Here are my latest thinking points:
The base determines the superstructure
Say what you will about Marx, he figured out that class is usually the independent variable and that culture, ideas, values, religions, art, and laws are often the (down river) dependent variables.
This is an astonishing insight. It basically created the entire field of sociology.
This partially explains the failures of the Soviet Union — when the revolutionaries took power they became the ruling class and their values and ideals changed.
It also explains the relative success of the United States — the founding fathers set the ruling class up in opposition to each other by pitting the executive branch, legislative branch, and judicial branch against each other. The founders essentially hamstrung those who would be the ruling class and made it much harder to rule (thereby thwarting some of their worst tendencies).
And it explains our current predicament — all of these bougiecrats eagerly sacrificing themselves and their kids for Pharma. Well, their class position tells them that our system is meritocratic and that the white coats are The Science(TM). They would literally rather die than give up their illusions that they are the best people and this is the best system.
Infinite digital worlds
Global GDP is $80 trillion. Most of that is already spoken for (existing industries with barriers to entry). Competition is difficult and expensive. So capitalism came up with the idea of creating new worlds. No, not outer space (too expensive).
The metaverse.
Infinite digital worlds. $80 trillion + $80 trillion + $80 trillion… ∞
I do not fear the Facebook Metaverse very much — it looks dull and lifeless. Lizard people with bad social skills do not create interesting alternative realities.
I fear the Minecraft, Epic Games (Fortnite), and Disney metaverses.
How many people do you know, particularly those on the spectrum, who, if given the opportunity, would spend all of their time inside a Disney movie — from Mary Poppins to Star Wars?
I cannot overstate what a massive problem this is.
And the more people are poisoned by Pharma, EMF, and toxic chemicals in the real world, the greater the demand to escape to the metaverse.
The metaverse is a form of slavery.
That’s why sane people want out
Bougiecrats learn masochism from an early age. In high school, the girls starve themselves to be thin. The guys work out to the point of stress fractures. They will do anything to win.
In college, the masochism deepens. They stay up all night to get a slightly better grade. They push themselves to the breaking point. They get off on the pain.
Their first jobs after college requires 80-hour weeks. It’s a culture of pain. But over time, as they start to achieve success, the masochism quickly slides into sadism. You have to understand that the entire bourgeois economy is a giant exercise in BDSM.
Also correct
Could be a lot sooner than that.
Not really keen on the working class after all
It’s all vaccine injury
Karenism, hypochondria, censorship, cancel culture, fascism, show-me-your-papers, the need for total control, the abandonment of logic — basically the entire Democratic worldview at this point — these are all signs of neurological injury, likely caused by vaccines.
Lucy with the football
F’ing Alex Berenson throwing Robert Malone and Naomi Wolf under the bus and claiming that long covid is hysteria.
F’ing Vinay Prasad and Adam Cifu ribbing each other like little schoolboys today (on Twitter) making fun of vitamin D. (Yes, I get that supplementing with vitamin D is not ideal, but natural vitamin D from the sun is healing af.)
That’s the problem with these bougiecrats who want to position themselves as honest brokers in the scientific policy debate. When the time comes for them to renew their membership card in the bourgeoisie, they ALWAYS start throwing allies under the bus to earn their way back into the good graces of capital.
The mainstream does not care about science, or data, or truth, it only cares about class position. If you want to be a scientist you must follow the data, without bias, wherever it leads you. You don’t get to just lick the red pill, you must swallow it. There is no going back. Either you wear your exile from the mainstream with pride or admit that you are not really that committed to truth.
WEF and Davos are just so incredibly destructive

Hilarious that Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson is freaked out by bouncy castles:
“It’s disturbing when you see the protest turning into what looks like some kind of a fun carnival, where they've got bouncy castles, and hot tubs, and saunas.”
Best revolution ever!!! 🙌
We all need to gather our strength — the next two weeks are going to be the most intense in the history of the movement.
Blessings to the warriors. 🙌
“Pray without ceasing” for the truckers. 🙏
Please keep educating the FDA.
In the comments, please tell me (even just a sentence or two) about the better world that you are fighting for. ❤️
I’m old, so I’m “fighting” by paying for writers in whom I believe; either here on Substack or non-traditional news outlets. I just hope the world those writers (like you) envision will come to fruition for my children and theirs.
I want a decentralized World where the masses are not absolutely dominated by a small group of powerful wealthy people. I do not want great centralized and concentrated power in government and I do not want it in the private sector. I am tired of the few dominating the many.