waiting for more data” that would be available in early April. We now know that this was a lie.
Buried deep in an article on page A13 of the NY Times this morning we learned the real reason why Pfizer withdrew its EUA — the clinical trial had failed, again.
Remember, Pfizer kept the clinical trial going after December 17. So between then and yesterday’s announcement, there was now roughly 55 more days worth of data. And it was truly terrible.
From the NY Times:
Then, late on Thursday [Feb. 10], Pfizer alerted the F.D.A. that it had more recent data, from mid-January on, showing a more discouraging picture as the Omicron variant bore down. The new data revealed that two doses were not sufficiently effective in preventing symptomatic infection.
Read that again. They have the data. And the data show that this shot does not work.
But even here, I think there is reason to believe that they are still lying. We already knew that “two doses were not sufficiently effective” — Pfizer announced that in December. The “more recent data, from mid-January on” is not the two dose regimen anymore, that phase of the trial is finished.
I think there is every reason to believe that this is now the three dose trial that they are describing. If the three dose trial was on track and showing promising results, they would have proceeded with authorization. So now we likely have the first evidence that the three dose trial has failed as well.
(Here’s my math: Pfizer likely injected the third dose into these kids between Dec. 17 and mid-January. So “from mid-January on” (to Feb. 10) is looking at the data in the 25 days after the third injection. In the comments, please let me know if you interpret this differently.)
So it is definitely NOT the case that this is just an incomplete trial that they are waiting to finish up in early April. All of the existing data is bad. Pfizer is now scrambling to find ways to save this product even though the clinical trial has now failed twice. And what’s Pfizer’s plan going forward — to just hope that the data in the next 60 days (from now through early April) magically turns the corner!? Talk about wishful thinking!
Just when I think the cartel and its enablers in the mainstream media could not possibly get any more cynical they sink to new lows.
Janet Woodcock and Peter Marks at the FDA must be fired and prosecuted for reckless endangerment of children. Pfizer must stop this grotesque clinical trial immediately and permanently suspend any plans to inject genetically modified mRNA into children under 5. Anything less is savagery and barbarism.
Blessings to the warriors! 🙌
Pray without ceasing for the truckers, may they feel our support and know strength and resiliency in the face of government tyranny!!! 🙏
THANK YOU to everyone who subscribed yesterday! In the comments please let me know what’s on your mind today.
That’s why we must NEVER trust Pfizer because of their lies
Let's brainstorm on how to save the children of Washington State from being mandated this month to receive the covid shots to attend private and public schools. Thousands of Washingtonians have watched via zoom and felt helpless as this unanimously pro-covid-shots-for-tots Board has held meetings in 2022. The slideshows presented to the appointed voting members of the State Board of Health contain misleading and biased information, based mainly on only Pfizer data, about the necessity, safety, and efficacy of covid shots. The Board members are not being presented with fair and balanced information from independent experts. How about a small but mighty group of medical and scientific professional to write a fair, slide-by-slide rebuttal of this misleading, disingenuous, slideshow? The issues of natural immunity, low risk to children, high risk of serious adverse effects and deaths in VAERS, VAERS underreporting factors, lack of effectiveness of the covid shots against current and emerging variants, age risk stratification, unknown long-term unknown side effects, experimental use authorization, dosing by age not weight, lack of carcinogenicity or reproductive toxicity studies, hospitalizations/deaths of children WITH covid versus DUE TO covid, clinically misleading PCR tests, mild Omicron variant, short-term waning immunity of covid shots, need for children's contribution to herd immunity after recovering from mild illness, and many other critical issues are not being addressed in the meeting materials presented to the State Board of Health. The public has no voice in choosing the officials or their vote. The Technical Advisory Group to the BOH is meeting on 2/10, 2/17, and 2/24 to make recommendations to the BOH before the final vote of the BOH is expected on March 9. The rebuttal could be presented to the BOH in a mass email campaign before the final TAG team meeting on 2/24. If you are a health care provider or scientist, please consider collaborating on a correction of the slideshow. If you are a writer, please write a post about this and share this urgent issue.
The evaluation criteria and presentations are here
Presentation materials for 2/10 and 2/17:
9 Immunization criteria: