Pharma wants us atomized, addicted, chronically ill, and dependent on them for survival.
We want real people, real connection, real food, actual health, and personal sovereignty. So how do we get there?
1. Cancel your cable. Cable TV is all just Pharma propaganda. Smash your iPad (it’s digital crack for kids).
2. Delete Facebook and Instagram. Mark Zuckerberg is evil, we do not work for him.
3. Fire your pediatrician and allopathic doctor. Find a functional or integrative medicine doctor, naturopath, or chiropractor who respects you and will support your decisions.
4. Find a medical freedom group in your state. All 50 states have them. Meet together in person, organize together, this fight is going to be won at the state and local level. Find a group via Health Choice, Stand for Health Freedom, Health Freedom for Humanity, and Children’s Health Defense. Participate in educational events, lobby days, and protests.
5. If you are able, homeschool your kids. Public (and many private) schools are not safe with Pharma roaming around looking for kids to inject. If you are not keen to teach, find like-minded parents around you and pool resources to create your own private learning pod.
6. Run for office. Apply to serve on a city or county commission. Participate in as many civic groups as possible. Read Sidewalk Strategies. Start out with school board. People who do not have vaccine injured children have an extra responsibility to consider running to be a voice for people who cannot run because they are 24/7 caregivers. If fortune has smiled upon you, please set up a fund to pay for nannies who work with special needs kids so that warrior mamas can run for office themselves (we really really need something like this).
7. You need a spiritual practice with others to survive the psychological war that we are in. Find a church, synagogue, temple, or mosque that supports medical freedom. Ask around until you find an ethical spiritual leader who is aligned with your views.
8. We have to build our own separate economy (we are already being kicked out of their corrupt economy). Figure out a side hustle, support each other’s businesses, farmer’s markets not corporate grocery chains. Pay with cash or barter. Organize dinner parties. Build things together. Share skills. Ask for help. Offer to help.
9. Study natural ways of healing. The mainstream is going to be a world of disease, pandemics, and death for the foreseeable future. So we have to master the art of natural ways of healing to keep ourselves and our families safe.
10. Be prepared for things to change quickly. Get to know your local sheriff. Government is not monolithic. Various branches of government do not get along well with each other. These coercive laws that are coming at us will not mean much if Sheriffs are not keen to enforce them. And the fact is that most Sheriffs do not want to be enforcers for the pharmaceutical industry.
Totalitarian regimes are brittle. When they collapse, they collapse fairly quickly, sometimes in a matter of a few weeks. Give some thought to how you can help them to collapse sooner. If a protest happens, do you have a phone tree ready so that you can turn out 100, 1,000, or 10,000 people on short notice? And develop a plan B for how to mobilize people if the phones go down.
When the regime collapses the current leadership will ‘scatter into the four winds’. Give some thought to how you would run the school board if the school board president quits or how you might run the city council if the mayor is forced from office. Billions of dollars are sloshing through the system right now buying off “trusted community leaders” to get them to push the shots on their constituents. Being associated with these bribes is about to become a career-ending liability for many of these people.
Write the bill now to end the neurotoxic poisoning of children so that we can introduce it, pass it, and sign it into law on the first day when we take power.
The point of all of this is just that we need to think of ourselves as subject not objects, we need to create the crises that lead to lasting change, and when crisis happens the ideas that get implemented are those that are already ready to go so let’s start building the blueprint for the better world that we know is possible right now.
Those are my thoughts for now. I know others will have lots of ideas too. What are your favorite strategy for taking our power back from the genocidal Pharma cartel?
This is a time when hackers could do some good. Hack the digital vax passport systems and crash them. Get started now.
We could also boycott all companies mandating vaccination for employees.